8 Working from Home Tips | Bring Up Work from Home Productivity Today

8 Working from Home Tips | Bring Up Work from Home Productivity Today
8 Working from Home Tips | Bring Up Work from Home Productivity Today

8 Working from Home Tips | Bring Up Work from Home Productivity Today

As a freelance writer, I started working from home years ago.

Since then I’ve picked up some work from home tips and tricks I’d like to share with you today.

It afforded my wife and I the flexibility we wanted during the first years of our marriage to travel a bit and experience different places.

We made many sacrifices, but all in all I would say it was well worth it. We never made it big or became wealthy. We just lived and tried to do what was important to us.

One thing I didn’t realize until later, (hindsight is 20/20) is that it took me about two years, maybe even more, to figure out working from home productivity and a good work/life balance.

That realization surprised me. 

It took that long to feel like I had an effective schedule?! Absolutely. 

And some days still feel inefficient.

Now, suddenly, with the pandemic 😷 , it feels like the entire world has joined me in working from home.

The amount of online working from home jobs has skyrocketed. I used to feel like an oddball. Now I feel like saying, “Welcome to the club!” 

And you might be feeling like you’re being less productive at home, but check this out.

“A recent study by Stanford of 16,000 workers over 9 months found that working from home increased productivity by 13%. This increase in performance was due to more calls per minute attributed to a quieter more convenient working environment and working more minutes per shift because of fewer breaks and sick days.” – Source.

I really enjoy working from home. I like to be able to choose what projects I take on. I can listen to music or have the TV on in the background while I accomplish them (even if it takes more time and when I’m not working for a client of course).

I like to choose which days I allow myself to work in pajamas. I like being able to choose where I get work done in the house. I like to choose when my lunch break is or if to skip it and keep working.

Basically, I enjoy being able to choose right now.

And who knows what will happen in the future, but right now these are some of the things I enjoy.

Things I don’t love about working from home:

I don’t do much client work right now, but when I did, I didn’t always enjoy wondering where each paycheck would come from.

I don’t always enjoy working alone. I miss the ability to work with others sometimes, but to be honest I work pretty hard to have a better social life because I work from home and make up for that.

I didn’t enjoy the feeling of performing for different clients and wondering if they were going to like my work every day.

If I’m honest, most of what I didn’t enjoy about working from home stemmed from client work. Now that I have my own blog and I’m writing for myself, most of the things I didn’t like are gone.

But something that took me A LOT longer than I would have otherwise expected was a good work from home/life balance. This directly ties into being productive at home and working from home.

When you work from home, if you’re not careful, it can be very easy to muddle it all together and be less productive.

So here are some working from home tips that I hope help you learn how to be productive at home and sort through it better and faster than I did.

Hopefully this helps your work from home productivity go up!

1. Create a Separated Place

If you really want to work from home effectively you MUST create a separate space to do that work.

It is ever so tempting to try to work from the couch in front of the TV. Bad idea, soon it’ll be 3 hours later and you’ll only be 30 minutes into your project. Instead of enjoying work from home, it’ll make it feel as though the workday never ends.

There is a work from home negative phenomenon that occurs when you try to do things you enjoy too much while working too. This leaves us with negative emotions/feelings of loss instead of what we would think would be feelings of enjoyment and success.

It’s better just to go somewhere else and get the work done fast. You will feel the highs of accomplishment and then you will feel the freedom of enjoying a good book, show, or whatever after.

Separate your space of work from everything else going on in the house if you can.

2. Schedule Out No Interruption Time

In the workplace, it mostly makes sense that you can get your work done and most people won’t interrupt you because everyone is working too.

When you work from home, this ideology fragments and changes radically.

The people who are able to contact you are your family (spouse, kids, people that knock on your door, kids’ friends, extended family, etc.)

These kinds of friendly interruptions can really mess with your work from home productivity.

This situation is helped by having a separate place for work, but what is also more necessary than you might think is a slot of time; otherwise, the people near you won’t know your expectations.

To work from home effectively listen to this.

Take a spouse relationship for example. Normally a spouse is at home, you’re at work, the microwave busts and they wait till you get home to tell you about it. 

Well, now you’re just in the other room. All they have to do is walk over and tell you. This can create unnecessary tension if you’re both expecting something different.

So instead just make the expectation clear. Say, “from 1-5 p.m. I can’t be interrupted,” or something like that.

I used to have to take client calls and I figured out that was a bad time to be interrupted, thus I would say something cheeky like, “I have a client call at 1, so I’ll see ya later! Love you! Bye!” And then walked upstairs as I had left the building.

Similarly, when we lived in a villa in Florida, the space was small and open. My work spot was set up in the same room as the TV but in a spot that couldn’t see the TV. If I had a project where I was paid for time instead of a flat fee, I would say something like, “I have to work for two hours, I’ll see you later.” Then pop on noise-canceling headphones. This really helped me get work done effectively.

We would both pretend I wasn’t there, even though we could literally see each other.

Finding ways to separate workspace and work time will benefit you tremendously in the long run if you make the habit and expectation at the beginning rather than being passive about it.

Don’t be passive about work from home expectations. If you live with others make sure to talk about what is going to help you all balance your work from home effectiveness and daily life expectations at home.

3. Finding It Difficult to Stay Focused

Let’s just be upfront and honest. Yes, the temptation to be distracted will never go away and you will have to continue to fight it. Your work from home productivity depends on it.

And for this reason alone, working from home isn’t the solution for everyone.

But there are some ways to help yourself stay focused depending on your line of work. 

A. Hard candy

Having a bag of jolly ranchers or other hard candy is actually surprisingly helpful when it comes to staying focused.

They aren’t great for your teeth though, so watch out 🦷 

B. Listen to wordless music

Listening to music without words can trick your brain into staying on task and enjoying the task more than just having silence.

Thankfully the world has created more study music than just Mozart.

C. There’s an App for That

There are many apps that create focus sounds and music that you can try out and see what helps you.

D. Exercise and healthy snacks

Boo! We don’t want to hear it! 

I know,  I know, we don’t want it to be true but the science is out and the truth is if you have a regular 30 minutes a day exercise and enjoy healthy snacks like carrots and apples these things will help your brain stay more focused throughout the day and less foggy.

Snacking between meals can create hours of productivity where we aren’t distracted by hunger.

And “one study showed that workday exercise, not only improves well-being but participants noted a 72 percent improvement in time management and workload completed on days when they exercised.” Also, “Low-intensity aerobic exercise is more effective than high-intensity exercise for improving productivity.” Source.

(Don’t shoot! I’m just the messenger! And look I brought snacks 👉🍏🥕 😁)

4. Take Field Trip

You: “To the Zoo?!” 😀

Me: “No.”

“To the library or local coffee shop to work.”

“I shouldn’t have to remind you, this isn’t a post about fun things to do with your family. It’s a post about working better from home.”

You: “Oh…right.”

Seriously though, it is so helpful sometimes to just get out of the house and find somewhere else to do work around other humans who are also working.

Coffee shops are great. Libraries are slightly better (in my opinion) for productivity.

Coffee shops are great because the environment can make you feel good. You feel less lonely. You can order a drink and sip in the warmth and environment as you pluck away at your keyboard.

Libraries are better because the environment is much less distracting. You are with other people, but they are all quiet. In college, I didn’t want to always work alone so I spent lots of crucial time finishing projects in the library.

As a freelance writer, I found it very enjoyable to work from coffee shops with headphones to change things up and get out of the monotony of working from the same space alone all the time.

5. I Feel Lonely Working From Home

This is a real problem that a lot of people are working through right now.

I already mentioned some ideas that will help but I wanted to bring up the problem because it’s a big one and it’s prevalent.

Not everyone can go to a coffee shop right now.

Reach out to others however you can in your specific situation.

