10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle
(Update) Some of these books are still free, but some are being displayed as under $1 now.
1. Three Men in a Boat (to say nothing of the dog)
Three Men on a Boat will make you laugh and ponder some of the simple parts of life.
It’s the perfect book for a bit of escape from the given moment.
An excerpt about waiting for the kettle to boil, “if it sees that you are waiting for it and are anxious, it will never sing. You have to go away and begin your meal as if you were not going to have any tea at all. You must not even look round at it. Then will you hear it soon sputtering away, mad to be made into tea.”
2. Dracula
It is said that Bram Stoker actually talked to the locals of Transylvania to concoct this monster classic.
It is written as though it came from newspaper clippings and journals, so it is a little bit of a work through.
But it is a classic through and through.
3. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
More like the misadventures of Sherlock. If you have OCD, he might just be your hero.
If you want to know where it all started, this is your answer.
Some have praised it as the greatest novel of all time. (I’ll let you be the judge of that.)
For being classic literature it holds up quite well with the times.
5. Little Fuzzy
It was written in the sixties, so it’s more recent than these other books that are free on Amazon and it reads well.
It’s a story about a company that owns a planet and all its resources. One day someone discovers a Little Fuzzy. Upon further review, the creature appears to have intelligence. If this were true the company would lose its rights to the planet.
Thus controversy ensues.
A fun way to think about the future and companies potentially harvesting resources from other planets.
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10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle
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See if this FREE Amazon book will pique your interest. It is a part of Project Gutenberg.
6. Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad
An interesting note about the author: Conrad could have been considered perhaps a genius in our times. He learned English as an adult. It was his third language. And he wrote four novels that the Modern Library ranks in the top 100 of the 20th century.
It has intrigue. It has disguises and secret codes. It has true love and glorious imagery. It’s written during the awe of the French Revolution.
What more could you want?
8. Omnilingual
It’s a short story in science fiction. You can finish it in one sitting.
It is written very well from a linguistics point of view. Worth looking at it you’re into that.
Burney was a huge influence on Jane Austen if that tells you anything.
If you love Pride and Prejudice you’ll probably want to have read Evelina.
The book is charming and you might find it extremely funny at parts.
This book was written by Gene Stratton Porter.
The character development and character relationships are done eloquently. The way she develops her main character is so endearing you might find yourself cheering out loud when she faces and overcome an obstacle.
If you love Little Women, you should give this book a try as well.
I hope this helps!
Happy reading!
We hope you enjoyed: 10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle!
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10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle
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10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle
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10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle
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10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle
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10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle
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10 Entertaining Books that are Free on Amazon Kindle
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