Finding Writing Motivation as long as It’s Called Today
Is the day that you are reading this called today? Then you can find writing motivation today 🙂
I know it sounds funny to say it that way at first but it is important to stay focused on what is possible today and not on what was missed out on yesterday.
What we do today will ultimately affect tomorrow, but we have a little control over tomorrow. We have absolutely no control over yesterday, but today we have control and the potential to write some really amazing stuff!
So let’s try to find writing motivation today.
Write about the little things.
I was recently reading Storyworthy (an excellent book about storytelling. Good for writing stories and telling them out loud as well.) and one of the author’s tips was to keep a log of daily memories.
He has a skill at turning everyday life into award-winning stories. (I highly recommend reading it).
But I found it to be true. By applying the skills he talked about we can find deeper emotional meaning in our everyday experiences and turn them into story-worthy moments.
The big problem is. We aren’t actively looking for them. If we change the way we think about our lives and telling profound stories we will open our eyes to a treasure trove of stories that we may think aren’t worth telling, but this just isn’t true.
Part of the book teaches us how to make great stories out of our everyday lives.
Reward yourself.
I don’t know what your reward system is in your life, but my wife and I call it “Fun money.”
Fun money is essentially cash we can spend on whatever we want without checking with each other. The mentality is “blow your fun money on whatever you want!”
It’s fun. Every once in a while we might bet each other fun money on stuff, just for fun.
For instance, we might debate in a certain memory, “I thought we watched that movie while we were dating.”
“No honey, we definitely saw that when we were engaged.”
If we find out that we can 100% prove a fact we might wager a little fun money before revealing the actual facts 😏.
This is fun for us. But what is fun for you? What’s your “fun money?”
Tools? (My brother reward himself with tools 😂)
You should set yourself a Writing goal and then set yourself a reasonable reward.
“If Write 1,000 words today I get to go out for ice cream.”
“If I Write 2,000 I get dinner and ice cream.”
“If I write 3,000 I get dinner, a movie, and ice cream!”
Those rewards might sound silly to you, but the more you are able to turn writing into fun the more excited you will get about doing it, and the more you do it the habit will form. If you form a habit, you will get better.
Find community.
I cannot even put into words how powerful and important this one tactic is. If you do nothing more from this post other than put yourself around other people that write daily, it’ll be very hard for you to not start writing daily as well.
Psychologically this works all the time. We become like people we put ourselves around. Almost without fail.
Find groups online and in real life. There are writing communities on Reddit, FB, Twitter, etc. (There used to be one on Parler that was good, but Parler didn’t make it r.i.p. Parler.)
It’s not as easy to find people in real life, but I recommend checking out your local library. Reading groups can sometimes have writers as well. And today I’ve heard that more and more groups are meeting via zoom and other video groups. If you can’t get out you can now find a video group to join.
What is your “why?“
Ask yourself, why do I write?
Some of us write for stress reduction. Writing can be a way to help us struggle through our emotions.
We write for fun. It’s fun to create something. It’s enjoyable to create a story and characters and dive into their lives and psyche and see what they do and where they go.
Some of us get paid to write or want to get paid to write. Today there are a myriad of paid writing jobs. Probably more than any other time in history.
If you want to be a paid writer, today is the day. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It is easier to get paid as a writer today than at any other time in history. There are many writing job opportunities and the opportunity to learn to write well is massive compared to the past. (My recommendation is learning how to make money as a blogger. One of the best ways to make money blogging is through affiliate marketing.)
So why do you write? Why do you want to write?
Knowing your “why” can really help motivate you today to keep writing out to start.
Some days your why will motivate you and some days it just won’t. That’s okay. We as humans change and grow all the time. This means we have to look at different angles of life and what we personally like about writing differently as we age and our lives change.
I recently read about an author that was a full-time bar owner before he started writing. When he realized it was his calling he sold his bar and now his daily life revolves around writing 6 hours a day. WAY different than being a bar owner.
Times change and motivations change and that can be a good thing. So if something stops working to motivate you to write, just try something else out something new altogether.
The most important thing is, don’t stop trying to find motivation. Just keep moving forward, and most importantly “write at least one word every day.”
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Finding Writing Motivation as long as It’s Called Today
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Finding Writing Motivation as long as It’s Called Today
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
That’s all for now.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
Other Resources You Might Enjoy:
How to Start a Blog in 11 Simple Easy Steps in 2020
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Finding Writing Motivation as long as It’s Called Today
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Finding Writing Motivation as long as It’s Called Today
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Finding Writing Motivation as long as It’s Called Today
We hope you enjoyed: Finding Writing Motivation as long as It’s Called Today!
I completely agree with what you have written. I hope this post could reach more people as this was truly an interesting post.
Thank you Wayne. Thank you for taking your time to write. I hope all goes well with Moon Luck! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.