Because of the pandemic, I recently connected with friends over Marco Polo, the video app and we’ve kept it going ever since. I’m really grateful for that.

Reach out to people on Reddit, in Facebook groups, at coffee shops, online, however, you can. You’d be surprised at how the world is reacting.

I was just reading a Reddit post the other day where someone was asking for book ideas when you’re falling lonely and the response was extremely encouraging. Some people were even offering to be Reddit pen pals just so others won’t feel lonely during these times.

One of the biggest health problems with working from home will be mental loneliness. Find ways to fight against that as best you can. I can say from personal experience that it is painfully true and I had to do things to try and not feel lonely even before the pandemic hit.

Going to coffee shops and reaching out to people helped me. I don’t know what’ll work best for you, but hopefully, this at least lets you know you’re not alone and that you can and should reach out to people.

If you or someone you know is fighting loneliness, especially during the Pandemic this offers some help: Fighting Loneliness in the Coronavirus Outbreak

6. Make Long Term and Short Term Goals

Many businesses are just now figuring out what it means to have employees working from home.

This means they have no clue how to give their people tasks and keep them motivated to do them.

For those that aren’t naturally self-disciplined or learn better from human interaction and hands-on teaching, this is going to be a huge hurdle for the business and the workers.

For your own projects, if your company hasn’t gone ahead and set up goals for yourself.

A. Set up long term goals

I want to have this project finished within 6 months.

So the next question is, how do I break this project into parts so that I have it finished by then?

B. Set up medium term goals

Work your way back wards and figure out how many weeks and days it’ll take to finish.

If I wanted to write 100,000 words in the next 3 months I’d have to write about 33,333 words a month.

C. Set up short term goals or daily goals

If I want to write 33,333 words a month I need to write about 1,111 words a day.

By setting up goals this way now I can know what I need to get done each day. I know how much I need to catch up if I get behind.

At my month’s end, I can re-evaluate where I am at and how things went on a daily basis.

I can say whether I can easily achieve more words a day or if I’m being unrealistic with my 6-month goal and I need to rethink my daily goals.

This way is an easy way to know where you’re at and where you need to be. You can easily assess progress and evaluate. You can feel good about what you get done on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

You can address problems on a daily basis that will immediately affect your long term strategy.

7. Wellness Tips While Working from Home

Be to get regular exercise and eat healthy snacks to keep your brain sharp and your stress levels down.

Having clear expectations set out at the beginning will help keep stress levels down with spouses and children. (Of course, there will be moments and days and even weeks where those expectations won’t work out.) Keep that in mind and push forward. What works for others might not work for you and your family. But do take time to figure it out so that unnecessary stress can hopefully be avoided.

Loneliness is definitely something to watch out for. When you work from home, seeing your team over Zoom isn’t the same as actual face to face human interaction. Do yourself a wellness favor and get out of the house and work somewhere around other humans on certain days. When you have time, go out for dinner with someone or find communities to be able to get human interaction. It is shocking how much this changes when you stop working in a space with other people.

We take for granted working with others until there is no one around and this can directly affect your emotional well-being.

8. Consider Your Back

If you work from home now or you’ve worked in an office chair for any amount of time, you already know where I’m headed with this.

You might want to consider getting an ergonomic chair or an ergonomic mouse. (Logitech is my favorite brand so far.)

You might also want to consider investing in a standing desk. One that moves up or down with you would be ideal. Standing once an hour or every two hours can really help with your blood flow, overall feelings, and posture.

If you are able to keep your back from hurting (which is quite the battle) it will definitely affect your work from home productivity.

Final thoughts:

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is being able to separate work time from home time.

When you’re working just work then when you’re done turn work off and just be at home.

When you’re working don’t have social media and other tabs open on your computer. Close those out.

When you’re working turn off non-work notifications. Don’t let your computer and phone ping you whenever they feel like it.

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can enjoy all the comforts of home and work t at the exact same time.

If you try to do everything at once you will be left feeling lousy, unaccomplished, and unmotivated.

Whereas on the other hand if we just force ourselves to separate our work and home life we will feel that much more accomplished and better about our work-life balance

Even though we work from home let’s not fall into the trap of thinking we can work and home at the same time.

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After checking out Bluehost, see how we made a profit FAST with our blog and how you can too: Our #1 Easy way that we made a profit with our blog on year 1, not year 5.

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Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

Hope this helps!

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8 Working from Home Tips | Bring Up Work from Home Productivity Today

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Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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We hope you enjoyed: 8 Working from Home Tips | Bring Up Work from Home Productivity Today!

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This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail
This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail

This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail

Abraham Lincoln. You might remember him as honest Abe or you might not know who he is at all.

But his story is a powerful and persuasive one.

Abraham Lincoln

You see, Abe wanted to get into politics. We would imagine he didn’t like the way things were being run and wanted to make some changes of his own to the country’s political landscape.

The only problem was he wasn’t a very good politician.

He was running for state legislature and kept losing. His life wasn’t going anywhere except failure.

He became immensely depressed in his failures. So much so that his friends took all of his knives and razors away from him because they were afraid he would Jill himself.

He broke off is engagement to the woman he loved.

His life kept getting worse.

He ran for the senate not once but TWICE and lost BOTH TIMES.

You would think someone would think, “I’m not made for this,” and choose a different career path at this point.

But in 1860 Abraham runs as a “dark horse candidate” for the presidency and WINS!

He failed so many times for so long in his life but never quit and ended up winning the presidency instead of those lesser goals he tried for but it would seem that all the hard times he went through prepared to be the president of the United States at a very pivotal time in history.

He didn’t allow loss and adversity to prevent him from moving forward.

Teddy Rosevelt

Teddy’s story is a bit different.

Teddy was a well educated young man planning on becoming a naturalist but when everyone least expected it he suddenly ran for state legislature and to everyone’s surprise he won.

At this time his wife is pregnant with their first child and his mother who is only 49 comes out to his house in New York to help take care of his wife while he’s working in government.

This is when tragedy strikes.

For a brief moment everyone is elated as a telegram arrives for Teddy.

It says his child is born.

Everyone celebrates with cigars.

But not many hours later a second telegram arrives.

It says, you must return immediately. Your wife is dying and your mother is dying too.

It turns out that his mother had contracted typhoid fever upon arriving in New York.

Teddy arrived at home in time to see his mother before she died and about 12 hours later his wife dies too.

Teddy thought his life was over.

At this point he essentially runs away. He quits the legislature and moves out to the Badlands and rides his horse for reportedly 15 hours a day.

During this time he falls in love with nature and becomes quite a conversationalist.

He gains a deeper perspective on life and eventually goes back to run for the presidency.

Sometimes getting an outside perspective on things can lead to a deeper understanding of the big picture we need to move forward. And breaks aren’t always bad, but if Teddy has decided never to run again he might not have accomplished all that he did.

He did indeed quit for a time but ultimately he got back up “on the horse “ and kept going.


You might not know it but MANY of your beloved authors have been rejected many times before finally being published.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: rejected 144 times.

Canfield once wrote, “If we had given up after 100 publishers, I likely would not be where I am now,”

“I encourage you to reject rejection. If someone says no, just say NEXT!”

This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail

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This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail


Interested in starting a blog of your own (and making an extra $100-$600 monthly)? Check out Bluehost.

Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.

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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Already own a blog? Monetize with Ezoic. Make 5X more on ads with Ezoic! See for yourself. – These ads use machine learning. Set it and leave it.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail

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Lisa Genova, Still Alice: rejected 100 times (some of those were just non-responses)

She eventually decided to self published. It got picked up after that.

Kathryn Stockett, The Help: 60 rejections. 

She wrote, “In the end, I received 60 rejections for The Help,” 

 “But letter number 61 was the one that accepted me. After my five years of writing and three and a half years of rejection, an agent named Susan Ramer took pity on me. What if I had given up at 15? Or 40? Or even 60? Three weeks later, Susan sold The Help to Amy Einhorn Books.” The book was on the New York Times bestseller list for over 100 weeks.

