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“Character Name Generator”
“Kickstart your story with this random name generator that has 1,000,000+ good names to inspire you. Sort using filters such as language, gender, and fantasy — and even discover the meaning behind your favorites. Each name is computer-generated and we encourage you to do further research on naming traditions and meanings for your exact region.”
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“Book Title Generator”
“10,000+ good book titles to inspire you. Generate a random story title that’s relevant to your genre. You can pick between fantasy, crime, mystery, romance, or sci-fi. Simply click the button below to get started.” –
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In order to help you write a great covert narcissist, we should first define covert narcissism.
Most people know what a narcissist is and how you can identify one. A lot of people are full of themselves and more concerned about their own wants and desires than that of others, but some people are full-blown narcissists. They are always talking about themselves and their achievements. They will jump on every opportunity to tear others down and say mean things about them.
Their jealousy and malice know no bounds as they see no evil in being narcissistic. They love being the center of attention and are obsessed with looking for ways to be looked at and praised by others.
And let’s clear a myth here, just because someone is an extrovert and enjoys being the life of the party and enjoys being on stage and takes being the center of attention well doesn’t mean they are a narcissist. A narcissist has more signs than just that.
So what is a covert narcissist and why are they harder to identify than a regular narcissist?
Covert Narcissist VS Narcissist
What is a narcissist?
Narcissists are:
Overly self-interested
Sense of self-entitlement
The English word Narcissist comes from an ancient Greek story about Narcissus.
Narcissus fell in love with his own image and suffered ruin because of it. Is there any truth here? Perhaps, but it seems the story was used to teach against excessive self-love.
According to the 5th edition of the DSM psychologist are now calling obsessive narcissism a disease. (On a personal note I don’t believe this, but I am trying to lay out the current facts to help you write a good fictional character.)
The DSM-5 calls it NPD.
This type of person will be so self-absorbed and so atypical about their sense of self grandeur that they will almost uncontrollably be acting out in certain narcissistic behavior. They may not even be able to see or comprehend that they are doing it. Self-absorbed behaviors will be the main motives of the actions they take and the decisions they make. To characters around them, it might be extremely obvious, but in their own sense of self, they may be completely blind to it and find it normal that all people should act and think the way they do.
NPD has certain symptoms and traits:
What are some traits of Narcissism?
Extreme lack of empathy toward other characters (including family and friends)
No sense of remorse when exploiting others even if it hurts them (physically, financially, spiritually, emotionally)
The belief that everyone owes them something (you owe them for being able to exist next to them)
Extreme sense of being more special and unique than other characters
Obsessed with self beauty, power, success, well-being, preservation
Constantly desires admiration and craves acknowledgment for endeavors
Does not understand why others don’t see their special nature and can feel offended to an extreme degree if not admired
May over embellish their own success and accomplishments
May zone out often fantasizing about fame, influence, and potential
What are the symptoms of NPD?
Hard time forming normal relationships
Fictional view of self-importance over the importance of others
Hard time with empathy
The continual need for admiration from others without giving any genuine praise in return
Let’s clear up an obvious question. Is liking yourself and being comfortable in your own skin narcissism? No.
Someone can like themself and be comfortable with who they are without being overly self-loving. To be narcissistic would mean that a person would see themself as more important than others. Being completely self-indulgent.
They are not concerned if their actions hurt others as long as they get what they want, it is just a means to an end.
Does this mean that their self esteem is high?
No, not necessarily. An obsession with self can lead to low self-esteem if others do not constantly affirm their overly inflated view of self-worth.
What is an overt narcissist?
An overt narcissist is the opposite of a covert narcissist which can be described as someone whose obsession with self is seen outwardly and as an extrovert at being the center of attention at all times and sees anyone that gets more attention than them as enemies of their true purpose in life.
A stereotypical overt narcissist may be considered loud, obnoxious, and rude, but still craves unusual amounts of admiration. They will completely ignore naysayers and easily find followers in the crowd that will listen to their noise and praise them without question or rebuttal.
What is Covert Narcissism?
Covert narcissism is also known as vulnerable narcissism. It means the person has an obsessive need for admiration from others but suffers from a lack of empathy towards others. But a covert narcissist is harder to identify based on outward actions. Their key traits are subdued, understated, and are less evident or apparent.
The covert narcissist still lacks empathy and craves praise and approval at an extreme level. They lack the ability to control their own view of self-esteem.
This is why I say you should consider adding one to your story. Characters that are a certain way but are hard to identify easily make for interesting almost mysterious characters that need more time and problem-solving to figure out who they are and what their deal is.
A covert narcissist may come across as shy or introverted. They may exhibit self-depreciation behavior, but their end goal is the same as an overt narcissist. They want to be glorified. They may seek to make people feel bad for them to get attention and love. They may lie to get what they want.
They also may have a victim mentality.
The covert narcissist may say negative things about themself or constantly feel that they are “unlucky.” Their life is irregularly harder than anyone else’s. They alone have the worst circumstances to deal with.
It would not matter the amount of wealth or luxury they have in life. They still would find ways to be discontent with their circumstances.
Even though they think little of their circumstance, they still view themselves as the center of the universe. It is just that they feel the universe doesn’t realize their importance as they do.
