Hi, my name is Jeremy. For about 4 years, my wife and
In the last 3 years, there have been many ups and downs. I’ve gone from being fired at $20 an hour as a freelance writer to making over $150 an hour as a copywriter.

(If you’re interested in me helping you with your business, you can work with me here: Jeremy’s Upwork Profile.)
Even though I was seeing some success as a freelance writer, I still wanted to build something that would make money online while I worked from home that was automated and that would continue to run even when I needed to do other important things in life like…
Torturing my dog (Coda) by forcing him to take pictures with me in human clothes:

or playing with tiny snakes in the driveway:

or celebrating Valentine’s Day with my wife (Haley) at Wally-World:

So we built a blog.
Our blog is small, but it made a profit and paid for itself and more during our first year with it. We would recommend anyone wanting to make extra money online starting a blog, and we’ll do our best to help you! Reach out to us any time for advice as we learn new stuff every day!

If you are interested in making extra money from a blog read this: How to Start a Blog.
If you are not sure yet, but thinking about it, read this: Why Start a Blog?

In high
(Quick update: As I’ve been blogging for a year or so now I have realized that a blogging business is a possibility for more than just writers and you don’t have to be a “writer” to succeed in blogging, but you ABSOLUTELY need to be an entrepreneur and have a business mindset.
Making extra money online is more possible for families in 2020 than any other time in history. There are millions of free tools to help people with blogging in WordPress. You don’t have to be some genius coder or writer to make this work for your family.
Blogging is a way for stay-at-home Moms and Dads to make extra income and a better financial life for their families. And Blogs that are kept up are an asset for future generations. The start-up cost is not much. Try below $200 in most cases. (This doesn’t even include the fact that you get a lot of tax breaks with blog income expenses.)
With this in mind read on, but understand that ANYONE who wants to make extra money for their family or themselves can do so with a blog and some will-power to learn and succeed.)
After college I went through the many ups and downs of different careers, from hard labor, to customer service, to sales.
At some point, I realized I couldn’t achieve what I wanted to in life and do what I thought was important to me personally with the ball and chain of the 9 to-5 job lifestyle.
I wanted to be around my family more. And wanting to be a Dad someday, I desired to be able to “be there” for my kids. Games, practices, piano recitals, I wanted to be there.
“Work from home,” started to become a reality for some folks and I thought, “That’ll be my way out of the life I don’t want and into the life I do want.” So I started to research and learn how I could make a living from home.
I tried MANY things. I tried chacha, I tried surveys, I even tried receiving packages from some random person I found on a freelance site and then shipping them for him to random places (this seemed SUPER SHADY to me, so I actually freaked out and quit the first day he sent anything to me. I rejected the mail from the FedEx guy and never heard from him again.)
Needless to say, I made plenty of mistakes. At one point, I had pretty much given up on the “get paid to write and work from home” dream. It seemed like everything I had tried was a pipe dream that preyed on peoples’ desires and I had enough. I put the dream out of my mind but kept my ears open.
Then one day a glimmer of hope…
I called an old friend from college and he told me he had been working online as a “copywriter.”
“Well yeah, I guess I do!”
This is what I had been waiting for. I was hooked.
I dove head first into the freelance writing world!
Everything I had dreamed about doing, being able to work from home (or anywhere), being able to travel, being able to make my own schedule, being my own boss, being able to prioritize what I thought was important in life, working to live and experience life, not living to work…
So I took years and spent thousands of dollars figuring out how to be a paid writer and work from home, and that’s some of what you will find here on this blog.
You will find family-friendly resources here, as well as how you can make money extra money online with your own blog.
I am very eclectic by nature. I love research and learning daily, so you will find things that I am currently learning about and enjoying myself. You will also find other work from home related topics. If I find something that I enjoy a lot or benefits my life, I love sharing it with others so you can expect to find it here!
(Update: After working from home for years I would recommend that work from home Moms and Dads and people that want to work remotely and travel should go about it in two ways.
Create some freelance income and create some blog income. You can choose one over the other but I would recommend trying both and then putting more effort toward the direction that you enjoy more or meets your needs more.
I personally enjoy the blog income more and the lifestyle it gives me, so I am more biased toward blogging right now.
But the income I have achieved through freelancing is good too, I just haven’t enjoyed freelancing as much as blogging. Do what’s best for your personal situation )
If you have any questions, please let me know!

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.
If you enjoy storytelling, creating content, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
Check this out.
Amazing article. Ahhhhh. How to be a writer and GET PAID? The age-old question. I used to struggle and worry about being a writer too. I know that feeling of despair. I found this helpful guide back towards the end of 2019 and haven’t looked back since. These days the gig offers are rolling in and I am so busy I don’t know what to do. I guess it isn’t a horrible problem to have really. I wanted to share this all with you here if you are struggling with making it as a writer. Don’t worry. There is hope! I am a living example of it.
Thanks for writing in, Brawn. It’s good to let people know that we all start somewhere and that if we persist forward and work at it we will likely be in a better place than we started with writing and actually getting paid for our work. Happy writing!
So interesting. I found you blog from Pinterest. Your content is magic. Powerful and the best storytelling.
That’s great! We’re glad you enjoy the storytelling.