Table of Contents
6 Work From Home Jobs Strategies that’ll Get You Making Money From the Comfort of Your Home.
Since I’m currently making money at work from home jobs and loving it, I’ll try to help you get there or at least make a decent side hustle working from home to start you off.
Blogging is currently my favorite work from home job. And if you like the idea of passive income then you’ll want to look into it too. It is a lot of work upfront, but it can be one of the least-cost investments you can make for your future. If you want to skip this post and go straight to my FAST TRACK for becoming a blogger you can see my post: How to Become a Blogger right now.
There are MANY ways to make a living online right now. I would say the best strategy isn’t to make money online any one way but to make money online through various sources.
Real work from home jobs:
Here’s a list of work from home opportunities:
Freelance work from home jobs
Online Surveys
Do a Remote Job Search on Indeed
Teaching Online
Diversify Your Work From Home Jobs Strategy
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
As far as work from home jobs go, blogging is our favorite.
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
1. Freelance Work From Home Jobs
In the past 3-4 years, I’ve been working as a freelance writer. It has paid very well for its time and has had its ups and downs. But it is no longer my only work from home job strategy.
Pros and Cons
Work when I want (mostly)
Get paid WELL for my hourly rate ($125-$150 an hour or more)
Work for who I want (mostly)
Freedom to travel (my favorite)
Life skill I can take anywhere
Great side hustle income
Deadlines with Clients
Rude Clients (it happens more often than you would think)
Trading my time for money
Not passive or automatic
If you take a day off, you aren’t getting paid for that day
Performance-based work
Lots of self-marketing
Sometimes work finds you, but a normal routine involves applying for contract and online jobs regularly.
Overall, I would say that I have loved working as a freelance writer even though it’s no longer my only online jobs strategy. There is LOTS of opportunity for anyone who wants to leave their full-time job and be a full-time freelancer or anyone that wants to start as a side hustle.
I am willing to teach copywriting through Upwork and I charge $150 an hour. You can take a few hours from me and usually get started charging higher rates from clients. It’s hard to get started initially but once you get going, who could say no to charging $100+ an hour writing?
Here’s my Upwork link if you want to send me a message about learning copywriting: Learn How to Be a Copywriter and Get Paid to Write
And there is no one mold fits all scenario. You will hear people complaining in various places about how all the “good” work has dried up because of cheaper workers from countries outside of the U.S. but in my first-hand experience, this is completely untrue. This month I wrote emails for a client for over $100+ dollars an hour (this is an estimate because it was a flat fee job.)
I charge a high rate because my services are specific and valuable not general, and I personally want to “buy” back my time so to speak.
I want to work to live not the other way around.
My strategy is to work to live not live to work…
But that’s just me.
You could easily start a freelancing career today and charge $30-$80 an hour and take a BIG chunk of the freelance pie or make enough to pay the bills and save. I would recommend always trying to increase your rate, but again that’s just me.
Not everyone’s experience is the same. I left my full-time job making $12.61 an hour (my boss told me I’d be making $12.75 over the phone and then when my paychecks started coming it said $12.61, SMH. Really? No notice and just cheap your employee out on .14 an hour?!) Needless to say I learned quickly through various jobs how much “the company” cared about its employees.
I started freelancing and quickly landed a job for $20 an hour (quite the raise from $12, with no specialized degree or formal training. Completely self-taught), so it was a no brainer for me to leave regular employment behind for the moment.
I’m grateful for the experiences I have been through and what I have learned, but I just realized early that I didn’t want to be there if I didn’t have to. My new idea became work from home and online jobs and to be my own boss and honestly, it’s been amazing and hard, as all worthwhile things are 🙂
Freelancing from home has been amazing and hard, as all worthwhile endeavors are…
So I’m grateful for the time I’ve spent as a freelancer and I recommend it to anyone. It’ll continue to be a side hustle in my work from home bag for the foreseeable future!
As far as work from home jobs go, freelancing is not a bad road to check out.
Want to get paid to write? Check out Writing Paychecks
- There is a simple method over 30,000 people use to get paid for freelance writing online.
