How to Write Villains Readers Can See

How to Write Villains Readers Can See
How to Write Villains Readers Can See

How to write villains readers can see

If we want our readers to enjoy what we write and the stories we tell than we need to carefully consider how we get them to see what we want them to see while they are reading.

We especially want to do this with our villains because who doesn’t enjoy seeing a good interesting dynamic villain?

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How to Write Villains Readers Can See:

# 1 How to write villains readers can see: Write what you see

We’ve all heard that you have to “show not tell.”

It’s a bit of a cliche.

But cliches become so overused because, in fact, they are mostly and vastly true.

So how can we use this to our advantage as writers?

Let’s find ways to show with our writing and not tell.

Bad example: “he was mean end greedy.”

Good example: “he threw her to the kitchen floor muttering how worthless she was. He immediately reached down and took a twenty out of her purse that had spilled onto the floor. As he stared at the twenty tilting slightly from being drunk he spit on her, walked out the door and slammed it behind him.”

It takes more time to write that way and we have to find more creative ways to “show” our readers who our characters are, but the end result is much more interesting and will hold onto your reader’s interest longer.

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Try to think of something you want to say about your villain and then think of actions they can take to show your readers what you want them to know.

#2 How to write villains readers can see: Be more specific

How to Write Villains Readers Can See

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Sometimes it’s hard to know what to write to help our reader see our villain more than just hearing about them.

A sure-fire way to get through this is to be more specific about details.

Bad example: “he wore a coat and glasses.”

Good example: “when he walked through the door the first thing anyone noticed about him was his dirty unshaved face hiding behind small circular thin glasses. There was a tiny chip on one side. Even his facial hair couldn’t hide his striking cheekbones and jawline, but he never looked up. His long brown leather jacket that looked to be as old as twenty years. It looked as if it had never seen any type of wash and it dragged just sightly with each step. If the smell wasn’t his own body it was most certainly the jacket.”

Again, longer to write and takes more creative juices, but we really want to get into the practice of imaging what our villain looks like and then using specific details to tell our readers what we see.

Don’t worry about being a dynamic writer.

Be concerned about passing what you see, hear, and smell the best you can as if you were in the room yourself.

If you can make this a habit and get very good at it you can be a great storyteller without using complicated words.

# 3 How to write villains readers can see: Don’t just write, be there

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The best writer isn’t the one that had the best plot and story idea.

The best writer is able to live out the story and then communicate to a reader what they saw and experienced.

Think about your senses.

If you were in the bar where the villain was having a drink, what did it smell like?

What song was playing?

What could you see?

Was it well lit? Or was it dark and dingy?

What was the villain wearing?

What hairstyle did they have? Did that have facial hair?

Could you see their eye color?

Did your villain have multiple drinks?

What was it and did they react to it with facial expressions or words?

Don’t force anything, just play it in your mind like a movie and do everything you can to just describe what you’re seeing.

Do this and you will capture your reader’s attention and imagination.

I hope this helps. Now get out there and write something!

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How to Write Villains Readers Can See 2.0
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11 + Things You Should Know About Your Main Character Before You Start Writing Chapter 1

11 + Things You Should Know About Your Main Character Before You Start Writing Chapter 1
11 + Things You Should Know About Your Main Character Before You Start Writing Chapter 1

11 + Things You Should Know About Your Main Character Before You Start Writing Chapter 1

We spend so much time thinking about the story and the plot and what we want to happen and why and then… we start writing chapter 1.

We start writing only to find that we don’t really know our main characters very well.

Have we ever taken the time to see what it would be like to sit down with them and have a cup of coffee to see what they would be like as a person in the real world?

Imagine you are sitting with your main character on a nice sunny breezy day outside a coffee shop and their name is Thor.

“Hi Thor, how are you today?”

“I’m marvelous and this brown liquid you have served me, what did you call it again?!”

“Hah, Thor, that’s coffee.”

“Ah! Coffee! I love this stuff! It makes me feel so alive and ready to conquer all my foes! I’ll take 3 more pitchers!”

“But Thor that much might make your heart race very fast.”

