Fictional Characters: Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters
We made this list of character habits so that writers could use them to get creative inspiration for writing more dynamic characters.
Everyone has bad habits.
Some are more obvious than others.
Some characters are super-secret about their bad habits, while other fictional characters are oblivious that they have a bad habit.
And some are obnoxious about their bad habits.
This will be a list of bad habits for you to use for your fictional characters.
Use one or two or many, but remember, the more believable the better with little character traits such as bad habits.
Bad Habits for Your Fictional Characters:

Worry can kill. It can also ruin relationships and ruin a good date.
Doubting someone your character cares about can soil the relationship. A character could push others away with their doubt.
A character could be so jaded by the world that they chronically never trust anyone.
Easily angered.
You know the type. Ticking time bomb. Walking on eggshells being around them.
Picking nose.
Ew Gross.
Picking at face.
Distracting when you’re trying to talking to someone that is constantly touching their face.
Talks too much.
Ever get stuck talking to someone that never takes a breath?
Bad Listener.
Relationships can end or begin based on a character with good or bad listening skills.
Talks too little.
Ever been trying to get to know someone and all they have to say is, “yah” “nah.”
Enough said.
This could be a habit they know they want to quit but have a hard time.
Chewing Tobacco.
Don’t pick up the wrong bottle in their house!
Nobody wants to be around an angry drunk.
Drug addiction.
Ever have your character steal for drug money?
Pain Killer Addiction.
Easy to get into. Even easier for a character to hide for a long time. No smell and everyone has prescriptions right?
Always late.
Your character could lose their job.
Nail Biting.
Does your character disgust their love interest because their fingers are always in their mouths?
Always on their phone.
Who isn’t always on their phone these days, but when your character is staring at their screen while having coffee with a friend bleeding their heart out, that friend might look for friendship elsewhere…
Talking with a mouth full.
Your character might not get asked to eat out much…I wonder why?
Gets lost in social media.
Who doesn’t? But maybe your character missed an important event because they were scrolling social media.
Video game addiction.
Ever miss Christmas because you had to get that game achievement? Family members do not like that sort of behavior.
Not sleeping enough.
We’re not talking insomnia here. A character could have an accident at work just from a willful lack of sleep.
Poor Posture.
Does your character look like a hunchback?
Not dealing with stress well.
Does your character bottle everything up and worry about it alone?
Eating addiction.
Does your character’s weight affect their life and relationships negatively?
Doesn’t brush teeth.
Doesn’t shower.
No care for hair.
Does your character lack hygiene? What type of social problems do they encounter on a daily basis?
Has your character lied one time too many and burned too many bridges with their lies?
Who did they steal from? Are they a casual shoplifter, a bank robber, or did they bite off too much and steal from the mob?
Did they cheat on a test, a lover, or a spouse? Did they get caught? What are the consequences? Does their lover know?
Does this character shoot themselves in the foot with their mouth?
Junk Food
Cavities anyone?
Loud Mouth
Has their talk too big and not be able to back it up attitude got them into a little bit of trouble?
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I hope this helps! And we will probably add more later!
Now get out there and write something!
What bad habits will your next fictional character pick up?
Do they have one or two already?
Will they acquire one while your readers read about them?
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