What Are Your Writing Insecurities?
You write for yourself of course, but there is a small part of you that wants to publish. But why don’t you?
Most of us, as writers, struggle with insecurities. (I take that back, EVERY writer struggles with some insecurities, even famous ones.)
What are our insecurities and how do we overcome them? Or at least, how do we confront them?
Fear of rejection.
This is a big one and it plays into many human decisions. We might not ask out that person we like because we fear them saying no. Maybe it would be better to just never ask them and then they’ll NEVER be able to SAY NO.
While this is true, we’ll also never know if they would have said yes…
There is a saying, “You miss 100% of the opportunities you don’t take.”
This applies here.
If we fear rejection so much that we never put ourselves out there as writers then we will never know if our writing would have been a success.
And ask yourself, what if just one person really loved your story? Would that be enough for you to publish?
Look for that one person and write and publish for them.
Fear of failure.
Fear of rejection and fear of failure go hand in hand but are not quite the same.
If we fear we are going to be unliked, made fun of, laughed at, etc these are fears of rejection.
Fear of failure is more about setting a goal or accomplishment that is really important to us and then it going wrong and us not achieving that goal.
We are afraid to fail.
We want so badly for this to work out that the fear of it not working out paralyzes us and we instead decide to binge on Netflix or play a video game. We procrastinate to not feel the pressure anymore.
The fear of failure attacks many of us but the truth is we might not fail. The other truth is, what we are afraid of happening (failing) will happen if we don’t try.
We will 100% fail at becoming a successful writer if we don’t try to be a writer at all.
But at least if we try there is a chance we will succeed and readers will love our stories.
Don’t deprive your potential readers.
Fear of inadequacy.
This can fall into two categories. The fear of just not being good enough and the fear of being too young or not knowing enough.
Let no one despise you for your youth. Just because you are young doesn’t mean you can’t learn to write a story well and come up with ideas that people will love.
Feeling like we don’t know enough and wanting to learn is better than feeling like a know-it-all and not learning anything.
A common trait with successful people is their desire to continually learn.
Don’t be afraid to search for knowledge and wisdom and use it once you understand it, no matter what your age.
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My story isn’t worth telling.
This is common and falls into the feeling of rejection. “No one will like my story,” is actually a statement of predicting the future.
Can you without a shadow of a doubt know 100% that no one will like your story? Not one?
This to me seems to be a good excuse to not do something that makes us nervous. What would happen if we put the thing out there anyway?
What if people love your story? Would you really keep it from them?
Our insecurities can really weigh us down and slow us down, but what have they done for us in a positive sense? Nothing I can think of.
“They saved me from the emotional pain of rejection and failure.” Did they really? And can you prove that?
No, we, unfortunately, cannot prove that. What we can say is that we never tried because of our insecurities and so we have failed.
Or, we can start today, right now and put our work out there and see what opportunities come our way.
We most definitely might get hurt.
We might fail.
We might get rejected a million times but at least we can know we tried and didn’t give up.
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- There is a simple method over 30,000 people use to get paid for freelance writing online.
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That’s all for now.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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