It sold over seven million copies, and has been made into an inspiring award winning movie.

Heidi Durrow, The Girl Who Fell From the Sky: 48 rejections.

“When I was trying to publish my book, it received some 48 different rejections from publishing houses mostly because people said to me that there was no market for a story about a half black half Danish girl. There was no Afro Viking demographic to sell this book to.” 

Dispite the adversity her book was the winner of the 2008 Bellwether Prize for Socially-Engaged Fiction. The award came with a publishing contract and it became a bestseller.

One of my favorite authors James Patterson: James Patterson, The Thomas Berryman Number: 31 rejections.

Patterson’s first book was turned down by 31 publishers and he kept a list.

31 publishers turned down Patterson’s first book. The first of many in his extremely popular Alex Cross series. Now, of course, he’s one of the most successful authors in the world, arguably in history. 

He told the New York Times that he kept a list of all the editors that turned down his first novel. “Sometimes they send me books and ask for blurbs. Mostly, though, they’re dead.”

Stephen King, Carrie: 30 rejections. 

30 publishers rejected his first novel Carrie, the one that started King’s legendary novel journey.

One day he received a short letter from Bill Thompson at Doubleday:

“Congratulations. Carrie officially a Doubleday Book. Is $2500 advance okay? The future lies ahead. Love, Bill.”

And what was at that time their future is now our history.

The one thing that makes or breaks a successful entrepreneur is perseverance.

This key trait can be used in so many different avenues and career paths.

The thing is that most of us won’t be handed success in our endeavors so easily.

We inevitably will meet adversity and when that adversity comes what will we do?

I believe you have it in you to persevere and keep going despite adversity coming your way.

And as many we’ll have gone Beckies is would most likely admit that the adversity helped mold them into who they are today and who knows where they would be if they didn’t persevere and remain persistent despite many challenges.


Hope this helps! 

Happy writing!

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This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail


Why Start a Blog

How to Start a Blog in 11 Simple Easy Steps in 2020

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Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.

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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Already own a blog? Monetize with Ezoic. Make 5X more on ads with Ezoic! See for yourself. – These ads use machine learning. Set it and leave it.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail

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Is Writing your craft? You might love this. Check out the 4,900+ reviews it has on Amazon to see if this might be what you’re looking for.


This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail

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This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail


Interested in starting a blog of your own (and making an extra $100-$600 monthly)? Check out Bluehost.

Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.

If you enjoy This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail, Storytelling, and making money online, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?

Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Already own a blog? Monetize with Ezoic. Make 5X more on ads with Ezoic! See for yourself. – These ads use machine learning. Set it and leave it.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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We hope you enjoyed: This 1 Key Trait Can Tell You Whether You Will Succeed As An Entrepreneur Or Fail!

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3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer
3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

If you’re interested in becoming a freelance writer you’re not alone.

Many aspiring writers are looking to join the freelance movement, work from home, make money online, and be their own boss.

If you’re going to take this journey though and be realistic about it. You’re going to want to keep some things in mind.

It’s not for the faint of heart but if you’re willing to do these three things you’re much more likely to succeed then those that don’t.

Be fearless

Being fearless sounds hard because let’s be honest, who isn’t a little intimidated to try new things?

I tend to believe that almost everyone is but those that do it usually tend to try new things and take on some risk feeling the fear but doing it anyway.

If you’re serious about freelance writing, you are definitely going to have to go out of your comfort zone to find work, make pitches, and hopefully fulfill projects handed to you.

Sometimes it’s easier to find the work and get the job.

Then all the sudden you realize, “oh crud…I actually have to deliver something good to them…” as you stare blankly into outer space.

It takes a bit of fearlessness to hand over your writing to an editor in the hopes that they don’t call it absolute trash and fire you.

But that’s a part of the freelancing game. You are always a little at risk of your client not liking what you deliver.

But not to fear, if you don’t give up you are likely to make it in the freelance business.

Don’t fear failure

You are going to fail.

It is almost inevitable.

You might be thinking, “gee Jeremy, thanks for the inspirational confidence booster.” Just follow me here.

You are going to fail, but that is not necessarily a bad thing. No.

The bad thing would be to quit after a failure thinking fallacy that you aren’t good enough.

Of course you are good enough. You just need more time, practice, and study.

Don’t be afraid to fail and don’t be so quick to quit.

Ask for help

Humility is hard.

It is hard to admit that we need help on something.

The opposite of this is pride. Pride will tell you that you don’t need help. That you’ll be better off figuring it out on your own.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. There are many people that have done this first and you can avoid their mistakes by asking for help.

Here are some ways you can ask for help:

– Do research

– Buy a course

– Buy a book

3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

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3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer


Interested in starting a blog of your own (and making an extra $100-$600 monthly)? Check out Bluehost.

Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.

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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Already own a blog? Monetize with Ezoic. Make 5X more on ads with Ezoic! See for yourself. – These ads use machine learning. Set it and leave it.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

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Is Writing your craft? You might love this. Check out the 4,900+ reviews it has on Amazon to see if this might be what you’re looking for.


If you’re going to be a freelance writer you are going to have to do tons of research, so get used to it.

I personally have bought several courses on things like copywriting, affiliate marketing, and running ads.

Sometimes it will accelerate your progress if you just invest in yourself and buy that course you’re thinking about.

To go along with that same thought, books are very helpful.

And just a bonus tip: learn the skill of skimming well. Being able to skim large sections of books and articles will save you hundreds of hours.


Most people aren’t actually “fearless”, but pushing through the fear of failure and rejection will be paramount in a freelancing career.

And every freelancer should look for ways to avoid the mistakes that others have made before them.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Even here, don’t let fear stop you from posting a comment and asking for advice. Someone that’s already gone through what you’re going through might read it and be able to save you some trouble.

You’d be surprised how many people enjoy helping others 🙂

Hope this helps!

Happy writing!

Other Popular Posts you might enjoy:

5 Tricks How to Hide Your Villain Right Before Their Eyes

10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

4 Tips How to Write your Character Hitting Rock Bottom

10 Toxic Bad Habits That’ll Crush Your Fictional Character’s Relationships

How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind.

How To Write 4 Scenes That Reveal Who Your Character Is Seamlessly

Psychopath: How to Write The Perfect Psychopath

8 Tips How to Write the Perfect Sociopath

Fictional Characters: 28+ Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters

List of 10 Weapons for Fictional Characters

List of 10 Bad Habits Fictional Characters Need Help Breaking

3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer


Why Start a Blog

How to Start a Blog in 11 Simple Easy Steps in 2020

For Blogging AND More


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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

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3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

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Is Writing your craft? You might love this. Check out the 4,900+ reviews it has on Amazon to see if this might be what you’re looking for.


3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

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3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer


Interested in starting a blog of your own (and making an extra $100-$600 monthly)? Check out Bluehost.

Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.

If you enjoy 3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer, Storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?

Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Already own a blog? Monetize with Ezoic. Make 5X more on ads with Ezoic! See for yourself. – These ads use machine learning. Set it and leave it.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer

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Is Writing your craft? You might love this. Check out the 4,900+ reviews it has on Amazon to see if this might be what you’re looking for.


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We hope you enjoyed: 3 Mental Muscles You’ll Need to Flex to Be a Freelance Writer!

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4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader for More

How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader for More
4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader for More

4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More

The cliffhanger is not a new technique. 

In fact, writers have literally made movies around the idea of dangling our beloved character off the side of a cliff to get us at the edge of our seats, biting our nails, ignoring everything else in the universe to see “what happens next?!”

Thankfully even though this technique has been waaaaayyy overused. It still works.

We can definitely add this one to the proverbial toolbox.