Overt VS Covert Narcissist
Overts are easy to see from a mile away whereas the covert narcissists are harder to see coming. A covert narcissist is easier to be manipulated by and hurt before the character realizes what has occurred. Characters interacting with them that are unaware might become victims of abuse quickly and then are disregarded by the narcissist as soon as they are deemed ‘unuseful.’
In some cases, characters can be manipulated for long periods of time before they realize it. They could be married. It could be their ‘best’ friend. As long as the character has been useful or delightful to the covert narcissist then they are kept around, but as soon as they become ‘too much work’ or ‘undesirable’ they will likely be discarded even if the relationship has lasted many years.
Whether children are involved in the marriage or not is not important to the narcissist as they lack the ability to experience empathy as long as they are lost in their extreme self-love. Hurting others is not a thing they even consider. They are wholly concerned with what is best for them.
Let’s talk about signs of a covert narcissist:
They may be depressed
A covert narcissist is more likely to experience self-inflicted anxiety and depression about whatever they deem to be unfair about people not seeing them as important as they see themselves.
They have difficulty with keep relationships
They find it impossible to see that anyone could be as important as they are. This strains their relationships. They may be able to put forth extreme effort to gain a partner in a relationship, but with time the partner will most likely lose interest as they will discover the narcissistic behavior of the other.
Difficulty in work relationships
Very similar to romantic relationships they will have trouble building meaningful relationships with co-workers.
They will easily make fun of or dismiss their coworkers as inferior even if they are better workers. They will find excuses to believe that no one is better than them and thus they will inevitably push others away all while wanting them to like and adore them the way they adore themselves in their minds.
Extremely sensitive to criticism
Do not try to tell the covert narcissist that they aren’t doing it correctly. This will only lead to dangerous waters. A covert narcissist may not directly tell you that you have slighted them, but they may plot revenge none-the-less.
And that is the scary part about it. An extraverted narcissist might scream in your face and threaten you on the spot, but if you back down immediately they may feel justified and superior and leave you alone. Not so with the covert narcissist.
They will go away scheming your demise. Their vengeance will be felt.
Avoids social gatherings
Large social gatherings may be difficult for the covert narcissist. They may be too overwhelmed with what people think of them to function properly and thus be even more self-obsessed and upset about how their social interactions are failing.
In their minds, it’s better to know they are better than everyone else and not give anyone a chance to prove them wrong. “Who needs other people anyway!” They might think.
This can manifest itself in some sort of social anxiety.
A hushed sense of superiority
The covert narcissist may appear to be meek and humble, but in reality, they try to avoid situations that could make them look bad.
They may not be the strongest person in the room, but that is because “wasting time on strength training is for inferior beings. True strength is in the mind.”
In other words, they will make excuses for their weaknesses as if it doesn’t matter. They are no less in their own minds, they just build up excuses to justify why they are “not worried or concerned” about those areas of life.
Covert Narcissist and Why You Should Write One
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They will blame others for their mistakes
Nothing is ever their fault. They may even lack the capacity to learn from mistakes because in their mind they don’t make mistakes. They will find any way to make sure that in their own minds and in others they are never seen as wrong.
They will shame others for personal gain
Shaming others is not an uncommon tactic for a covert narcissist to get other characters to treat them the way they desire to be treated.
They will often use shaming to make others feel like they owe them something. They use it to have a sense of superiority and to maintain their goal of making every character feel like they owe them something.
Even if they know they are wrong they may pretend to be emotionally hurt to get you to feel bad and thus in their mind the tables have turned in their favor.
Make the other character feel stupid or less intelligent
By making another character think that they are not as smart they can manipulate them more easily. A good example of this type of character interaction is the ape and the donkey in C.S. Lewis The Last Battle.
If the covert narcissist can get you to question yourself and your thoughts even if they know that they are wrong and you are right they win the upper hand against you and then they can get you to serve them once again.
Purposeful neglect and procrastination
The covert narcissist can be crafty at getting what they want. They will use manipulative techniques like neglect. They may purposefully get a person addicted to them and then neglect them to get more and more attention from them. Almost like playing ‘hard to get.’
They will also purposefully procrastinate doing things for the other character to keep them constantly on a leash waiting. Every once in a while they may throw them a bone, but it is only to keep them coming back for more.
Giving to get
They will use gifts and bribes to receive things in return. They don’t normally give out of the goodness of their heart or just out of a feeling of appreciation or love. They keep tabs on people they give to and everything they give.
They give with the idea of receiving. They give with the expectation of ‘you owe me now.’ And if the character does ‘pay up’ then they feel slighted and they might seek revenge.
They may even want other characters to view them as generous, but they are not.
Psychologists’ thoughts on causes
Some experts in the field of psychology hypothesize that these types of feelings and behaviors could be the result of poor parenting. It is thought that parents that make too much of their child’s achievements lead them to believe that they were indeed more special than any of their peers.
The thought then alludes to the fact that if a parent has a warmer approach towards love and affection for the child then the child learns a healthier way to love others too.
(Personally, I don’t believe this since I’ve seen 3 years olds lie out of fear of being caught. No one taught them to think selfishly. They innately chose it of free will in the quick of the moment. But that is neither here nor there.)
But you can use such information as good reasoning for a back story.
“People with covert narcissism may have a parent who displays similar traits, abused them as children or both. Psychologists do not yet understand why some people develop covert NPD rather than overt NPD.”
It will be challenging for others. Their patience will be tested and tried.
