Avoid These Common World Building Mistakes When Writing Nature
There are some common tropes that get brought up when creating nature. Peace, tranquility, and innocence.
But if you actually take a look at nature you see very different themes coming up.
It’s a dog eat dog world.
Many writers have written nature as if it is the peaceful land that civilization came and messed up. This thought seems to come mostly from those that actually think that humans and civilization ruin everything.
But let’s examine nature with or without humans.
Most of the animals hunt and kill and eat each other. Wolves murder wolves not in their own specific pack. Foxes kill rabbits. Spiders eat other insects. Fish eat fish. Fish eat bugs.
There is a vast amount of killing and bloodshed in the woods all while humans are away. Violence is present in the wilderness with or without humans.
Nature doesn’t always have to be portrayed as the peaceful and tranquil forest that is untainted by man. You see this a lot in Eastern films. (Don’t get me wrong, anime is awesome) but the point stands that if you wanted to write about the violence of nature that would be a completely understandable theme. (It seems like Attack on Titan explores this theme)
Money is the root of all evil.
A theme we see a lot is the forest is pure until evil man comes and corrupts it with industry and greed.
The quote that “money is the root of all evil” actually comes from the Bible. And this is a misquote of what was actually said.
The actual quote is, “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.” See the difference? Money isn’t the root of ALL evil acts, but the LOVE OF MONEY is the cause of many evil decisions.
So is money and industry inherently bad for nature? No. People need to survive and build homes and make heat. Cutting down some trees to do so is a part of nature existing just as much as planting new trees and growing new forests.
The point is you can build good industries into your world and evil industries. And they can both affect nature in good and unhealthy ways.
But corruption shows itself in nature every day in wilderness where man has yet to step.
Need I say more?
In nature fungus grows on trees and kills them. Parasites latch onto animals and feed on them while they’re still alive.
The very existence of these parasitic species is evidence of corruption in nature.
Now, does it seem like man ultimately caused that corruption in the first place? Yes. But that’s another story for another time.
The point is corruption in nature can be an explored theme in world-building without the evil industry making its way into the woods.
Death stalks the forest.
In this entire post, the theme is that violence, corruption, and death at this time all run rampant in the woods even on days when humans don’t get involved.
A Hunter may not shoot the rabbit with his bow but the bobcat might still pounce on it and break its neck.
A resounding theme in the wilderness is unending survival. Every creature seems to be struggling to survive.
And that is a great theme: survival.
So don’t always assume that if you are attempting to do some world-building and the woods are a major part that you MUST make the woods peaceful, tranquil, and pure (even though these themes can also be found there. I know this first hand.) You can also explore death, corruption, violence, and the struggle for survival in a natural setting.
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Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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