Keep it simple

We don’t always have to dangle our character over a cliff in order to make this technique work.

In reality, this won’t work if we do it too much. Our reader will see through our antics and get bored.

If our main character almost dies at the end of every chapter hanging over a cliff, you can bet the reader will be saying “fool me twice, shame on me” by chapter three.

Instead find creative ways to make little cliffhangers during chapters and at the end of chapters.

Them almost dying at the end of every chapter makes for boring and not suspensful, but if they were about to lose a relationship, or be caught doing something they shouldn’t and the reader has to go to the next chapter to find out what happens next, then you’re winning.


– Characters are in a fight and might break up

– Something is about to hurt character like a dangerous animal

– One character just went missing

– A character just witnessed another doing something suspicious and unexplainable

Basically we want to create a smaller conflict that needs to be resolved in our reader’s mind that will gnaw at their curiosity until they get the answer.

This works best if we have done a good job of getting them interested in the characters’ lives and feelings.

Keep creating questions

We have to be careful how we do this one.

If we create a question for our reader to look forward to the answer, we better darn well answer it.

And a great skill to practice is the creative ability to create questions when we give answers.

Use dialogue to help the reader see the answer and the next question.

Dan Brown does an amazing job with this in the DaVinci Code

He uses Langdon in this way.

Langdon will answer one of the mysterious questions, one of the riddles, but then he’ll say something to the effect of, “but if that’s true then what about this?

And then Langdon will say, “we need to go to the Sistine Chapel,” and before we know it Langdon is being shot at on the way to the Sistine Chapel and we’re hooked to find out if he’ll make it.

This is genius for answering a question we made and leading the reader right into the next one without drawing it out to much and leaving the reader bored as they wait for the next riddle to solve.

4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More

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4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader for More

4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More


Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.

If you enjoy 4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More, Storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?

Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Already own a blog? Monetize with Ezoic. Make 5X more on ads with Ezoic! See for yourself. – These ads use machine learning. Set it and leave it.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More

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Your character can simply say, “this answers this question, but now we have this question to deal with.”

Now when your character needs to go to the next place we are happily following along.

It would be a bad idea to have no reason for your character to go to the next place and we just somehow end up there and stumble upon the next clue.

This technique can be toyed with, but I think you get the idea.

Create questions while answering questions, but BE SURE to answer all your questions eventually. Don’t leave your reader feeling cheated of the time they invested in reading your story.

Make them feel like they can predict what’s going to happen next, only to fool them.

Lead your reader into the most obvious choice or answer to the riddle.

And just when they think they’ve figured it out, put a twistaroo on it. (twistaroo is not a real word 🙂 )

This is called a good twist.

One of my all time top 10 fave twist moments was in the Sixth Sense. “I see dead people.”

I recommend watching it if you haven’t and as long as you aren’t easily spooked.

Spoiler alert:

The twist in the end was so shocking to me, I never saw it coming that Bruce Willis was dead the entire time.

It was like a left hook sucker punch for me and I, to this day cannot think of a better twist or reveal. Now that I think about it, it’s easily in my top 5 twisty movies.

So just like that, lead your reader into thinking that they know where you’re headed just to cut them off at the pass.

Surprise them wherever you can and they’ll love you for it.

Give them something to look forward to at the start

Don’t waste any time setting your reader up for cliffhangers.

Get started right away in chapter letting them know they are in for a fun ride.

Our main job as writers is to entertain.

Start off with a bang:

– “That’s the moment he knew he’d never see her again.”

– “As he looked at the clock sweat began to fall off his nose. He was taking to long.”

– “Bubbles were still surfacing as I dove into the river after the sinking suburban.”

Create mystery, intrigue, and suspense right away.

Don’t waste time explaining the plot, characters, or other detailed ideas. Allow the plot to unfold without them thinking, “oh so the plot is going to be about this.”

Allow your reader to discover clever ideas as you get them to turn the next page with cliffhangers.

Don’t let the reader in. Don’t show all your cards too quickly.

Be strategic.

Set up a powerplay by creating a moment of intense intrigue and use it to carry your reader to the next plot point without them knowing how they got there.

Entertain them as you reveal that your character’s mother is the true villain and everything they were raised to think was a lie.

It’s absolutely okay and maybe a good idea to make your reader confused and in the dark as long as you are going to show them the light and solve their confusion by the end of the story.

Never leave your reader feeling, “Why did I just read that? What was the point of all that?”

Give them something to continually look forward to or else they will look forward to it elsewhere.

Hope this helps!

Happy writing!

Other Popular Posts you might enjoy:

5 Tricks How to Hide Your Villain Right Before Their Eyes

10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

4 Tips How to Write your Character Hitting Rock Bottom

10 Toxic Bad Habits That’ll Crush Your Fictional Character’s Relationships

How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind.

How To Write 4 Scenes That Reveal Who Your Character Is Seamlessly

Psychopath: How to Write The Perfect Psychopath

8 Tips How to Write the Perfect Sociopath

Fictional Characters: 28+ Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters

List of 10 Weapons for Fictional Characters

List of 10 Bad Habits Fictional Characters Need Help Breaking

4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More


Why Start a Blog

How to Start a Blog in 11 Simple Easy Steps in 2020

For Blogging AND More


Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.

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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Already own a blog? Monetize with Ezoic. Make 5X more on ads with Ezoic! See for yourself. – These ads use machine learning. Set it and leave it.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More

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4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More


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4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More

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4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More


Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.

If you enjoy 4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More, Storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?

Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Already own a blog? Monetize with Ezoic. Make 5X more on ads with Ezoic! See for yourself. – These ads use machine learning. Set it and leave it.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More

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4 Tips How to Write Cliffhangers, Hooking in Your Reader For More

Make sure your posts are readable. Use this readability score check

Want to check out a writer’s community to test your writing and get feedback?

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4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible

4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible
4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible

4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible

Writing fiction is fun.

C.S. Lewis hits the nail on the head when he says, 

You can make anything by writing.” – C. S. Lewis

It is so true. Anything your imagination can dream up, you can write, and if you can write it, then it can come true in your reader’s mind. Even if just for a moment.

Walt Disney said “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.

That’s the wonderful side for the writer is we get to have fun creating the impossible.

But there’s a down side too.

Creating the impossible takes a ton of work, discipline, stress (at times), and know-how.

And our work isn’t necessarily an art form as much as it is a work of building entertainment.

Fiction is supposed to be entertaining; otherwise, readers wouldn’t read fiction.

So how do we help our readers gobble up every page?

There are certain literary techniques that have been used in storytelling for a long time that are powerful and should continue to be used in the stories we create today.

There are many literary techniques to make your fiction more digestible, but these four have been used uniquely throughout literary history and have become pillars.


What is parallelism?

It is the state of something corresponding or being parallel to something else.


He came. He saw. He conquered.

Story details can parallel too.

In the Star Wars Saga, Finn, Poe, and Rey parallel Luke, Leia, and Han Solo.

So you too can add parallelism to your story by adding characters that parallel each other.

Events can parallel.

You can have a story within the story that parallels what will happen to the main characters.

In Stranger Things, we see the boys playing Dungeons and Dragons. The game adventure they are playing with the “Demogorgon” parallels what will happen with them in real life very soon.

How is Parallelism used?

Parallelism is a way of leaving dynamic clues or breadcrumbs for your reader to follow. It makes the material more magical and creates powerful “re-readability” with your story.

Meaning, if they pick up your story a second time they may notice the parallelism in a way they didn’t before. This instantly makes your story more interesting to pick up again than stories without this technique.

I personally love “re-watchability” and “re-readability” in the stories I get into. It makes the difference between whether a story is good or amazing for me.


Foreshadowing and parallelism are very similar.

What is foreshadowing?

It’s a warning or indication of a future event.