Let’s talk about friends and family:
It will be hard for family to enjoy being around this person for extended periods of time. They may appear to be clingy to those that are kind to them.
The introverted narcissist will love the attention and praise the kind person gives them and will come back for more as if it were candy, but instead of giving praise back, they will most likely find ways to make fun of them and point out their flaws as this behavior ultimately makes the covert narcissist feel good about themselves.
If the family member or friend confronts them on their mean behavior they will be offended and think that the friend is treating them badly. This will most likely end with them stomping out of the room quickly as they will not stand for such treatment from a “lower being.”
For people that handle interactions with the narcissist well, it will be in small controlled doses more than likely. For those that do not do well with them, they will most likely avoid them at all costs.
This leaves two scenarios for people to carry out in reaction to the covert narcissist’s behavior. They will either avoid them with haste entirely or be kind to them and chat for a bit but then quickly dismiss themselves.
If the person is truly kind then that will be the end of it, but if they too are just trying to ‘make face’ then they will most likely say hurtful things about the person with NPD behind their back.
This can make for very interesting character dynamics and interactions.
Those who interact with the narcissist may choose to limit the amount of personal information they share with them. This might be in their best interest. The narcissist may use ‘sensitive’ information about them to gain favor and superiority in the eyes of others. Being able to put them down may make the covert narcissist look better to their peers so they think.
There can also be traumatic altercations.
If anyone, friend, or a family member has been abused by the covert narcissist they may choose to stop seeing the person altogether. They may even draw up lawsuits or legal restriction orders that keep them from seeing the person ever.
Consider these types of situations if writing a covert narcissist.
For example,
Let’s say your main character is a brilliant detective, lacks empathy, but always solves the case (thank you, Sherlock). But as we watch our character’s days go by we start to see instances of “friends” and a family from their past. But wait, they can’t see their kids anymore. Why? Because the spouse got a restriction order after they decided to retaliate against a comment the kid made about their funny smell. They like cigarettes but still took the comment personally from the naive adolescent.
So now we have a dynamic character that has a complicated family history that alienates them from those they most likely wish they could be close too. That makes for great potential drama.
Things that you could accuse your typical covert narcissist of:
Financial betrayal between partners or spouses
Verbal abuse
Sexual abuse
Psychological abuse (purposefully, methodically, and secretly looking to tear down their mentality)
Physical abuse
Emotional abuse (trying to get them to feel guilt over things that aren’t true, knowing they aren’t true)
Domestic violence
When writing your covert narcissist keep these typical problems in mind. Use them to write interesting conflicts between characters that will keep your reader interested in the characters and how they develop.
Why should you write a covert narcissist
A covert narcissist’s traits, signs, and behaviors give a lot of material for complicated character relationships and complex character problems.
Covert narcissists don’t have to only be the antagonist. The protagonist can be covertly narcissistic.
This character may have a hard time making and keeping relationships, but the fact that they wrestle with their inner demons of extreme self-love can be very interesting for a reader.
Consider writing about a covert narcissist the next time you are starting a writing prompt.
Feel free to use this resource to give you ideas and inspiration on how to make them come to life on your pages.
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“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
Louis L’Amour
Stop thinking and plotting. Just start writing.
“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.”
Kurt Vonnegut
Take a risk. Write the story.
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”
Stephen King
Say no more.
“There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they’ll take you.”
Beatrix Potter
We don’t always have to know where the journal will end. We just have to know where will start it.
And not forget to actually start it.
5 Motivational Quotes to Inspire Writing
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Make sure each word takes them to the next and the next after that.
Use writing quotes to inspire your writing.
Be persistent and finish the project.
Search for nuggets of wisdom to apply to your writing ideas and habits.
Don’t be afraid to be a little different and think outside the box.
When you get an idea go ahead and write it down somewhere. It might just stay an idea forever or one day it may become a book and then a play and a movie or a toy. You just never know.
If you don’t write it down it’ll never even be an idea.
Hopefully, these writing quotes will help inspire you towards your next great writing prompt or ideas.
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Violent religions come and go with time, but some stick around for centuries.
Some religions are not entirely violent but have certain sects that branch off that are extreme and violent.
Make sure that if you create a violent sect or religion that there be an underlying cause for the violence that “justifies” violence in the eyes of its believers.
To keep it realistic and interesting make sure that it is a cause some are willing to die and kill for.
And at the end of the story make sure your reader knows it’s just fiction.
2. Overbearing governments
Overbearing governments are nothing new or shocking.
They do make a world that is interesting to read about. Follow the struggles of a few in detail and the many in general.
3. Rebellions
Overbearing governments naturally breed constant rebellions and uprisings.
Use these rebellions to make your government sweat or to make your main characters a part of the rebellion.
Or make your main characters a part of the government that is being fought against.
5 Oppressive Settings for World Building
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Imagine book-burning, giant piles of smoking books after a night of crowds and mass fires.
Imagine people hiding books in their houses.
They hide them in their walls, in their floors, in their bookshelves, in their food storage.
What does the government do to those rebels that they find with the banned books?
5. Banning religions
Banning religions and certain sects of religions is nothing new either.
What do they do to those they find practicing this religion? What measures does the government take to find them?
Are your main characters part of the religion or part of the government that bans it?
Who are the “good” people and the “bad” people?