“Good! Indeed, I hope it does! I’ll take 5 more in that case! Bring them at once bar maiden!”

Silly though as it may be, it can be quite fun to think about what it would be like to sit and talk with your main character in various scenarios and even in their realm.

What would it be like to be their sidekick on an adventure?

What would it be like to walk with them through a quiet field?

What would it be like to go with them into a bar or tavern?

What would it be like to go on a 10-hour road trip with them?

What would it be like to go on a high-speed car chase with them?

In order to make our stories more amazing, we have to know what it would be like to spend time with our characters and how they would react or act in certain situations.

By knowing upfront how they would act in a certain situation we can put them into almost any scenario and not betray their character. This is one simple way to make sure we write a good main character compared to a lousy one.

How would they act if they were sad?

Characters show sadness in different ways. Some bottle it up and try to manage it on their own.

Others immediately wail out and tears are flowing.

What pokes the heartstrings of your character? What would make them a little sad and what would be devastatingly sad to them?

When we are able to make our characters realistically sad it will have an effect on our readers too.

How would they act in anger?

Are they the type of character that can’t handle their anger and they act vengefully? Or do they act cool and calm no matter what comes at them?

What would make them angrier; their best friend getting punched in the face or their own face being punched?

Does injustice make them angry? Or could they care less? Does their own suffering make them angry or does seeing the suffering of others make them angrier?

What would devastate your character emotionally?

What things could your antagonist target in your character’s life that would devastate your main character?

How would they feel emotionally and react to someone messing with:

  • Their brother or sister
  • Their mother or father
  • Uncle
  • Best friend
  • Acquaintance
  • Stranger they see
  • Shop owner
  • Their teacher
  • Their relationship or crush
  • Their waiter or waitress
  • Their car
  • Their grades
  • Scholarship
  • The sports team (cheating)

How does your character react to change?

Change comes in many forms and it is a brilliant idea to introduce change to your character while you are writing about them to see how they would react and what the consequences would be.

Are they forced to move away from home?

Did the school just kick them out of one class with their favorite teacher to a class with a terrible teacher?

Did they lose their job? Did their boss quit? Did they get a new assignment with a different team?

Did they not make varsity this year compared to last year?

Does your character make friends easily?

Whether or not a character has friends and makes friends easily says a lot about them. Are they the life of the party or a good personal listener?

Or are they a loner and have a hard time relating to others in any form?

How do they normally react to the idea of spending an evening around strangers? Do they thrive on meeting new people or do they hate the idea?

Do they have many friends? Do they have just a few friends? Or do they not really have any friends?

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What are the character’s major fears?

Know what your character fears and how this affects the plot. Some characters fear getting into certain situations.

They may fear being on stage or swimming with sharks. They might be afraid to talk to a popular person they like.

Other’s experience fears of certain things.

They may fear certain animals or bugs like snakes and spiders. Those are a bit cliche, but you could make them afraid of other things like certain flowers or butterflies. These types of fears give our fictional characters more depth.

What are your character’s minor fears?

Writers often think of major fears without thinking of minor fears. You can give your character more humanity by giving them a slight fear of rats, bats, or spiders. Things people are commonly slightly afraid of.

Everyone has minor fears, things that might make them jump or scream. They might run out of the room because of these fears, but they won’t become debilitated or break into a sweat or start crying.

What are your characters not afraid of at all?

We can make entertaining and interesting characters by writing that they have no fear of more commonly feared things. Make them not afraid of sharks, speaking, cliff jumping, sky diving, or bank robbing. Think of common major fears.

Is your character a planner?

Does your character plan out what they do? Do they know what they are going to do tomorrow or not?

Are they extremely spontaneous or do they plot every move they make at the grocery store?

If plans don’t go their way do they get impatient and lose their cool? For planners, the plans they make are EXTREMELY important to them, so if anything goes outside the bounds of the plan that can make the entire event a COMPLETE and utter failure.

For someone that is more spontaneous, they actually enjoy just going and seeing what happens. They’d rather not have a plan at all and just enjoy the adventure.

Is your character spontaneous?