In Stranger Things, the “Demogorgon” is also a foreshadowing of what’s to come.

A common “foreshadowing saying” that has been used a billion and one times in storytelling is the famous line,

Be careful what you wish for…

This usually happens after the character has lost her temper and said something like,

I hate my life. I wish I was never born!

Then some mentor or well meaning older character says “be careful what you wish for.

And then the next day nobody remembers them as if they were never born and the main character learns a life lesson through the events that follow.

We see this happen to Macaulay Culkin in the Home Alone movies.

Foreshadowing is a powerful way to build a relationship with your reader. 

By giving them foreshadowing once you will have shown them that you are clever and thoughtful about your writing and the foresight of where your story leads.

They will be looking forward to this same cleverness in all your stories henceforth.

Thus giving you “re-readability.” 😎 

Repeating Important Details

The repetition of details whether it is about objects, people, or events will get your reader’s mind pumping.

It will alert them that something very important is happening in the repeated details and they will try to figure it out before you flat out tell them. 

They might also be the sort of reader that just loves a good build up to a reveal.

So repetition is appealing to most readers.

The main character could be trying to remember something about a certain day so you can take the reader into your character’s imagination as they try to remember certain details about the past.

Or you can bring up an object several times. Something as simple as a keychain will do.

But is there more than meets the eye about this keychain?

In Men In Black, we see the cat Orion many times before it is revealed to be wearing the thing that everyone is looking for.

We see the most important piece of the puzzle time and time again before we could ever guess just how important the cat is. And even more important the little keychain looking world dangling from its collar.

4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible

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4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible

4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible


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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

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Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible

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4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible


Symbolism is a great writing skill to learn how to use well.

What is Symbolism?

Symbolism is when you have an object, person, animal or thing that represents something else.

To many Americans the bald eagle represents America and freedom. 

That’s symbolism.

The epitome of symbolism can be found in the book Animal Farm.

A story about personified animals on a farm where a group of sinister animals manipulate and convince the rest of the animals to work for them instead of being free to work for themselves.

The story represents the early years of the Soviet Union and how socialistic minds took over and took away the freedoms of the common people.

Symbolism is a wonderful literary tool to take from real life and create a story that is easier to digest than a documentary or history book.

For example, allowing animals on a farm to represent the Soviet Union allowed many readers to learn how the Socialist Soviets took the freedoms from their people.

It made the historical event more digestible for a wider audience.

One flaw with symbolism is that it almost always has to be explained outside of the story, it’s difficult to reveal in the story without the writer leaving notes behind that otherwise explain the symbolism. Symbolism almost always has to be explained.

The upside to this is people being able to have open conversations with each other about hard topics that might not otherwise be open to discussion.

Symbolism is definitely a great teaching tool and a way for a writer to share their views about real-world times, events, economics, societies, laws, religion, politics, etc.

Topics that are otherwise harder to talk about openly.

Another creative outlet for symbolism is the writer is able to write about things that happened in their own life without writing an autobiography or saying “hey, this happened to me.”

For example, Stephen King explains some symbolism for IT.

He explained that the story came from the troll under the bridge and the bridge represented the passing from childhood and adulthood. 

He also explains that Derry, Maine represents his childhood home Bangor, Maine.

He ultimately decided that the bridge would be the city of Derry and that something terrifying lived under the city, IT.

When you think of the story in light of the terrifying nature of the journey of childhood passing into adulthood and all the problems that could follow, this makes sense as to why he had the story so woven between the two major themes of their child lives and there adult lives and the 27 year gap he chose to put in between.

You can see more about his explanation here: Stephen King Explains…

We can do this.

We can use symbolism to write about parts of our own lives or stories that inspire us or that we find intriguing, or and especially hard events in our lives.

Most of us in our lifetimes will, unfortunately, go through hard times and traumatic events no matter what background we come from, and writing about those events is a way to share whats going on inside us with other people.

Use these 4 literary techniques to help your readers digest your stories and enjoy them and come back for more.

Hope this helps!

Happy writing!

4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible

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How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind.

How To Write 4 Scenes That Reveal Who Your Character Is Seamlessly

4 Tips How to Write your Character Hitting Rock Bottom

8 Tips How to Write the Perfect Sociopath

Fictional Characters: 28+ Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters

List of 10 Weapons for Fictional Characters

List of 10 Bad Habits Fictional Characters Need Help Breaking

4 Literary Techniques to Make Your Fiction More Digestible


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We hope you enjoyed: 6 Thoughts on Writing Schools in Fiction!

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6 Thoughts on Writing Schools in Fiction

6 Thoughts on Writing Schools in Fiction
6 Thoughts on Writing Schools in Fiction

6 Thoughts on Writing Schools in Fiction

Schools are up in the air.

Some of us loved it. Some of us hated it, and some people just liked a few things about school.

But nonetheless whether we hate it or love it it has been a part of most readers’ lives.

Writing schools in fiction doesn’t have to be a difficult daunting task. It can be fun and full of creativity. Thankfully many writers before us have created schools in fiction and so we have a lot of wisdom to glean from.

Creating a fictional school is a great way to resonate with audiences and bring many story elements that are nostalgic to a broad amount of readers.

We don’t have to go far to find inspiration for writing a school in fiction because the majority of humans on the planet attend some type of school in their lifetime.

These are some of the best places to draw inspiration from for writing schools in fiction. Draw from your own experiences and memories. Do you remember the teachers that you couldn’t stand?

Do you remember the ones that bored you do death?

Do you remember who you sat next to in math or science?

These are the places to take inspiration from and turn it into a story of your own.


Everyone has teachers they’ve loved or hated.

There are so many vibrant teacher personalities that can add unique Dynamics to any story.

You can have:

– the crazy teacher

– Fun teacher

– Strict teacher

– Mean teacher

Teachers can be supportive characters and challengers.

A really fun dynamic is having the teacher be the ultimate villain hiding in plain sight.

Teachers are a huge resource to a writer making a fictional school.


Again there’s an endless world of possibilities in peers.

Every personality you can think of under the sun you can add and take away.

There could be many relationships or only a few.

There could be a few peers that play pivotal roles. Or maybe just one repeating character peer.

The location of the school

The location of the school is a big deal.

Is it near the main character’s house?

Is it far away?

Do they walk there?

Or do they have to take Transportation?

Is it other worldly?

6 Thoughts on Writing Schools in Fiction

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Is the school on Earth at all?

Is it in the city?

Is it in the country?

What country is it in?

Depending on where the school is, it means a lot for how the reader will preconceive the details of the school and what it looks on the outside and the inside.

The number of students

The number of students affects:

– Sports

– Classroom size

– Competitions

– Band

– Music

– Arts

– Number of classes

– Number of teachers

The number of students affects many details and should be considered.


Is this a regular school?

Is it a school for the dead?

Is it a magical school?

School for animals?

School for adventurers?

What is the school’s main purpose?

Some extra random thoughts to consider for writing your fictional school:

Are there competing schools?

How are the students arranged in the classroom?

When it comes to making a fictional school there are lots and lots of details to sort out.

The more questions you can answer before writing chapter one the better and it’s best to write these answers down somewhere so that you have a reference to look back on.

Otherwise it’s tough to remember how you first felt about the school and what you dreamed it would be.

Hope this helps!

Happy writing!

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How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind.

How To Write 4 Scenes That Reveal Who Your Character Is Seamlessly

Psychopath: How to Write The Perfect Psychopath

8 Tips How to Write the Perfect Sociopath

Fictional Characters: 28+ Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters

List of 10 Weapons for Fictional Characters

List of 10 Bad Habits Fictional Characters Need Help Breaking


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The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes Not Boring While Revealing the Story

The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes Not Boring While Revealing the Story
The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes Not Boring While Revealing the Story

The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes NOT BORING While Revealing the Story to Your Reader

Master writers and editors know what it takes to make scenes not boring while revealing the story.