What is right and what is wrong in this world?
Write oppressive settings in your fictional story to keep your reader intrigued and on the edge of their seat while they read into your story. Writing story settings that are in turmoil is a good way to keep your reader interested in what will happen next.
Focus on the natural things that could happen in a world like this so that the consequences are believable to your reader.
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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
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We hope you enjoyed: 5 Oppressive Settings for World Building!
Does your main character cheat or are they with someone that cheats?
Do they know the cheating is going on?
Do they confront the other person or live with it?
Do they have a friend that cheats?
Do they tell their spouse?
Do they prostitute themselves?
Do they know someone that does?
Are they a police officer that deals with prostitution daily?
Does their child get involved with prostitution?
Do they live in a society that practices polygamy?
Are they married to their sister’s husband?
Does their husband choose to marry their sister or cousin as well?
Do they fight because of the polygamy?
Is the polygamy reversed and this culture has the social norm of a wife taking on multiple husbands?
5 Scandalous Settings for World Building
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5 Scandalous Settings for World Building
Arranged Marriage
Does the character have someone they fall in love with that isn’t their arranged suitor?
Do they despise their arrangement?
Do the parents regret the arrangement?
Was the arrangement forced on one or more of the families?
Do they find out about the arrangement the day before they meet their arranged spouse?
Do they find their future spouse to be hideously ugly?
Is their future spouse known for being brutal, harsh, and violent?
Banning interracial marriage
Banning interracial marriage is wrong and racist.
Does your character love someone, not of their perceived race?
Do they marry in secret?
Do they get found out?
Are they in danger?
Are they shunned?
Are they gossiped and rumored about?
What happens to their children in this culture?
Keep your reader’s interested by creating scenarios that are unfavorable for your characters.
If nothing ever goes wrong for them, they don’t have very interesting lives.
Use settings like these to create natural problems they might run into in everyday life.
The more naturally it is, the more depth the fictional story will carry with it naturally.
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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
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We hope you enjoyed: 5 Scandalous Settings for World Building!
“Love? I always thought love was just something that ate away your sanity, left you with an inferiority complex, and filled you with jealousy…and bitterness…So many people get hung up on love while life passes them by.”
“We yearn for someone to always be on our side, to always trust us, to always believe us and believe in us, regardless of the world and everything in it! But the reality of life proves that the majority of people are only capable of a shallow love…Very seldom will you find someone who will love the way that you tremble. And yet, this is the only type of love that is ever even true! If you are not loved for the way that you tremble and the way that you come unhinged, then you are not even loved at all.”
“Love is a more powerful force than magic. You can trick the mind and even the heart, but never the soul. When a person is not free to love with their soul, that is not love and that is why a love spell can never truly work.”
“Romantic love, I think, requires a degree of physical attraction, but devotion is needed to maintain it as an actual relationship. Physical attraction is a feeling you don’t really have control over, but devotion is something that has to be chosen. So, ideally… I suppose it’s passion combined with the commitment to value someone else completely above oneself.”
“…If I loved someone living in the pits of hell, I would go into those pits of hell and I would embrace that person right there in hell. That is how I love.”
“You will be told that the best way to love is in the absence of yourself. But listen to me when I say, that the more treasures within you that you see and you find, the more purely you will be able to love another. We do not love properly when we have no treasures to give…”
standing arm in arm against the world and knowing together you could rule the country. ’Tis fighting with each other with tooth and nail and never fearing sly or brutal reprisals. ’Tis going to war against the whole world, yet knowing that peace resides in the bed between us.”
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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
“And while I agree – and who wouldn’t? – that being in Love is the optimum, I have learned that what we call love, or at least what I called love, was often only a ferocious physical attraction.”
“Love. What is it truly? Love is a spiritual state, an intangible, often insatiable need to put one’s needs above your own. To provide peace, stability and smiles to those who have made the long transition from your mind to your heart.”
“Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment.“
“Mental prayer in my opinion is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends; it means taking time frequently to be alone with Him who we know loves us. The important thing is not to think much but to love much and so do that which best stirs you to love. Love is not great delight but desire to please God in everything.”
Enjoying 103+ Quotes About What is Love? Take a moment and consider sharing this social-friendly image to say thanks and feel free to comment with your thoughts below! 🙂
If you enjoy 103+ Quotes About What is Love, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
“Before I had my child, I thought I knew all the boundaries of myself, that I understood the limits of my heart. It’s extraordinary to have all those limits thrown out, to realize your love is inexhaustible.”
“Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.”
“The only way to get love is to be lovable. It’s very irritating if you have a lot of money. You’d like to think you could write a check: ‘I’ll buy a million dollars’ worth of love.’ But it doesn’t work that way. The more you give love away, the more you get.”
“We really have to understand the person we want to love. If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love. If we only think of ourselves, if we know only our own needs and ignore the needs of the other person, we cannot love.”
If you enjoy 103+ Quotes About What is Love, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Now back to the show 103+ Quotes About What is Love.
103+ Quotes About What is Love
“With compassion you can die for other people, like the mother who can die for her child. You have the courage to say it because you are not afraid of losing anything, because you know that understanding and love is the foundation of happiness. But if you have fear of losing your status, your position, you will not have the courage to do it.”
“Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.”
“Poets are the only people to whom love is not only a crucial, but an indispensable experience, which entitles them to mistake it for a universal one.”
