Hi There,
Looking to see how we can work together?
- Have me optimize your website or blog as a specialized website consultant. I go through and look at your marketing funnels, email marketing, products, and copywriting and give you a plan to make the whole thing generate more reaction from your traffic. This plan costs $4,000 a month and takes at least 3 months. This plan isn’t for you if you don’t have the budget to invest or you don’t like to hear a critical view of what isn’t working and what needs to be changed to make your site perform better.
- Give me a sponsored post to work with. I am extremely choosy with the brands and products I choose to sponsor. If I don’t think it’s a winning horse, I won’t do it. Cost for this is $1,000.
- As a copywriter myself I can wow you and your audience with a post of your choice promoting what you want on your site. To write a blog post for you, it costs $1,500.
You can drop a comment of interest here, or reach out to us at support(at)howtodothewritething(dot)com
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