Let’s talk about what makes a scene boring.

There is one major thing you don’t want to do to your readers when writing a scene and revealing the story.

Don’t make it work for them to read it.


If you make it a ton of work for them to get through chapter one scene one, they are going to put down the book and probably never want to pick it up again.

Here is how you make it a ton of work for your reader to make it through your scene. 

Chapter 1: I tell them about the world, the shops in the world, the streets in the world, the mountains, the trees, what the birds look like, the cool and exotic plants. I tell them about the characters and every tiny detail about them. I tell them about her hair and her eyelashes. What she thinks about the flowers…

Do you get where we are going with this?

We are being a bit exaggerated here, but let’s be honest, it happens. And stuff like that used to work, but not today.

To make a scene “too much work didn’t read” (TMWDR) aka (TLDR) we give them a million descriptive details to read through without once moving the story along!

And our reader is left feeling like, “let’s get the ball rolling people!”

We can give them the details about the beautiful world in our imagination, but give it in small doses and allow them to use some imagination.

Move the story forward

We can give them some descriptions and we should, but great authors know that in order to be allowed to explain what a character looks like we have to earn the right to talk about them and why they are important.

The way that we earn the right to tell the reader anything while revealing the story, is when they are thinking this one secret thought.

We have to put this one thought in their minds and keep it there, the moment we’ve lost this thought that we’ve put in their heads, they’ll put down the book.

That secret thought is the same one all great writers use across all mediums, whether it’s story, freelance, copywriting, blogging, or marketing.

The secret thought is: “If I just read a little bit further, I’ll find out what I want to know.

When we are so into reading anything, a story, an article, a blog, we have this same thought too. It’s really more of a feeling. But we read on intently looking for the answer to our questions.

Questions like, “What will happen next?” “What is going to happen to this character now?” are what we want our readers to think as writers in any medium.

The way we plant the secret question in their head using story

The way we create the secret question is simple.

Keeping it in their minds is the hard part about writing a story and writing one that readers can’t put down until they’ve read every last page.

The way is simple but executing takes time, practice, and insight.

How do we create the secret question in their head?

We create a problem that must be resolved.

The way we make scenes not boring

The way to make scenes not boring is to move the story along. (I know we said this above but go with me here as we explain further.)

We need to give the reader something to be curious about and look forward to.

Along the way we slowly but surely reveal characters and scenery and explain little bits and pieces of the world and bring them into our world and share it with them.

But to make a scene not boring and to move the story along we must create curiosity about what happens next!

How to get your reader thinking what happens next?

It is the coveted moment. The reader can’t stop reading page after page, chapter after chapter all because they keep thinking, “what happens next?”

But how do we get them thinking this through every chapter?

I already told them about the hero and the bad guy and he wants to destroy the world, what else keeps them curious?!

The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes Not Boring While Revealing the Story

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The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes Not Boring While Revealing the Story


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The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes Not Boring While Revealing the Story

The journey.

Moving the story along is the journey it takes to get from the introduction of our characters to the main problem that faces them to seeing it out to the end and all the misadventures in between.

But how do we make the journey interesting?

Let’s ask a more detailed question. 

The one we’ve been asking all along.

How do I make each scene interesting?

Give each scene a purpose.

If every single scene we bring the writer into doesn’t have a purpose in moving the story forward then why on Earth are we telling them about the scene?!

So when you plot your outline be thinking of each scene and the “why” behind it’s necessary existence, because if your reader reads one or two scenes that seem to be not purposeful, that is, there is no “pay off” for them taking the time to read it they will likely put down the book.

An easy way to give our scenes a why

Yes, in our scenes we may want to show a certain detail about character development or reveal a hidden artifact, but the easiest way to get the reader through it and on to the next page is to create mini difficulties for the characters.

Our main problem may be that the antagonist(s) wants to blow up the world but while our hero is on the way to stop the no good antagonist(s) they need to run into many challenging obstacles on the way.

Think of your story as more of an obstacle course

To get to the finish line our protagonist needs to run through the maze, climb the slippery slime wall, survive the dread log tumble, jump through the fiery hoop, and before they can even see the finish line they have to carry the weighted sack of fortitude up mount killmyback.

That’s a story.

And each obstacle is a scene. We see the obstacles and how the character handles them and each obstacle reveals more and more to us their true character. (“Show, don’t tell.”)

That’s how we move the story along, keep the reader interested, and reveal the true nature of our characters as we go 🙂

If we told the reader all about how each obstacle was made, how long it took, and about the nuts and bolts of it, that might be a little interesting (if you are trying to write a documentary about the story) but not if they haven’t seen it in action and seen how the course wrecks a character and is extremely interesting to watch. 

Give each scene a purpose while you are revealing the story.

Make an obstacle around that purpose.

And your reader will be thinking that coveted question, “What’s going to happen next?!”

Hope this helps!

Happy writing!

Other Popular Posts you might enjoy:

10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

4 Tips How to Write your Character Hitting Rock Bottom

10 Toxic Bad Habits That’ll Crush Your Fictional Character’s Relationships

5 Tricks How to Hide Your Villain Right Before Their Eyes

How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind.

How To Write 4 Scenes That Reveal Who Your Character Is Seamlessly

Psychopath: How to Write The Perfect Psychopath

8 Tips How to Write the Perfect Sociopath

Fictional Characters: 28+ Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters

List of 10 Weapons for Fictional Characters

List of 10 Bad Habits Fictional Characters Need Help Breaking

The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes Not Boring While Revealing the Story


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The #1 Way to Make Your Scenes Not Boring While Revealing the Story

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6 Tips How to Write the Lovable Jerk

How to Write the Lovable Jerk
How to Write the Lovable Jerk

6 Tips How to Write the Lovable Jerk

Why oh why do we love the jerk?

It’s a common phenomenon.

“Girls like the bad boy.”

” Nice guys finish last.”

“Play hard to get.” 

These are common phrases we know and here that revolve around the psychology of people liking jerks.

So how can we use this phenomenon in choosing and writing our characters?

How to write a lovable jerk

#1 Everyone Wants It, But Too Much is a Turn Off:


Everyone wants it.

But nobody wants arrogance and there’s a fine grey line between the two (is it grey or gray?).

If your character is too confident then it comes across as arrogant and your reader will start to loathe them.

But one main reason most people like the jerk is because she is confident.

Confidence is a very attractive quality.

What is the opposite of confident?

– Needy

– Clingy

– Whining

– Pathetic

– Self-loathing


If you’ve been reading and a character is too sympathetic towards their own bad situation it comes across as unattractive. This is self-loathing, the opposite of cool, confident, and collected.

These are simple ways that you can write your lovable jerk. Avoid the above list.

Part of the reason people love a jerk is because without shouting “I’m really confident!” they just are. They ooze cool and confident because they aren’t afraid to say what they are thinking because they could care less what the other character thinks.

If your character is too confident this plays the opposite and your reader starts to despise that character.

We have to let the confident vibes go a little but then play some other strings too to bring the whole song together.

#2 Can’t Keep Up With Him

Quick Wit

Something that helps our jerk be admirable and get away with being a little bit of a jerk is having a quick wit.

Remember all those comebacks you thought of a day later and said “Ugh! I should have said that!”

Your lovable jerk is quick and never misses an opportunity for a quick comeback.

What’s at play here?

People admire and love to be around a person with an entertaining quick wit.

There is a give and take though. (Just remember that to nail down the lovable jerk you’re always on a fine line between annoying and suave, attractive and not so much.)

This doesn’t mean your character is running around insulting everyone. That’s a jerk, not a lovable jerk. Everyone loves to hate the know-it-all jerk and they want to see them get their comeuppance.

That’s the opposite of what you want your reader to feel about this character.

You want your character to be a bit of a jerk but at the right place and time.