Does your character jump first and think second? A spontaneous character can be easier to write sometimes because you can easily make something up as you for their actions.

Planners have to be planned out and stick to the plan.

On the flip side, your character could be a hardcore planner where their plans almost NEVER work out. This could be entertaining and interesting to watch how it plays out for a character that experiences a lot of stress and turmoil just by plans going out of whack.

Does your character lie?

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Does your character have a habit of lying? What do they lie about?

Do they lie because they are afraid of getting caught? If they do lie but not easily, what first prompts them to lie? Why would they give in to the temptation and who are they willing to lie to and about what?

A character’s personality and traits are a complicated web of thoughts, habits, and emotions, but know how they would think about and react to things is a great place to start figuring out just who this new character you have in your mind REALLY is.

11 + Things You Should Know About Your Main Character Before You Start Writing Chapter 1

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  • There is a simple method over 30,000 people use to get paid for freelance writing online.
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That’s all for now.

I hope this helps! Now get out there and write something!

Happy writing!

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4 Tips How to Write your Character Hitting Rock Bottom

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How to Write When Writer’s Block is Paralyzing

How to Write When Writer’s Block is Paralyzing
How to Write When Writer’s Block is Paralyzing

How to Write When Writer’s Block is Paralyzing

I’m not sure where writer’s block starts and where it ends.

Writer’s block is a common problem so don’t feel bad or like you can’t get over it.

Every writer faces it and every writer has to find a way around it

I’m going to give you some ideas and tips and tricks for making writer’s block a thing of your past.

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How do I Defeat Writer’s Block?

In order to beat writer’s block, you’re going to need to figure out where you’re at in the writing process.

In order to know where you’re at in the writing process, you are going to need to know what the writing process is.

What is the writing process?

The writing process goes as follows:

  1. You get an idea.
  2. You start to write that idea out
  3. You finish writing that idea out

This sounds really simple and it is. The hard part is figuring out why you specifically are suffering with writer’s block.

Do I have writer’s block because I don’t have an idea?

In order to start writing you MUST have an idea.

An idea is not complicated in itself.

An idea is like, I want to write about a bank robber, but the bank robber isn’t nasty or mean she’s actually extremely polite and kind. She just gets a job at banks and figures out a nonconfrontational way to rob it and then disappears.

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How do I start writing about my idea if I have writer’s block?

Writer’s block happens for different reasons at different times.

If you don’t have any idea of what to write about than it is time to do some reading and researching and thinking and sitting down and just making a giant list of ideas until you find one that you just love the idea of writing about.

If you already have an idea but you are having a hard time actually sitting down and writing that is a completely different beast altogether.

IF I have an idea what about writer’s block is stopping me from writing?

How to Write When Writer’s Block is Paralyzing

This is where you have to dig deep down and be really honest with yourself.

Are you having a hard time getting the idea in the right words or are you having a hard time actually sitting down and physically doing the work of writing.

Some of us fantasize about the idea of being a writer and being famous for a story and making lots of money and being called an author, but if we are honest with ourselves we don’t actually love the work of writing.

Let me make something very clear: The real work of being a writer is finding a place where we can sit or stand and write manually or type words on a page that cause others to want to read those words.

If you don’t like the idea of getting alone in your mind and creating words that lead to interesting words and paragraphs then you don’t actually like the work of a writer or author.

This very fact is to be considered when you have an idea, but you find it much easier to turn on Netflix, play a video game, go on social, go out with friends, and the thought of actually sitting down and writing seems bleh.

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What do I do if my writer’s block is actually me not liking the physical work of writing?

This may sound blunt and it is. If you want to get past this type of writer’s block, you will have to stop what you’re doing and just go sit somewhere and start typing words.

It doesn’t have to be a million words the first time and every time you sit down to write, but I would recommend treating it like physical exercise.

Start small. Start by writing 10 words at a time and in time if you find that you can sit down to write 10 words then most likely you will feel like writing more.

The biggest problem for this type of writer’s block is not knowing what to write. Its the daunting feeling of feeling like writing takes a lot of work.