“A thought transfixed me: for the first time in my life, I saw the truth as it is set into song by so many poets, proclaimed as the final wisdom by so many thinkers. The truth – that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire.”
“Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives.”
“What we call ‘being in love’ is a glorious state, and, in several ways, good for us. It helps to make us generous and courageous, it opens not only to the beauty of the beloved but to all beauty, and it subordinates (especially at first) our merely animal sexuality; in that sense, love is the great conqueror of lust.”
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We hope you enjoyed: 103+ Quotes About What is Love!
Inspiring Quotes | 101+ Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You Today
Inspiring quotes help us move forward during challenging times. Use these inspiring quotes to encourage you and lift your mood. Inspiring quotes like these will hopefully motivate you toward your goals.
Walt Whitman
“Keep your face always toward the sunshine, and shadows will fall behind you.”
Inspiring Quotes | 101+ Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You Today
Inspiring quotes help us move forward during challenging times. Use these inspiring quotes to encourage you and lift your mood. Inspiring quotes like these will hopefully motivate you toward your goals.
Zig Ziglar
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.”
Inspiring Quotes | 101+ Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You Today
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If you enjoy Inspiring Quotes | 101+ Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You Today, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Inspiring quotes help us move forward during challenging times. Use these inspiring quotes to encourage you and lift your mood. Inspiring quotes like these will hopefully motivate you toward your goals.
Abraham Lincoln
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”
Inspiring Quotes | 101+ Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You Today
Inspiring quotes help us move forward during challenging times. Use these inspiring quotes to encourage you and lift your mood. Inspiring quotes like these will hopefully motivate you toward your goals.
“A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.”
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Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
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Inspiring Quotes | 101+ Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You Today
If you enjoy Inspiring Quotes | 101+ Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You Today, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
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We hope you enjoyed: Inspiring Quotes | 101+ Inspirational Quotes to Motivate You Today!
How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book
We didn’t want you to have to scrape the internet for ALL the professional advice out there on how to write a book so we did it for you and compressed it into this massive guide for you to use and enjoy forever!
Okay…maybe not forever but at least long enough to start and FINISH your book.
The easy part is starting your book. But we all know that the hardest part is finishing the darn little thing.
So if you really want to know what the professionals are saying you can find some of that advice conveniently for you right here.
With 6000+ words and 32 tips, be sure to save this resource to your favorites so you can reference back to it anytime you want because it would be difficult to take in all at once.
Find Your Writer’s Mindset
It can be easy to think stuff like, “I’m not good enough.” “No one will read this.” “How can I compete with them?”
Self-doubt is a hideous beast and it preys on all that would venture outside of themselves to try to do anything more than exist in life.
“Imposter’s Syndrome.” Self doubt.” Call it whatever you want but you have to fight against it.
Just think if Stephen King, Rowling, Lewis, or Tolkien thought this way and ended up not writing anything at all. How sad would that be?
To think that you could predict the future that your book wouldn’t be good is quite the ability.
Instead find your writer’s mindset.
“Amateurs wait for inspiration. Professionals get to work.” – Stephen King.
Finding your writer’s mindset means finding the motivation and space to do what needs to be done to get the book done and written. Thinking things like, “I’m not good enough.” And quitting isn’t going to help you.
But sitting down and writing to get the work done will.
Don’t think that something magical will just flow forth. It is work and it takes much time and discipline.
Use these tips to help you create a discipline, get to work, and get the job done.
A good action to help at this point would be to study the way professions like Mr. King manage their writing schedule. You will find fun facts like that in this resource.
Starting Your Book
Come up with your book idea
So you’re here. You are at the start of your book adventure and you are sitting at your workstation ready to write down every word.
Are you in your notebook jotting down story ideas?
Are you thinking about your characters as you ride the subway?
Are you on your way to work, but in your mind you are having a conversation with your antagonist about why what they’re doing is unacceptable behavior?
That’s the funny thing about starting a book huh?
There really are a million and one places you could be right now.
What’s The Big Idea?!
It must be said that today’s book market is EXTREMELY competitive. You need to choose a book idea that people are going to like.
Look at what is doing well. Decide on a genre that you personally enjoy and are passionate about. Pick one that you know well and have read and seen a lot of stories about.
It’s important that you enjoy it a little because it is a giant undertaking to conquer your first book. It’s tough to finish and it’ll be even harder to finish if you really don’t care about it at all.
Take your ideas and write every one of them down. See which ones you can’t stop thinking about. Which ideas do you get excited about weeks to months to years later. Write everything down.
Run the idea that stands out to you the most past friends and family that enjoy that genre as well. When you start to see a repeating pattern of good feedback you can feel a little safer that it’s a good idea.
Write a short story about it and have some people read the short story to see if it is interesting.
Don’t try to have your friends that aren’t readers read your stuff. It won’t be good feedback for you.
But some of the best advice would be to make sure that you enjoy the story and want to see it through.
Just because the book doesn’t blow up right away doesn’t mean it wasn’t a success.
The Game of Throne books were written in the 90’s and only recently blew up. They had a following back then but only recently did they become really really big.
If you love it and others seem to be on board, write it anyway. It may not be the best book in the world but it may show you how much you enjoy writing novels and lead to many other great books. You will never know if you don’t write it.
Start Somewhere
Martin actually claims that he was in the middle of a completely different story when his first Idea for Game of Thrones came to him.