Timing is important.

Think of Sherlock. Extremely intelligent and a faster mind than anyone he interacts with. He could dance circles around anyone with his wit, but utterly rude the majority of the time. 

Even though he can be insultingly rude at times we still love him and want him to accomplish his goals.

We love him and find him interesting because he is fun to watch and extremely intelligent.

We also like him despite his jerky side for another reason.

#3 Good Will

Slightly good intentions

This works with anti-heroes too.

You can love a jerk like Sherlock because he ultimately is looking to stop the bad guys and save the innocent.

His internal motives may be complex, but at the end of the day his actions save the victim and stop the villain.

In a scenario like this we excuse bad behavior because we experience mostly good behavior.

We as humans are very good at overlooking some bad if the good outweighs it in our opinions.

For instance, if you made a list of pros and cons about a character like Sherlock his pros would outweigh his cons for most readers. Not all of course, but most.

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How to Write the Lovable Jerk

How to Write the Lovable Jerk

#4 We are Hoping He’s not as Deep as a Puddle 

Character Depth

A lovable jerk can be nothing but a Jerk at the beginning of our reader meeting them, but if they don’t change slightly or if more about their character doesn’t get revealed by you the writer, as time goes on, your reader will never like them.

For example, Finnick from Hunger Games is a jerk character that many fans love.

It helps that he’s attractive but let’s take a deeper look. We all know looks can give you an advantage, but they can only take you so far before you’re labeled as an attractive, stuck up jerk.

When we first meet Finnick he’s just a jerk. Pain and simple.

But then we spend more time with him and find out he’s for the rebellion.

Further in we see multiple caring sides of him as he tries to protect all those around him. He carries an elderly handicap woman on his back to try to save her life.

His fiance is captured and turned crazy and he remains faithful to her. In the end he gives his own life for Katniss Everdeen and a cause bigger than himself.

Finnick may be stuck up and full of himself at first glance but with time we see his depth of character and that makes him a lovable jerk.

#5 Nobody Likes A Whiny Whiner

There’s a specific writing trick where you can add a sad incident or backstory to a character to gain some sympathy for the character.

Tread lightly with this one.

It can be easy to start with that or to drone on and on about how terrible and tragic their unfortunate event is, but don’t do this.

If you are going for a lovable jerk something bad or many bad things can happen to them, but they need to react correctly in order for your reader to feel positively for them.

Unless you use it as humor or a small arc in their story they can’t wallow in sadness for an entire chapter or two. Humorously they can wallow a little, but realistically it can push your reader away from that character if you’re not careful.

If you want them to be lovable they can only mourn for a moment or for a time that the reader can fast forward through.

For example, “he drank himself to sleep every night that year.” And done. 

Okay, realistically we can give a few more fun facts about their depression than just that, but soon and very soon something that sparks change needs to take place.

You can use sadness for depth of character but if your jerk is to be loved, make it short.

Another way to use tragedy in your jerk’s life is to make him get over it quickly and to move on.

This can be helpful for creating character depth as well.

#6 “I’ve Been Looking at the Man in the Mirror”


One really easy way to write a lovable jerk is to create a character that is about to make a BIG change.

We’ve seen this done many, many, many, many (if you didn’t know, it’s been done a lot) times and it works out equally well despite maybe being a little over done.

One of the major monarchs of this type of lovable jerk is Scrooge.

Scrooge is an iconic lovable jerk that starts out as… well… he starts out as a Scrooge (pun intended) but we see a transformation in his character and in the end he’s super generous.

Another good example is Jack in The Family Man

Jack leaves his high school sweetheart for riches and success.

When we meet him he’s so high on the high horse that we couldn’t stand to be around him, but as the story goes on he completely changes into a really awesome character.

This type of transformation, redemptive story is a great way to make a lovable jerk.

Hope this helps!

Happy writing!

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How to Write the Lovable Jerk

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160+ Power Words to Use With Any Style of Writing & Writing Prompts

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List of 10 Weapons for Fictional Characters


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10 Writing Lessons from Stephen King

10 Writing Lessons from Stephen King
10 Writing Lessons from Stephen King

10 Writing Lessons from Stephen King

Stephen King is known for his horror writing, but if you’ve seen anything of his quotes or read his thoughts on writing.

You’ll see right away that he is blunt, straight to the point, and not afraid to say what he’s thinking.

That’s a big part of what makes his writing tips enjoyable and refreshing. He’s not political and he’s been in the business long enough to know that you just can’t please everyone.

So don’t worry about pleasing everyone.

No matter what you write, if you write, someone or some group will find you and try to discourage you.

For instance, full disclosure:

Just recently a member of a group on Facebook found our site and trolled How to do the write thing.

Something we said in one of our villains posts offended he or she who shall not be named and they went and reported it to the entire Facebook group.

The entire group nasty things about us and some of them commented on our site yelling at us and telling us how horrible we were.

To be honest at first I was worried and shocked, but I got some great advice from a blogger that I found while Googleing looking for advice. 

They reminded me that even if you try your hardest to be kind, polite, and helpful no matter what, if you put yourself out there someone will find you and try to discourage you or take you down.

The best way to deal with it is to expect it and react with positive thoughts.

So that’s what we did. We didn’t retaliate. We moved forward. We changed the post so that it wasn’t perceived as offensive and we enjoyed the extra traffic we got from the Facebook group 🙂

That’s another lesson to be expounded upon later: “bad publicity isn’t always bad marketing”

So the first lesson is:

1. Don’t be afraid to put yourself and your writing out on the line

Some people will love it and some people will hate it. This is to be expected.

We don’t have to explain ourselves to every person that finds our writing and opinions offensive.

Personally I think we should do our best to be kind, polite, and live at peace with one another.

But if you don’t want to offend anyone or have anyone mad at you the only solution is to live in a cave and do nothing. Hah! Even then someone might find you and be offended that you’ve decided to live as a hermit.

Disclaimer: This doesn’t mean we’re saying writers should run their mouths and be purposefully offensive.

We’re just saying you need to go ahead and write and don’t sweat the small stuff 😉

“If you disapprove, I can only shrug my shoulders. It’s what I have.” – Stephen King

Stephen himself used to be ashamed because he would receive hate mail and was accused of very nasty things.

But at a point he learned that no matter what if you write, and write well, someone will find a reason to not like you.

“If you write (or paint or dance or sculpt or sing, I suppose), someone will try to make you feel lousy about it, that’s all,” – S.K.

Which brings to the next point,


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2. Expect to Fail

Failing is a part of the writing process.

If you didn’t know it yet your first draft of any story is trash.

It has to go through the editing process many times to become something that people will want to read and enjoy reading.

Authors have been using editors for a long time now. Don’t make the mistake of being the first writer in centuries that thinks they don’t need an editor.

And furthermore don’t expect that every story you write will be worth a reader spending their time on.

We should write in this way.

Does your story interest you? Would you buy it? Do you like it? Would you like to see it in a movie or TV show?

Most of us are biased. We love our stories like they were children, but if you don’t even like your own story you’ve got a real problem.

Why would I expect someone to read what even I don’t like?

But don’t let this fact get you down.

That’s not the point.

“Optimism is a perfectly legitimate response to failure.”

We should prepare ourselves for the hard long journey of writing.

We should react to it with optimism.

We should know the bumps along the way and be prepared to accept them and move forward.

So many writers have heard more rejection at first than acceptance and it is the ones that kept moving forward despite failure that succeeded.

Of course there are outliers, but this is not to be expected.

3. Expect to be rejected

Expect some failure, but just keep working and moving forward.

Speaking of failure. My first job writing was for $20 an hour. And I was excited.

I thought that was a lot to be paid for a writer and I thought this was a great opportunity!

I was fired after 3 hours.

It was a deep blow.

And to be completely honest with you, it was extremely discouraging.