- Opportunities can get started in just minutes a day, all from your home couch.
- It’s easy to get started! No previous experience or degree required to start.
- Exclusive job listings for writers, updated daily.
Check out Writing Paychecks to see if you can start getting paid to write today.

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
2. Blogging
Since taking the work from home leap, I have grown in my overall work from home plan and blogging is now my most recommended source of work from home jobs income.
Blogging From Home Pros and Cons
Work when you want. Period.
Set up automated systems and make money while you sleep or watch Netflix
Be your own boss
Freedom to travel
Make your own schedule
Write what you want or post and design what you want
Help people with your passions and skills
Prioritize what is important to you in life
Get to tell people you’re a blogger. 😉
A LOT of work upfront
No guaranteed pay for the time and work you put in
Lots of rules to follow
The strategies you put in place to make money might not work
Lots of competition
SEO and online marketing is ever-changing
The list is almost equal in the number of pros and cons, but for me, the pros HIGHLY outweigh the cons. Maybe because I already started from nothing with freelancing and worked my way into a career starting with very little knowledge and starting from the bottom and working my way up.
The ability to build something set it in place and go to bed and wake up and check it and see that it’s making resources for your life is a game-changer!
Say you have a kids baseball game to go to, are you getting paid while watching that game?
Your buddies want to go out for drinks. Are they getting paid while you’re all sitting there?
When your friends clock out for work on Friday and enjoy their weekend with you, are they making money over the weekend?
When you need to take time off, your blog doesn’t have to. It’s still there and it’s still running (if you built it the right way.)
Most people are not. Nothing wrong with that, just some people have different agendas than others.
If you decide you want to know more about becoming a paid blogger, you can see my VERY detailed post here: How to Become a Blogger.
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
As far as work from home jobs go, blogging is our favorite.
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
3. Online Surveys

Surveys, surveys…surveys.
Surveys are more of a side hustle work from home than an actual job.
I would never recommend online surveys as your main source of income but if online surveys are done well it can mean hundreds of extra dollars (and stuff) in your pocket each year or more depending on how much time you put into it.
And surveys can be fairly passive forms of income, almost like cashback for buying stuff.
It takes a minute to sign up and go to the site, but you can easily watch Hulu and earn money taking surveys while you do that.
I know of people that are religious about it and earn A LOT of extra cash for extra movie nights and dates and some people even earn points for flying and travel.
Whereas others just do 2-3 surveys a week while watching TV and have an extra couple hundred dollars a year added to their bank account.
What’s cool about surveys is it can be as little or as much as you want it to be and it’s completely up to you. It’s just an extra income that is easy for you to take advantage of if you aren’t already.
Online Survey Options for you:
1. Swagbucks
Swagbucks is easy to use and extremely trusted. This can be an easy making money while watching TV side thing. You will make most of your money with them through referrals.
Sign up for Swagbucks.
2. American Consumer Opinion
If you are an American Consumer, you win!
This survey company is looking for Americans and will pay you for your opinions and surveys.
Taking a walk? Put on some music, take some surveys and make cash. Easy as that.
Sign up for American Consumer Opinion.
As I find other great, reliable online survey options I’ll try to update this list, so check back for more on that.
4. Do a Remote Job Search

There are a surprising amount of work from home jobs that are popping up all over the internet every day.
I remember when it was almost not an option, but now many companies are making the mobile, across the globe office, a part of their business strategy, which means you can make it a part of your work from home jobs strategy too.
I remember when a buddy of mine got a job working remotely full-time for Buffer. I thought it was the coolest thing. I right away started applying for Buffer jobs thinking “This is my ticket to work from home full-time” WRONG. I got rejected, I think a couple of times, so I gave up. I’m glad I did, or I probably never would have become a copywriter or blogger 🙂
You never know where the journey will lead!
Anyway, I took the liberty of doing a remote job google search for you.
Make sure they are legit. But for the most part, I think you’ll be shocked at the possibilities at your fingertips.
Google work from home job search
Follow the link above or do your own google searching around.