He said it was so real and vivid to him that he had to write it. It was only a scene. “They found the direwolf pups in the summer snows.”
It was from this one sentence that the entire series flowed out of.
Rowling took a train to London after being out hunting for flats. She said the idea for Harry dropped into her head. She didn’t have a pen to write anything down, but she said for the next 4 hours she let her imagination run wild with all the ideas for the book.
She said that night she started writing the Philosopher’s Stone.
You don’t know when or where your idea is going to come from, so just start somewhere and let it grow.
And what might be some important advice:
Don’t worry about it being perfect at first. That’s why you go back and edit once it’s all out.
Don’t procrastinate. Just get it done.
Don’t hold back ideas at first, just keep getting the story down.
How long are books in your genre?
How many chapters?
How many pages?
Look on Amazon Best Sellers to see what people are into right now.
What are looking up and reading that will help you write?
Have you read enough about your subject matter to have something to say about it?
Who will read your book?
What demographic of people will be the target market of your book?
J.K. Rowling wrote her books targeting teenagers and young adults reading for fun.
Who will you be writing for? Will it make sense to them? Will they enjoy it?
Here is an activity to help define your books audience.
Take a moment and think about finishing these sentences:
My book helps…
My book entertains…
My book helps…see that they need to…
My book teaches…to…
My book teaches…about…
My book won’t help…
My book will mostly be enjoyed by…because…
Even just thinking about these ideas can help you narrow things down.
Neil Gaiman on starting a book
I listened to Neil Gaiman teach about starting a book and here is some advice he gave. (These will be paraphrased, not quotes, and with some of my conjecture.)
Before you even start thinking about big novels you should be making short stories.
We should be making short stories all the time.
We should have a notebook that is just short stories or story ideas.
Any time a story idea comes to mind we should IMMEDIATELY write it down somewhere. (Write it down on your hand or a napkin if you have to and transfer it later!)
He mentioned that these short stories, if important, will stick around in your mind and become something more.
Neil is big on short stories, because he will tell you that most of his novels and movies started as short stories that he later expounded upon.
So if you’re about to start a book, hopefully you have already turned your story idea into a short story and you are about to expound upon that idea that has been toying around in your mind.
But let’s keep looking around for more advice.
The Reedsy Blog had some great Questions to ask yourself (I’ll paraphrase them here):
Will I be able to accomplish a finished book with my big idea?
Who is my audience? Who do I want to speak to? Who do I want to read my book?
What am I personally passionate about that I can write without losing my mind?
What do I think is important and needs to be written about?
I think these are great questions that can help you think through ideas you are having so they are worth a moment to chew on.
They made a good point to say that questions like these will help you narrow things down and I agree.
If you enjoy How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
After listening to Stephen King talk about his writing practice I don’t totally agree with this advice.
I used to do this. Just write and don’t worry about typos or anything, just keep moving forward.
This was very helpful starting out, but as time has gone on I have realized how much time it saves in the long run to write “clean.”
This means do my best to write the first draft without typos so that it is much closer to the finished phase.
When I used to write messy and just skip typos till the editing process, I used to miss a lot of typos (let’s be honest. I still miss typos) that would have been easy to catch in the moment and move on quickly without losing my idea that I’m writing.
Several sources mentioned tools that you might be interested in checking out for yourself if you are to start writing a book.
If fiction then here is some ideas that might help you:
Do you know who your protagonist is?
Who is your antagonist?
Who are your side characters?
How does your story start and does it hook your reader?
Do you know what your climax will be?
Have you figured out your ending yet?
What age group is this story for?
Is it a children’s book?
This is not an exhaustive list but questions like these can help you start to make the bare bones of your story.
Take a moment to write down the very bare minimum summary (bare bones) of your story idea.
Answer these questions above if you can.
Don’t worry if you can’t. It is better to start writing something instead of nothing so write down whatever you can to get the ball rolling.
If you are really going to write a book the best thing you can do is to start to write about it, even if it isn’t quite writing the book yet.
Even if you’re intimidated by the idea of writing a book, writing about the book is MUCH less scary and it’s good to get the writing moving forward in one way or another.
Go ahead and answer some of the questions or if you haven’t yet, this week turn your story idea that you like the best into a short story that you can enjoy.
Are You Writing Non-Fiction?
Here are some ideas to get you started on a good non-fiction book idea:
Recipe book
What is your profession? Could you write about it?
Can you write about finance?
We could go on and on about ideas for your non-fiction book, but only you can really decide which makes sense for your goals.
What Are Your Goals?
When you’re thinking of writing a book, your end goals are extremely important at the start.
Possible goals:
Make money
Teach people
Become a best-selling novelist
Create a career
Depending on what your ultimate goal is will determine what you write about and how you write it.
If you want to become a best-selling author then you must learn the art of telling a good story and entertaining your reader for hundreds of pages.
If you want to make sales based on your expertise then you may be writing non-fiction and offering to sell valuable information to people that they are willing to buy.
You might have to ask yourself, “Is there a market for this?” before you’d even want to spend the time investment it takes to crank out an entire book.
Take a moment and write down your goals and dreams for your book.
Sometimes the best place to start a project like a book is with the end step in mind and visualize each step it takes from the end to get the beginning, where you are now.
And sometimes all the prep work in the world won’t change anything as much as just sitting down and writing the thing out.
