List of Best 10 Uncommon Mythical Creatures
Every continent has its own list of mythical and legendary creatures.
Some are good and kind while others are terrifying and malicious. Some are more common but we would say that these are uncommon mythical creatures. Let us know which ones you’ve heard of and if you have used them in a story before or seen them anywhere else.
Seen Supernatural anyone. This creature actually appeared in one of the first episodes of the show. It may have even been the pilot.
The Wendigo is a scary mythical creature. It is extremely fast, so getting away will be difficult. It is thought that the wendigo was once a human that fed off of other humans to survive and thus it has been cursed into becoming the nasty beast it is today that hunts down humans and feeds on them. It is very grotesque.
Some would describe it as a fairy. It appears in season 5 of Supernatural. It can be good or bad to run into one of these unassuming creatures. It can take many forms. If you are a bad person it may treat you badly and even feed on you. But there is also lore that it is kind to outcast and will lead them to safe haven.
3Lou Carcolh
This creature is thought to be of French descent, but don’t confuse it with escargot. It is a giant snake-like snail creature. It may not show up in many TV shows but it’s size is legendary for all snail-kind. And to make matters worse, it has tentacles for grabbing its victims.
Not much is known about the Peluda. It also hails from France. This beast is a mixture of creatures. It has the feet of reptiles. It has the neck, head, and tail of a snake, but it’s body is covered in fur. Some may even think it can breathe fire. Stay away from this mythical brute and definitely stay clear of its fangs.
If you are finding yourself in Rome, look this Legendary bird up and keep it on speed dial. This creature can take your illness from you, essentially healing you. It then carries you sickness to the sun where the illness is burned away. Very handy if your health insurance has lapsed.
It’s a 50/50 split on this legendary creature. It appears as a wolf. Half of the time it is good and will lead you to your desired safe haven if you are a traveller. The other half of the time it is evil and will lead lost travellers to their doom.
I think I would just stay away from this Central American creature and ask someone else for directions.
7Ghillie Dhu
This is a mountain spirit with a love for children. Not a creepy love but a benevolent care. This creature will appear to lost children and lead them out of the woods to safety.
The Baku originates from Japanese folklore. It is a dream eater. It mostly eats bad dreams, but beware if you wake up while it’s around because it might get angry and decide to eat your good dreams too. Let it eat the bad stuff and leave. Pretend you’re still asleep no matter how loud the slurping noise is that it makes.
These giants are the guardians of certain mesopotamian gods. They also serve as giant good creatures that warn weary travelers of danger. But if you happen to be that danger look out. One look from them can cause death.
Is this a seahorse? Well, yes and no. These horses may ride underwater but they’re definitely not an ordinary seahorse. They are water spirits in Scotland. They can appear at any body of water and take you across quickly or even save you from drowning.
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Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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