Like I said some are advertisements for who knows what, but there are a growing number of companies looking for work from home jobs employees and even freelancers that are completely legitimate.
Terms to search:
work from home indeed
work from home jobs indeed
online jobs indeed
remote work indeed
And you can also add in a specialty: work from home jobs “specialty” indeed. Example: “work from home virtual assistant indeed.”
Hope you find your work from home jobs.
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
As far as work from home jobs go, blogging is our favorite.
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
5. Teaching Online (Updated)
My wife actually did this for a while. And I’ll share with you the exact company she used to make an extra $1000+ a month part-time working from home. She spent less than 20 hours a week working with them.
As far as work from home jobs go, this one was a winner for us and could be for you 🙂
She taught 1-4 Chinese students English on her laptop just about every morning.
She loved it and it worked great for us because now we were both able to make an income from home. Part of the dream is to be stay-at-home parents and be able to very involved in our kids’ lives.
I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again. When you can work from anywhere on your own schedule you can really prioritize what is important to you personally.
Again, this isn’t for everyone. I know plenty of people that would hate the lifestyle we live, but for us right now, it’s great.
Teaching online, especially English is a RAPIDLY growing niche.
If you are already a teacher that wants a good side income this is for you.
If you want to work from home and think this could be your speed this is a great way to do it.
You MUST have reliable internet, and different companies have different requirements like education and training, etc.
My wife was rejected by several companies before one signed a contract with her. She never gave up though. So don’t worry if you get rejected at first, just keep trying. My wife doesn’t have a bachelor’s, so don’t think that excludes you. – recent update: Unfortunately China recently changed their country laws about ESL teachers needing a Bachelor’s to teach Chinese Students so this no longer works for us 🙁 , but I wouldn’t let it deter you if you have a Bachelor’s and want to make some good extra money from home I still think this is a great opportunity for the right people.
My wife worked with SayABC. She loved it. She made her own schedule depending on class availability. She got to choose when she wanted to take time off when we traveled, and what events she could say yes or no to without being hindered by this work from home jobs income.
Check out SayABC here: Check out SayABC right now
Do you want to teach children English and work from home?
As far as work from home jobs go this one is a winner in our books.
6. Diversify Your Work From Home Jobs Strategy
If there is ONE MAJOR RULE I’ve learned doing work from home jobs, it is to diversify where your income comes from.
You don’t always have a guaranteed paycheck coming in next week and it’s easier to make more if you do several things or jobs in order to make things work.
So my recommendation is, don’t quit your day job right away.
If you are able and can throw your full attention into finding work from home jobs than by all means do what you do.
But for most people, they will have to start their work from home jobs thing on the side and grow it to a place where they can quit or not quit their day jobs if they like.
In my opinion, you will want to do several things to pay the bills and figure out what works best for your unique situation before relying only on work from home jobs.
If you decide to try some freelance work, try some different specialties and work your way into specializing in one that you can charge more for being an expert in.
This is a key strategy in making more for your time in freelancing: Specialize in something
And do research beforehand to make sure what you are specializing in is going to pay off.
Do some online surveys while you’re relaxing to earn some extra cash.
Sign up for SwagBucks right now and start saving
Sign up for American Consumer Opinion
Start a Blog about your side hustle or work from home jobs journey, or something else your passionate about and want to write or create content for.
Blogs aren’t just about writing, they are also about creating videos and art and cooking and pictures and anything you can think of really. Do a quick google search about your passion and see what you can do to join the blogging community.
If you’re considering starting a Blog I recommending hosting through Bluehost. You can see more details about starting a blog of your own here: Don’t wait, it’s time to start your passion project.
Even if you never decide to monetize it, you’ll own it and it will be meaningful time spent doing something you love and are interested in 🙂
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
As far as work from home jobs go, blogging is our favorite.
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
I hope this helps! Leave us comments and questions and we’ll try to get back to you personally ASAP.
Have you started any work from home jobs part-time or full time?
Do you have questions about work from home jobs?
What would you do if you could have any work from home jobs?
Would you have multiple work from home jobs or just one?

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