And writing can be a lot of work, but if you don’t just sit down and start writing something as small as ten words in a session you will never write anything you want to. You’ll just keep putting it off and procrastinating.

What if I have an idea and I’m trying to sit down and write, but I just stare at a blank page with a blinking line?

This is the real writer’s block and I’m going to give you the BIG but not so crazy secret to crush writer’s block and never have it be a problem for you again.




Instead of staring at a blank page, start to read and think about and research the idea that you want to write about.

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How do I research to get rid of writer’s block?

Let me give you some practical ways to research say BYE BYE to writer’s block.

EXAMPLE: Let’s say I just got a story idea and I want to write about an orphan girl in Vietnam during the Vietnamese war and her journey to find life family and love amidst war and being orphaned by that place and war.

Even though I have this idea that I like if I go immediately to the blank word document I still have ABSOLUTELY no idea how to write about an orphaned Vietnamese girl during the Vietnamese war.

So what should I do instead?

I should start reading about the Vietnamese war. I should read about orphans. I should read about young girls during that time and in that place and what their life and culture were like to deal with.

If you start to think this way and you start to read anything about what you want to write you will instantly start to have the knowledge to work with for the next time you pull up the blank page.

And I recommend that you write as you are reading and researching.

If you think of something while you are reading DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE WATI TO WRITE IT DOWN.

I can’t stress that enough. You will almost always forget your ideas if you do not write them down right away.

I recommend keeping a writer’s notebook near you while you are researching.

What if my idea is about fictional stuff and I can’t research it historically?

If you want to write about dragons, vampires, werewolves, unicorns, and leprechauns read about dragons, vampires, werewolves, unicorns, and leprechauns.

Exact same principle, different reading subject matter.

I hope this helps! Now gt out there and write something!

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

IF you have a specific idea and you are having a hard time figuring out how to research it, PLEASE feel free to reach out and I’d love to help you think of ideas for how to research any specific subject.

Leave a comment and I’ll try to get back to you soon!

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2 Tricks How to Write a Story that is Tugging Heartstrings

2 Tricks How to Write a Story that is Tugging Heartstrings

How to write: Tricks to make sure your story is tugging heartstrings

2 Tricks How to Write a Story that is Tugging Heartstrings

Tricks How to Write a Story that is Tugging Heartstrings

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I think we can all agree that the reason most readers love stories is because we want to feel something.

We want the good guy to win and the bad guy to lose or if the bad guy wins we want to feel for the good people and hurt with them or experience their emotional hurt.

We want to be able to experience those good and bad emotional feelings without real-life fallout or consequences.

In other words, we want to make sure as good writers that we are tugging heartstrings.

How are we tugging heartstrings?

We create emotional connection and attachment for readers by setting it up from the start.

# 1 How to write a Story that is tugging Heartstrings: We make a character that we want the audience to love or hate.

2 Tricks How to Write a Story that is Tugging Heartstrings

The last thing we want to do is create a character that is likable, but forgettable.

No, in order to be tugging heartstrings there must be emotional consequences at risk.

We want our readers to feel mad, upset, or unfair about the character we have made them hate getting away with injustice.

We want them to feel sad at the loss of our character that they love is experiencing.

Disney does this SOOO well at this skill in many of their stories. They create a character that we love and then they KILL them or kill someone they love! (Bambi, Lion King, Good Dinosaur, Frozen, Guardians 2, just to name a few…) You can look at tons of their stories and you will find beloved characters’ dead bodies strewn all over the battlefield of story and cinema.

Even if we create a character that they hate this is also good because they will still be emotionally invested to find out if that hated character gets away with “it” or not.

This is called tugging heartstrings.

We make people feel something by getting them attached to characters in our stories by the feelings of love and hate.

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We do the same thing in real life.

We naturally love ourselves and our own stories so we psychologically as humans hate when bad things happen to us (lose money, get cut off on the road, are late, get punished, loss of a loved one), but love when good things happen to us (get promoted, catch every green light, make a new friend, receive a gift, win the lottery.)

Taking it a step further, we hate when bad things happen to others that we love and we love when good things happen to them.

