5 Thoughts on Writing an Epic Villain
What is the main goal of the villain?
Whether the villain knows it or not their main purpose is to oppose the protagonist and create conflict.
The villain or antagonist can take many forms
Our villain is extremely versatile and can take any form.
They could be human, animal, or even an event in nature.
In order to create an epic villain though, you will want it to be intelligent as these make the most emotionally striking villains.
There are a few villain archetypes we will mention below.
We can have multiple villainous characters
Also it should be noted that you can have multiple characters that have goals against your main character but in the end it is best to have one that over arches the rest.
For example, in Harry Potter, Harry has many antagonists:
– Draco
– The Malfoy family
– Bellatrix Black
– Nigini
– Draco’s gang
– Death Eaters
Even some friends betray him along the way, but Voldemort outplays them all.
You can have a Gray Villain
This type of character would be labeled as dynamic.
We can do this type of characterization with any of our characters.
But with a dynamic villain that means that they may have some inner conflict about good and evil.
They may believe that the evil they do undershadows the overall good they are trying to accomplish.
An example would be Thanos.
He believed that the genocide he was carrying out was for the good of all living beings. Even though he murdered half the universe he believed that he was its unsung hero.
This would be a type of gray Villain.
They aren’t black and white.
They aren’t intentionally good or evil. They are somewhere in the middle which if done well causes conflict wand differing opinions amongst readers.
Think Loki.
Sometimes Loki does evil things and sometimes he helps the hero. It all depends. He is a Gray villain.
As readers we aren’t quite sure what he will do next.
This keeps our readers on their toes with our villain. They never know what he’ll do.
Another good example is Kylo Ren.
A dynamic villain can have redemptive qualities like Kylo Ren.
This antagonist struggles with the light and dark side within him.
He does terrible things in the name of darkness, but in the end turns out to help the protagonist, our heroine Rey.
Which is a parallel to his grandfather and mentor Darth Vader who also struggled with the light and dark in him to eventually in the end be redeemed for attempting to destroy Sidious and save the Galaxy.
This is a dynamic villain.
5 Thoughts on Writing an Epic Villain
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5 Thoughts on Writing an Epic Villain

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5 Thoughts on Writing an Epic Villain
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You can make a Static villain.
Again a static character can be any part of the cast, but the static character is 100% one thing and doesn’t change.
A static villain is purely 100% evil to the core.
As a writer we can hide that evil for a time but at the end of the story we will have revealed to the world that they were down right rotten and there is no saving them.
There are many good examples of static villains:
– Jafar
– Voldemort
– Hades
– Darth Sidious
– The depiction of the joker from Dark Knight
There is much inspiration to draw from for a static villain.
The more sinister you make them the better.
Try to reveal deeper and deeper over time that this villain is despicable.
Make your readers guess a little but in the end hit it home so there is no guessing.
“Some people just want to watch the world burn.” Alfred about the Joker.
That’s a static villain. They take pleasure in evil.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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