5 Tips How to Make Your Story Feel Personal for Your Readers
You’re writing a story and you really want it to resonate well with your audience, but how do you do that?
How do you know for sure they are going to be reading it and start thinking, “Hey, this girl/guy gets me!”
How are you going to surprise them with how well you understand their situation, even though you’ve never been in their situation?
1. Select a Story Idea You’re Personally Interested in Hearing
Don’t always go for what you think the audience wants to hear about. Start with something you’re curious about because then you won’t get burnt out on the subject and never finish it.
If you’re interested in Life in Antarctica, research that and write about it.
If you find mythology fascinating, write about that.
If you find horror lore fun, create a story around that.
The important thing is to know your subject well and continuously research so that you can immerse your characters into this world you’re creating.
2. Write Characters that Represent Real Groups of People in Your Target Audience
People like themselves (whether they admit it or not) and thus like to see themselves represented in stories.
But on the flip side, people also like to see and learn about people from stories that they’ve never heard of or seen before.
If you’re writing a Character that has dyslexia, both the reader that has dyslexia and the reader that’s never heard of it before will find this interesting.
The reader with dyslexia will resonate with your character, whereas the reader that has never heard of dyslexia will find the character fascinating to watch and learn about their struggle.
3. Understand Your Audience’s Struggles Thoroughly
Something that makes a reader go, “wow, this writer gets me!” Is your ability to understand their struggle and thus write their personal struggle well.
How does one do this? Understand others’ struggles well? Ask them and read about them. (It is also possible to struggle with something yourself) I didn’t understand that some of my interpersonal struggles were actually symptoms of ADD until I was an adult.
If you have a sibling that struggles with something this gives you an inside look into what that situation is like both from your sibling’s point of view and your own being close to it.
If you don’t have either of those situations you can still read about it and read people’s personal struggles and learn to understand them and do your best to represent them well.
A word of caution: when writing about another’s struggle do your best to understand it well and not undermine or make little of their very real struggle in life.
Be sensitive with the subject and write it in a way that you would feel good if someone was writing about your personal struggle.
Do your very best to walk a couple of miles in their shoes before trying to even write about their struggle.
The last thing you want to do is misrepresent it by not doing enough research or belittle it.
5 Tips How to Make Your Story Feel Personal for Your Readers
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5 Tips How to Make Your Story Feel Personal for Your Readers
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5 Tips How to Make Your Story Feel Personal for Your Readers
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Now back to the show: 5 Tips How to Make Your Story Feel Personal for Your Readers
4. Put Your Characters into the World and Give Them Real to Life Struggles
This is where all your hard work of doing the research comes into play.
Now you get to create characters that have the personal struggles of others and therefore represent your audience.
Instead of just having a character that solves a crime you have a character that is mute but solves crimes. Or a character that has autism, but is able to write symphonies in a day.
You could make a character that has ADHD, but is secretly a vigilante that fights crime.
It could be anything. You just have to do the work of understanding people’s real struggles and giving them a caring and fair representation.
In this way, you will give readers a story that is personal to them and interesting for others.
5. Allow for Some Form of Transformation
In order for the story to be a big deal you’ll want to add in change and transformation.
This is why readers love YA or growing up stories. We like to see our protagonist change and grow and learn.
The fact that we get to watch them go from point A to point B of fun and fascinating.
Even if the change isn’t necessarily good we like to see what happens to our character next because of the bad decisions they are making.
We want to see them change their minds about reality in the same way that we do every day. Change is a part of our reality so we want to see it. When a character becomes too static, we eventually lose interest seeing that we’ve experienced all the change we are going to see.
Take your character from belief A to belief B and that’ll be more personal for your reader than a static character that never struggles with questions about anything.
Even if they start with belief A and run into trouble questions for a while but end up back at belief A being more solidified in it we have experienced a change with them. We have watched them grow in their view of the world.
Final thoughts:
Write about things you are first interested in. Mythology, geography, crime, legends, etc whatever piques your interest. Then place your characters into that realm.
Understand real people’s life struggles and write their struggles into your characters.
Allow your reader to see a transformation in your characters. The transformation can be physical, but it really needs to be personal, emotional, mental, and vulnerable.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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