In this same way if we are going to be tugging heartstrings we MUST create characters that are either loved or hated, nothing in between. 

Indifference about your character is the enemy of good storytelling.

If your reader feels indifference about your Character that is BAD.

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# 2 How to write a Story that is tugging Heartstrings: If we are going to be tugging heartstrings, our readers must care about the relationships we build for our characters.

Not nearly as important point #1 but to be taken into account is that our relationships must be interesting to our readers.

# 1 plays into this though. 

If we do a good job creating characters that are loved or hated then readers are more than likely going to care more about the relationships they are caught up in, and we don’t just mean romantic relationships.

They are to be emotionally invested in their relationships with their parents, friends, enemies, sidekicks, romances, pets, any relationship you can think up.

A good way to make any relationship interesting is to bring good times into it and bad times into it.

We are always interested to see how a fight between two friends or lovers will turn out.

Will they be together after? Or will they part ways? Will it end peacefully or ugly? Will there be theft or even murder involved?

All of these ideas make for interesting relationships between characters.

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I hope this helps!

Now get out there and write something!

What would you add to help other writers in tugging heartstrings with their stories?

Are you working on a story right now that’s quite conflicting and really gets the emotions going?

Do you have questions about how to write a story?

Do you know the dynamics of how to write a story?

Do you know the building blocks for how to write a story?

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10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims
10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

Not everyone likes the idea of a villain that steps into the bank with an eyepatch, a cigar hanging out of their mouth, and an uzi in their hand.

Some writers like to write methodical villains. Some writers like to write villains that use their minds to dispense their evil deeds upon their victims.

If you are one of those writers than this post is for you.

# 1 Villains that methodically play mind games with their victims are often JEALOUS

Unrestrained jealousy can grow into some pretty evil thoughts and actions. A jealous person can let all kinds of things occur to themselves and especially unchecked jealousy. A jealous villain might plot out how to TAKE the thing they are jealous of and in the midst of taking it they may put their victim through terrible pain while taking it.

In the TV show Longmire, the antagonist wants to take the hero’s land. He not only tries to take his land, but he takes him to court and being a lawyer he drags the hero’s character through the mud with lies and tortures him along the way in the process and you can tell he enjoys every moment of it.

The villain was jealous of his land so he took time to develop a plan to take Longmire to court and create nasty stories about him to make it legally possible to sue him for his land. 

If you love a good villain read you might love Serena Valentino’s Villains Box Set.

# 2 Mentally Abusive Villains are Full of Relentless Incomprehensible Hate

Hate that seems so ridiculous that it is hard to understand why the person is that hateful is hard for us as humans to understand. I mean have you ever met someone so uncharacteristically hateful and you find yourself perplexed almost thinking out loud, “why are you so mean and hateful?”

This happens to poor Peeta in The Hunger Games.

His mother happens to be a hateful villain that hates her own circumstances in life so she takes it out on her son in cruel ways. And none of it is his fault or because anything he’s done. His Mother beats him for small things like burning bread or giving it to someone starving instead of the pigs.

And being ultimately mentally abusive she hopes that Katniss wins over Peeta implying that if he died in the Hunger Games she would be happier than if he came back alive.

If you love a good villain read you might love Serena Valentino’s Villains Box Set.

# 3 How to Write Villains that Like to Play Mind Games: Creates Division Amongst Allies

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10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

A master manipulative villain that enjoys playing mind games will enjoy creating division among those against his goals.

The villain will enjoy watching allies tear each other apart all while getting away with their ultimate goals. 

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# 4 How to Write Villains that Like to Play Mind Games: Often Times They Were Abused

Villains that abuse others were often abused themselves at some point in their life.

People assume this means it has to be that their parents abused them or that they were abused as a child, but this doesn’t always have to be the case.

They could have been abused by a sibling, family friend, an uncle, or spouse.

They could have been taken advantage of by a co-worker or boss, or by many people along their journey, and this could have to lead them to an emotional breakdown, or seeing all people as bad because they have never met a good person in their life.

Whatever the case may be for your character, having them be abused as a part of their origin story is a good way to help readers understand why they are acting the way they are.