The employer was at least very nice and cordial about it, but it was rejection and failure.

But I didn’t want to give up.

I continued moving forward and after A LOT of trial and error I made it to getting paid $150+ an hour before I took a break from freelance writing. To give some perspective it was over the course of 2-3 years that I worked my way up through the freelance market.

I don’t say that fact to brag, but I want people to have and see first hand that perseverance is important.

They say that most people’s “lucky break” happens after years of hard work and perseverance. Doesn’t sound so lucky anymore.

For sure, it’s hard and rejection hurts. (Whoever says it doesn’t is lying. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but rejection will never hurt me.” – lie.)

But don’t quit.

Stephen wrote “Carrie” in a trailer, very poor, and it was rejected many times, but he persevered.

And you can too.

Next we are actually going to disagree with Stephen.

What?! Disagree?? With Stephen King?!



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4. Stop Watching TV

I disagree. 

Disclaimer: (this is just MY opinion. You are welcome to have a different one :))

Personally, watching TV has fed my creativity, not hurt it. And watching movies has given me the ability to see how I want things to play out in my stories and writing.

It’s easier for me to imagine my character jump, flip, dance, and swing a sword. Or shoot a bolt of lightning out of her hand having seen it with me own two eyes on TV and in movies.

I don’t know why but that’s just my experience that watching stories gives me ideas, it doesn’t hurt them.

But here is a critical piece of advice.

Watch critically, not passively.

When I’m watching I’m not JUST enjoying. I’m thinking about

– Actions

– Acting

– Dialogue

– The plot

– Subplots

– Story

– Character arcs

– Character development

– Things they chose that I like

– Stuff they did I didn’t like

I’m learning and putting into practice while I watch.

For example, we just got done watching Colony on Netflix (recommend if you like dystopian sci-fi. 2.5 on family friendliness as there is definitely skip worthy scenes)

If you do plan on watching it, spoiler alert:

In Colony, one of the main characters Will Bowman is a good man who chooses to make compromising choices to save his family.

His character is however dependable and positive even though his life is chaos 24/7.

Instead of whiny or wallowing because of his problems he looks for and acts on a solution.

They maintain his faithful demeanor through all of season 1 and 2, but season 3 they did something that made me cringe.

They turned him into an emo version of himself where he was angry and wore black all the time.

I couldn’t stand it. I understood that he was grieving, so I waited to see how they would use it, but it was SO out of character for him. At some points he recovered a little but in the end he kept making choices that I felt were choices his character might not make but changing producers might…

This happens from time to time with TV and movies. They change producers or directors in the middle of a story and things go coocoo. But that’s beside the main lesson here. (Subpoint: be careful with your character arcs and don’t hand the story over to someone random in the 3rd season 🙂 )

So when we watch we as writers can see in stories what we like and what we don’t like.

We can watch and read with a critical eye and mind looking to see the way we want to do it and finding best practices.

This helps us create our own voice and style that readers will know they will get if they read our stories.

Stephen says TV is “poisonous to creativity”. I haven’t found that to be true for me but the opposite.

But he does say, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot,”

I agree with the sentiment. We MUST read a lot and write a lot to be writers.

There is no way around that in my mind at this point.

But I don’t think we have to “toss the TV out with the bathwater” if you know what I mean.

5. Expect the process to be rough

“there’s plenty of opportunity for self-doubt.”

Writing is not just tough because other people won’t always like what you write.

Sometimes we are our own worst critics and self doubt and self doubt can persuade us to go no further or that the story we have isn’t good enough.

But that’s not really up for us to decide.

All we can really do is put in the work and put it out there and see what follows.

It’s a risk for sure, but the question is “is it worth the risk to you?” Only you can answer that question for yourself.

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10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King

6. Writing can be very lonely

Stephen gives us a powerful image by saying that writing fiction is like crossing an ocean in a bathtub.

You’re not moving very quickly. The space is tight and you are very much ALONE in a sea of black depth.

Sounds frightening, and at times it is.

No one wants to be that alone for that long.

But if we are going to give our writing a chance to live and do something we have to be the ones to tell the story, or it might never be told.

7. Enjoy your process

Every writer has a space and a process.

If you don’t that’s okay, it just means you haven’t found it yet.

And sometimes we have to move and change our process and that’s okay too.

We move around a lot, but right now my process is to go out on our back screened-in porch and write outside. When I first wake up I have my morning routine I enjoy and reading is a part of it. Next, I head outside.

I love nature and the natural noises that come with it (birds, squirrels, breeze, leaves, etc). It’s a very peaceful environment for me with little to no distraction. I am really able to zone in and focus. When I look up the outdoor smells, the greenery, and the trees all give me a sense of happiness. (Sounds like a tree hugger)

I have a specific chair I sit in and depending on the day I either write on my phone or laptop. These days I’m enjoying my phone more.

It could be very different for you and that’s fine. You might hate nature. You might love writing in your closet or car.

I actually heard a story of a lady recently who was having trouble finding a place to write with no distractions.

With a family and tight quarters, this place did not exist in her home.

She started going out to her car and writing. It took her some time, but she ended up being able to finally finish her entire novel in her car!

So you may think you have nowhere to write but if you get creative you’ll find somewhere.

Enjoy finding what you like to be your space and process.

Maybe you like to write with pen and paper.

Maybe you like to write in your closet.

Maybe you want to write on your roof.

Whatever it is, find a space/ process of your own and use that to make a happy habit you enjoy.


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8. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty

“Stories are found things, like fossils in the ground … Stories are relics, part of an undiscovered pre-existing world.”

We have to unearthed our characters and our stories.

They have to be dug up from our own minds.

They have to be revealed from the world around us.

Stories are about the journey and they lurk around every corner waiting to be discovered. I’m not talking about some mystic thing here. I’m being literal.

If you watch the news or go to school or go to work, stories are happening all around you. You only have to be willing to see them, find them, and write them.

Fiction is so fun at times because we can take details from real life and throw them into a story for our reader to enjoy.

Sometimes the hardest part is doing the long tedious work of discovering our story along the way.

We have an idea and we love it but we don’t know how it ends yet and we don’t have all the middle pieces to get to the end. The only way to get there is to think fng start to write and see where it goes.

Another hard thing can be that we know we’ve discovered a really great story but sitting down and trying to communicate it to someone else through words feels like it just doesn’t do it justice.

These are all hurdles and hard work if one is to be a writer.

“The most important things are the hardest things to say,”

“They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings.”

Sometimes it is hard to put into words the drama that is playing in our minds, but that is to be expected and worked through. There is no way around it.

9. Don’t over-describe

“Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s,” – S.K.

We really have to think more simply about description and telling a story.

It’s important to focus on getting what we see in our heads into their heads using just words on a page.

We don’t have to overthink it more than this. When we decide to over-describe we can often lose our reader to boredom.

“In many cases when a reader puts a story aside because it ‘got boring,’ the boredom arose because the writer grew enchanted with his powers of description and lost sight of his priority, which is to keep the ball rolling,” – S. K.

10. Don’t ride off into the sunset on a high horse (It’s not pretty)


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“One of the really bad things you can do to your writing is to dress up the vocabulary, looking for long words because you’re maybe a little bit ashamed of your short ones,” – S. K.

It’s easy to make the mistake to think that the reader is bored of simple words. This is a BIG mistake

Writer’s get bored with limited vocabulary, not readers.

Now there are definitely readers that want bigger vocabulary and harder reading and if you want to serve that audience, that’s fine but for at least 90% of regular consuming readers the rule is write somewhere close to a 9th grade reading level.

The key is to know your audience. To whom are you writing?

– Children

– Teens

– Adults

– Academics

– Writer’s

– Etc

If we are writing to the masses and just trying to tell a good story, use simple words to give great imagery.

Hope this helps!

Happy Writing!

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