It may take days or weeks or months or years, but in the end you’ll be proud of what you’ve done and then only then will you see if what you did create worked. And you better bet you’ll learn a ton along the way.
Look For Wisdom From Those That Have Gone Before You
Pick out your favorite authors in the genre that you want to write in and start reading.
Study the way they write the niche your in.
If they don’t specifically tell you how to write a book, don’t worry. Looking at how they write a book with a detective’s eye for details will help you start writing yours.
When you come to a problem place, pull out one of their books and start researching how to write it.
Create a Writing Routine
One of my favorite authors is Dan Brown.
Learning from Dan Brown in his Masterclass has been a really awesome experience. If you love learning I highly recommend investing in Masterclass.
One of Dan’s main points in his class is creating a writing routine and protecting it. No one says in order to be a writer that you have to write all day long, but Dan will tell you that is vitally important to create a space and time in your daily life where you can write uninterrupted.
Creating a Space
Try to find a place where you can write. It needs to be somewhere that is very hard for people to interrupt your thought and word flow.
You might think this is impossible.
Dan tells a story of a woman that he knew of that felt like she couldn’t find anywhere to write because she lived in a small apartment with her family and there was absolutely no place in the apartment where she could get alone and write uninterrupted.
So she did the impossible.
She started to write in her car.
In her car she found a place and made a way to get away from any interruptions and write without being interrupted.
She kept up with this practice, and over time of getting away when she could and making it a priority she wrote her entire book in her car.
So who knows where you might have to go, but it is possible to find a space to write.
Find a Time
The time that you write doesn’t have to be the same time of day every day and it doesn’t have to be the same amount of every day.
Dan starts first thing early in the morning, but not all of us are full-time writers yet. You might have to write after the kids go down for sleep or after they go to school.
It doesn’t really matter when you write and it doesn’t always matter how long you write, but find a space and time to write and write when you can. If you do this, you will be much more likely to finish your book than those that don’t have a routine.
How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book
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If you enjoy How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Don’t make the error of writing too much of your book before you have a friend or family member read a bit and critique it.
If you’re in the right direction then it should go well but if you’re not sure to get a good advisor.
You can’t do this just anyone. It has to be with someone that is a good reader, is open minded, and isn’t afraid to hurt your feelings.
It needs to be someone that can tell you that it isn’t good at the beginning instead of finishing 100,000 words and being told the entire thing needs to change.
Have someone in mind that you can get quick feedback from along the way.
Different Kinds of Writers According to George R. R. Martin
George R. R. Martin says there are two different kinds of writers. One is more of an architect and the other is like a gardener.
The architect has everything mapped out and starts writing with a complete outline in place. The gardener starts from anywhere and kind of sees what grows out of it.
Knowing which one you are will help a lot with your daily writing process.
It will help you know where is best for you to start. Should you start making an outline to help you stay on track or should you just start writing and see where it goes?
Don’t Worry About the Title Before Starting
Titles are extremely important, but they aren’t worth not starting.
As you go just be looking for the title. You’ll find it.
Speed Up Your Writing Process
You can speed up your writing process by using a talk to text app or software.
If you feel that you have strong communication speech skills this might help you get down everything you’re thinking about in your story quickly.
Some people don’t like this method and prefer typing or writing, but it’s really up to you what you think will work best.
Expect Writer’s Block
If you set out to write anything, you can bet that no matter what a day will come (okay lots of days) where you can’t think of what to write next.
Here’s some ideas to try to beat writer’s block:
Read about the genre or subject matter you are trying to write.
Review your outline (if you made one).
Try listening to music.
Watch your favorite movie in your genre.
Take a walk.
Change your writing location.
Get somewhere quiet to think.
Read the news to get an idea for conflict you can add to the story.
Reread what you wrote yesterday to see if it is naturally heading somewhere you didn’t see before.
Exercise. Build up a sweat and get your heart pumping blood into your brain so you can think more clearly.
Technical Stuff
Know how you want the project to be formatted and format as you go. The experts say this will save you a big headache.
If you enjoy How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
A major problem that a lot of writers can run into is getting burnout.
It can be in the middle or end of your book, but the temptation comes to just rush to the finish line and call it quits.
Don’t do that. Finish the story. Spend the time it takes and finish it well.
Rely on your editing process to really take your time with the ending. Go over your outline and make sure that it really comes to a solid end with a solid resolution.
You could write a really interesting story with interesting characters and botch the ending and not be able to sell a second book.
If you have multiple ideas for your ending, the sage wisdom is to go with the ending that causes more emotions in your reader.
Help Yourself With Others
Try to find places where other writers are to help yourself keep moving forward. Find FB groups where writers help and inspire each other.
Watch talks from professional writers where they inspire you to write better and try different techniques and practices to better help and form your own.
Working in places like coffee shops where others are working and writing can be really helpful to keep yourself motivated.
It helps to look up and see others working around you and feel like you’re not the only one.
Let It Breath
Let’s say you finished your first draft! Great job! Now let it breath.
Let your book sit for a bit. Maybe a couple days, maybe a week or more. It doesn’t matter.
The point is you want to be able to step away from it a little so that you see it with a critical eye.
Sometimes when we are too close to our writing for too long it’s hard for us to see what’s working and what’s not working.