# 5 How to Write Villains that Like to Play Mind Games: They Target the People the Hero Loves

IF you are a hero that has a mom, girlfriend, or any loved one watch them closely.

Villains love to beat up the hero emotionally by inflicting as much pain as possible on those they love.

If you’re going to make your villain stab your hero through the heart you will find ways for them to hurt and torment those that your hero loves.

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# 6 How to Write Villains that Like to Play Mind Games: Mind Game Villains Know How to Use the Heros words against them.

The villain will look for opportunities to use the hero’s own words against them. 

If they can twist their words they will.

# 7 How to Write Villains that Like to Play Mind Games: Mind Game Villains Know How to Use the Heros Beliefs against them.

A true Villain will make fun of the Hero and make jest of their core beliefs.

If it ever appears that the Hero is about to lose and the villain wins, the Emoaiotnally abusive villain will take pleasure in reminding the hero of how ridiculous their beliefs are and how inferior that makes the hero compared to them.

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Enjoy How to Write Villains? Is Writing your craft? You might love this. Check out the 4,900+ reviews it has on Amazon to see if this might be what you’re looking for.

See if this FREE Amazon book will pique your interest. It is a part of Project Gutenberg. If you love Little Women, you should give this book a try as well.

# 8 How to Write Villains that Like to Play Mind Games: Mind Game Villains Know How to Use whatever you love against you.

A truly manipulative villain will use whatever advantage they have against the hero to ensure victory.

They might even call it collateral damage. 

The true villain isn’t afraid to kill or hurt someone the hero loves to use them against the hero to make sure they accomplish whatever their goal is.

In the movie “Angel Has Fallen” the main antagonist sends his men to take the hero’s wife and daughter as “insurance” to make sure that he has the advantage over the hero.

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# 9 How to Write Villains that Like to Play Mind Games: Mind Game Villains Will Try to Make the Hero Look Like the Bad Guy.

The main villain will hatch a plan to make the hero look like the bad guy.

If they need someone to be the “fall guy” for their evil plan to succeed the hero is the optimal person to frame.

This puts the good guy out of the way and lets the villain get away with their evil plot.

By making the hero look bad the villain can enjoy the “goody-two-shoes” hero looking bad in the beloved publics’ eyes.

# 10 How to Write Villains that Like to Play Mind Games: Mind Game Villains Will Try to Make Themselves Look Like the Hero.

The manipulative villain loves to make themselves look like the hero while making the hero look evil.

The villain wants to have all the recognition and all the glory. They usually are very jealous of the hero and the fact that the hero is loved.

The villain wants to be loved but socially doesn’t know how to be selfless and gain respect and love from others.

The villain is usually extremely selfish and doesn’t know how to give love and therefore hates the hero for giving and receiving love.

If you love a good villain read you might love Serena Valentino’s Villains Box Set.

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Related Post:

11 More Tips How to Write Villains that Manipulate Their Prey

I hope this helps! Now get out there and write something!

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Related Post:

11 More Tips How to Write Villains that Manipulate Their Prey

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Other Posts You Just Might Want to Take a Bite Out Of:

Why Start a Blog?

6 Easy Practical Steps to Becoming a Better Writer in 30 Days or Less

11 Easy Simple Steps to Start a Blog in 2019 (And Be Primed to Monetize With Owning Your Own Site)

10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

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10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

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How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

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We hope you enjoyed: How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims!

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As a Writer, Should you Have a Fountain Pen and A Writer’s Notebook?

As a Writer, Should you Have a Fountain Pen and A Writer’s Notebook?
As a Writer, Should you Have a Fountain Pen and A Writer’s Notebook?

As a Writer, Should you Have a Fountain Pen and A Writer’s Notebook?

Not everyone should go out and get a writer’s notebook.

The amount of free technology in laptops and phones, to be frank, makes notebooks almost obsolete.

That being said if you are someone that still enjoys the feel of the page. The feel of a good pen gliding across the page, then you MUST absolutely get a writer’s notebook pronto, especially if you are not currently using one.

And if you are the type of person that loves the manual art and act of writing in a notebook, then you MUST must must look into getting a fountain pen for your writer’s notebook.

