How to Write for Yourself | Is it Odd to Just Write for Yourself?
Some people are out there writing and they are REALLY good at it, but they don’t share their writing with anyone.
Well, I shouldn’t say just anyone. They might let their friend read it or their spouse, but they don’t put it out there for just anyone to read and enjoy.
Why do they write stories? Because they enjoy it simply. They literally just write for themselves.
Is this weird, strange, and odd?
Not really. It’s a personal thing. They don’t have to share their writing with anyone.
But what would happen if they did?
Magic can happen when we share.
I recently read a story.
A spouse was writing a story. They never ever let anyone read their stories.
For whatever reason, one day, they decided to let their other spouse read their story or part of it.
Nothing really came of it.
5 years later they were sitting having dinner and one spouse said to the other, “Do remember what book this is from?” and without knowing it started describing their spouses’ story that they had read 5 years earlier.
Of course, the one that wrote stories regularly was elated to hear their loved one retell their story and not realize it, as if it were some famous book out there.
It was a brilliant moment for that writer that they wouldn’t have experienced unless they let someone read their story.
Letting others into your writing can help with writer’s block.
Letting other people give feedback on a story is very helpful for getting rid of writer’s block.
You might be struggling with where to take a certain scene. If you allow someone you trust to take a look at it they can offer advice and you can ask them questions.
Where would you take this scene?
Where did you think it was headed?
Have any ideas on how this scene could be better?
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You can impact other lives with your stories.
Stories can help others and change their lives. We as a people learn from stories.
We learn what we want to be like, and how we don’t want to be. We learn from others’ mistakes, successes, and failures.
Stories can help us solve our own problems as well as others. Teachers use stories to teach life lessons.
Your stories could impact people’s lives, but only if you’re willing to share them.
You can write stuff just for you and certain stuff just for them.
If you have your own world just for you, that’s not strange.
C.S. Lewis had his own world called Animal Land if I recall correctly. He and his brother had their own imaginary worlds that were just for them in childhood.
As he became a published author none of the stories or world-building for Animal Land have been shared or published for the world to see.
In like manner, you could have a world that is completely your own. And just like Lewis, you could write stories that you are okay with sharing with others.
How to get over the fear of criticism.
Some writers say they don’t like to share anything of their writing until they are 100% ready to publish. That’s fine, but I wouldn’t personally recommend it.
There is so much to be learned about writing by allowing others to speak into your story.
Sometimes it won’t be helpful and you’ll just have to learn what’s good advice and what’s bad advice, but I have heard more than once that what the readers say about the story is sometimes better than what the author intended. True sentiments from authors.
It’s not to say that some people won’t throw in bad advice too, but as you go forth in your writing journey it will get easier and easier to weed out the bad noise.
How to get over the fear of sharing your writing.
I think in all honesty this is the biggest hurdle for writers sharing their work.
If we were honest with ourselves we would say internal, “I’m afraid to share my writing with anyone else.”
We don’t want to hear rejection or bad feedback. This is completely understandable. Sharing our writing is actually being extremely vulnerable.
For some people, it is too much. But if you can, I recommend you do.
It’ll make you stronger as a person and it will help you with your writing. It’ll help you learn to shrug off bad advice and see your story in a way you might never see without someone else looking at it and sharing their thoughts.
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That’s all for the moment.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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