This is especially true in freelance writing, but the same is true with any writing. We take time away from it so that hopefully we can see it with fresh eyes again like a stranger would.
In your editing process here’s an simple list to follow to keep your sanity:
Read out loud to hear any weird wording.
Focus on just one chapter at a time at first to not get so overwhelmed.
First, make sure the structure makes sense.
Second, go through the chapter to adjust wording.
Third, go through last to catch any more grammar mistakes.
If you complete your book, Congratulations! But you’re not finished.
Now you have to let people know that it exists.
You have to know if you are going to self-publish or if you are going to start sending out cold emails to publishers to see if they’ll pick up your story.
Study Amazon Best Sellers.
Look on Amazon Best Sellers list and study how they market their books on Amazon.
Study their blurbs and how they get their first reviews.
Check out their covers for their books and try to get a good cover for your book.
Don’t cheap out on the cover. Don’t do a free cover. Figure out how to make it look as legitimate as possible for your targeted readers.
Get specific with your niche.
While you are studying other best sellers be sure to go to the books that are in your genre and see how they did their covers.
If You’re Self-Publishing With Amazon
If you are self-publishing with Amazon you need to know some key things:
Get reviews. Amazon loves reviews the more you can get the more Amazon will recommend you to other shoppers.
Get good at using the right keywords on your metadata.
Run free giveaways to get more reviews to help with engagement.
Ranking well in Amazon partly has to do with selling copies in a brief period of time.
It’s recommended to try to do “Blitz promotions” where you set it up to go out all at the same time to get mass sales quickly in a short period. They then recommend waiting 90 days and doing it again. Hopefully this will help you leapfrog in ranks.
A quick pitch is the perfect 5 to 10 second sentence you would tell someone about your book to get them interested.
It could be something like this, “Game of Thrones just met Ender’s Game. That’s what you’ll find in this book.”
Now that might not sound interesting to you, but somebody might get excited about that. It just needs to be short and punchy and gets people initially curious enough to download the sample.
Don’t forget about the Front and Back.
Make sure to take time to think about your forward, your introduction and your testimonials.
In your introduction try to include a short story that makes sense.
Get the best testimonials you can. Edit them as time goes on and you get some reviews.
In the back you could tease a cliffhanger that your audience doesn’t expect to get them thinking about a second book.
Include any images you want to.
How Do You Really Write a Book?
How to write a book?
You started reading this because you were looking for tips on how to write a book.
There are so many things to do or not do when it comes to the idea of writing stories, but if there is nothing else you get out of this post, get this:
How do YOU write a book?
You start it. Plain and simple.
And then you write it every day if you can, until it is finished.
If you can’t simply do that, then you can’t write a book.
At the end of the day starting your book really comes down to one simple thing and it is sometimes the hardest thing.
You must sit down and start putting words on a page.
You must stay motivated in the middle to keep going day in and day out.
And you must finish the book, down to every last word.
Now What?
Don’t stop. Write another book.
Use the momentum and the lessons you’ve learned from completing your first book to write your second and third and fourth and fifth.
You might be thinking, “I’m too tired to start another one right now.” That is okay. Even the professionals take breaks after finishing a book. The thing is if you enjoyed writing one you should start making another one soon.
How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book
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How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book
If you enjoy How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
We hope you enjoyed: How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book!
If you enjoy How to Write a Book: 32 Tips | Your MASSIVE Guide How to Write a Book, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
One of the most manipulative strategies in politics is the indoctrination of the youth to serve the side that is trying to create laws and systems around teaching the youth what they want them to know and not allowing them to learn what they don’t want them to know.
2. Banning education
Another form of a power move or shift is to attempt to purposefully not educate certain people groups so that they cannot rise up from where they are in the settings economy.
Uneducation is just as detrimental to a person’s well-being as indoctrination.
3. Hired Mercenaries
Hired mercenaries carry out whatever they are paid for.
They are paid to do horrific acts that their employer may never even have the gall to do themselves.
They don’t want to get their hands dirty, but they surely will hire someone that is willing.
On the other hand, people with affluence, money, and power might decide they want to take more power by hiring a team of mercenaries to take what isn’t theirs for them.
5 Barbaric Settings for World Building
Enjoying 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building? Take a moment and consider sharing this social-friendly image to say thanks and feel free to comment with your thoughts below! 🙂
If you enjoy 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It can also be a sad part of a corrupt unchecked prison system.
Are your main characters in prison?
Are they a part of the corrupt prison system?
Do they stand idly by and do nothing? Or do they shake things up by getting in the way?
5. Why are there so many widows?
Create a world where widows are the main characters. Follow their struggles of how they became widows and the struggles they go through to find love again or struggle to take care of themselves and those they love.
Do they have children?
Do they live under constant threat? Is the threat the same that killed their spouse?
Write barbaric settings in your fictional story to keep your reader intrigued and wondering, “what will happen next?” Writing story settings that are barbaric will be interesting for your reader and help keep their attention to see how it turns out for the poor characters involved.
Keep in mind the realistic consequences that could arise from the setting.
Follow the natural flow of possible events to add character and depth. The details are what makes it new and fresh for the reader and yourself as you write.
If you enjoy 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Enjoying 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building? Take a moment and consider sharing this social-friendly image to say thanks and feel free to comment with your thoughts below! 🙂
If you enjoy 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
We hope you enjoyed: 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building!