Why get a writer’s notebook?

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

If you haven’t owned a comfy leather-bound moleskin notebook yet you are in for a treat.

There is so much enjoyment sitting down and thumbing through to a blank page to let the thoughts fly that won’t have to be stuck in your head anymore.

Things that are good for keeping in a writer’s notebook:

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

  1. Story ideas
  2. Character ideas
  3. Character names
  4. Funny quotes
  5. Wisdom quotes
  6. Your own profound quotes
  7. Songs
  8. Poems
  9. Invention ideas
  10. Business ideas
  11. Goals
  12. Dreams
  13. Aspirations
  14. Sketches
  15. Character sketches 
  16. Scene sketches
  17. Character face sketches
  18. World creature sketches
  19. Blog post ideas

The List goes on. If you are the type of person that is very creative and is always coming up with new and inventive ideas, then you would really enjoy a writer’s notebook.

Why get a fountain pen?

Regular pens are fine, but I haven’t enjoyed any pens I’ve owned more than my fountain pens.

For a creative like me, my fountains pens are a part of the creative process. 

The different colored inks you can use, the way they flex, the inks you can blend, the way the pen feels heavy and more premium all are things that I enjoy in my writing process when I’m using one of my own.

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

Other things you might want to consider if you are going to own and make good use of your writer’s notebook:

  1. Pens
  2. Staples
  3. Sticky notes
  4. Paper clips
  5. Pencils
  6. Colored pencils
  7. Crayons
  8. Watercolors
  9. Pastels
  10. Art Kit

I for one do a ton of my writing and work straight from my computer. A lot of my work never touches a physical page.

But my passion projects and my meditations they often hit a notebook page, and something about writing through and working on my penmanship simultaneously with the feel of an exquisite notebook and fountain pen in my hand, something about that interaction makes the act of writing feel more therapeutic and enjoyable.

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

Try it for yourself and let us know how it goes!

What would you put in your writer’s notebook?

Do you own a writer’s notebook?

Do you use a fountain pen?

What is your favorite writing idea you’ve recorded in your writer’s notebook?

If you got a fountain pen, what color ink would you get for your writer’s notebook?

I hope this helps! Now get out there and write something!

As a Writer, Should you Have a Fountain Pen and A Writer’s Notebook?

As a Writer, Should you Have a Fountain Pen and A Writer’s Notebook?

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

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37+ Writing Prompts for Your Creative Enjoyment

Writing Prompts for Your Creative Enjoyment
Writing Prompts for Your Creative Enjoyment

37+ Writing Prompts for Your Creative Enjoyment

As writers, we need to be able to reach out into the world around us and find creative motives.

Writers hit writer’s block and need help outside of our own heads to be able to keep moving forward in our writing.

Use these writing prompts to help with finding creativity for your novels and creativity.

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If you enjoy Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (

Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

Maybe you love the feel of real pages in your hands as you write instead.

Love creative writing? Check out this creative writing Journal.

Writing Prompts for Your Creative Enjoyment

  1. Common! I don’t have all day! Pick up your weapon and face me!
  2. He hates me! I knew it!
  3. I didn’t know what to do so I hid in the bathroom and prayed!
  4. I had never seen anything so beautiful!
  5. The treasure glimmered in the firelight and reflected in her eyes.
  6. Where were you last night?
  7. Why am I the only one that thinks this is insane?
  8. Tell me again, were there two of you or four of you?
  9. I told him I could only give him a ride a couple of miles down the road, but when he pulled a gun on me I said, where do you need to go? He was pretty polite after that.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

More Writing Prompts for You:

