Aaron Sorkin on Screenwriting Part 2
We’ve been enjoying Aaron Sorkin’s MasterClass.
This is a continuation of tips straight from the screenwriter’s lips.
Does the protagonist have to beat the obstacles?
The Answer according to Aaron is no. They just have to try, and we have to see them try and see how it turns out.
This could ultimately lead to tragedy or it could be a “get back up and try again” sort of story.
How do I let my audience know what the intentions are?
How do I let the reader or the audience know what my main protagonist’s intentions are?
Just state it. “I want blank,” “someday I’d like to blank,” “before I die, I’m going to blank. You’ll see.”
Have them continually confront obstacles.
First, they have to cross the lava swamp. Then the snake pit. After that, the heavily guarded door, up the booby-trapped stairs, through the laser room, and not before the room with giant swinging axes of doom will they be able to reach the coveted ham and cheese grilled sandwich.
Don’t let the audience know about every single obstacle upfront.
Let them know about some beforehand but leave some to be discovered as we go.
Leave them as a good surprise.
We thought that it was just a laser room that could slice you up. It’s also on a timer and as soon as the clock hits 20 seconds the entire room vaporizes anyone standing in it.
How much time do you have?
How much time will an audience give you before they get bored and leave?
It depends on what they are watching and why? People spend a lot of money and effort to get to a play. Even if they don’t like it, it is unlikely they will get up and walk out.
Movies in a theater are similar. They would really have to hate it to get up and walk out. But audiences have before and will.
Now things like TV and Netflix, the time they give you to interest them goes dramatically down.
It took them no time or effort to get to the couch in their pj’s. They might give you a minute or two. If you are writing for a TV drama the network will ask you to please have some sort of hook within the first two minutes.
The easiest thing for them to do is press the channel change button or the back button and try something else.
The most they might give you for a streaming show might be the first episode, but not everyone is that dedicated to finding out if they will like a story.
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That’s all for now.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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Aaron Sorkin on Screenwriting Part 2
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