  1. I should have seen them coming. I can’t believe I missed that.
  2. So is this bathroom still a crime scene or can I?
  3. I’m headed to the scene. You stay here and check the database for hits in the last week.
  4. He remembers your lies.
  5. Hey, do you know where Tom is? I saw some people walking around his place last night after dark.
  6. Woah she let you take her truck? I didn’t ask
  7. He’s got the brain of a pigeon. He can’t do much damage.
  8. Did your cellmate say anything about his sentencing?
  9. What did you say the guard said?
  10. Libraries are not rooms full of books. They are rooms full of worlds, galaxies, and opportunities.
  11. So should I book you for fraud or accessory to murder or both?
  12. What is going on? Why are you in my house?
  13. OW! I told you I don’t know anything! Why do you keep slapping me?
  14. How did she take the news?
  15. You okay? I haven’t seen you this worried since you lost your ring?
  16. Call me when this is all over. If it ever is over. Don’t bother calling if it’s not.
Writing Prompts for Your Creative Enjoyment

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

If you enjoy Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (

Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

Maybe you love the feel of real pages in your hands as you write instead.

Love creative writing? Check out this creative writing Journal.

More Writing Prompts for You:

  1. Wow, manners. What’s gotten into you?
  2. Why does she bite when you try to feed her?
  3. Stay with me! Stay with me! Don’t pass out! Stay with me!
  4. He was wearing a cowboy hat and boots and a bow tie.
  5. I didn’t know what to say so I just stared at him. That’s when he jumped. It was the worst day of my life.
  6. People are never there when you need em huh? Aw just give me another whiskey
  7. Is he dead? Did he know it was me?
  8. It nicked your artery so you almost didn’t make it.
  9. I’ve never made a real decision in my life. Every decision has always been made for me.
  10. Keep your eye on her until we know what the rest of the gang is up to.
  11. No no no. Don’t say the “C” word. I didn’t want you to see me as the “cancer kid.” I wanted you to know me for me, while I still had some time left.
  12. I don’t want them to think we are organizing our stories. Let’s not be seen together for a while.
  13. This steak isn’t cooked! At all! I want to speak to your manager!
  14. Underneath the salad leaves something was stirring and vibrating. And then a cockroach crawled out missing one of its legs.
  15. In its presentation this is perfect, but in its execution, it is a complete and utter failure.
  16. I wish you wouldn’t have allowed your curiosity to control you.
  17. Now that you know my secret, I’m not quite sure what to do with you yet.
  18. I can’t go home! I can’t go anywhere!
  19. I told her not to look down, but you know how it goes.

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

If you enjoy Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (

Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

Maybe you love the feel of real pages in your hands as you write instead.

Love creative writing? Check out this creative writing Journal.


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10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

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Why Start a Blog?

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37+ Writing Prompts for Your Creative Enjoyment

We Hope You Enjoyed: 37+ Writing Prompts for Your Creative Enjoyment

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Create Tension: Create Riveting Tension in your Stories

Create Tension: Create Riveting Tension in your Stories
Create Tension: Create Riveting Tension in your Stories

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

Create Tension: Create Riveting Tension in your Stories

At DTWT we talk a lot about creating curiosity for your readers.

If you want them to keep turning to the next page you have to continue to create questions for them to want answers to.

Something that goes hand in hand with creating curiosity in your readers is creating tension.

Tension is a way of creating curiosity, but without questions so to speak.

Tension makes your reader desire to know how the tension will resolve and what will be the ultimate end of that tension.

Here are some ways you can create tension and think about it in your stories:

Create Tension: Create Riveting Tension in your Stories

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# 1 Create Tension: Keep the Stakes High

In order for your tension to work at all, the stakes have to be high.

You have to make sure that the character has a lot at risk.

In order to create tension, we have to put things that our character finds important at risk.

And that risk doesn’t always have to come from another character.

In some stories, your main antagonist doesn’t have to be a human.

It could be nature for instance.

Let’s say we are writing a story set in the wild west.

The family we are writing about relies on the land and farm to live, but one winter it gets too cold and the land freezes over and the animals start to starve and get diseases and the family didn’t have a good harvest last year and now they are on the verge of starvation themselves.

What’s is the tension created here?

We create tension by making our readers think: What will the family do to survive? Will they survive?

Life or death scenarios work well but it doesn’t have to always be that high of stakes.

In order to create tension, the stakes have to be high.

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# 2 Create Tension: By making your readers feel like they can’t guess what will happen.

In order for tension to really work, there can’t be an underlying thought in your readers’ minds of “I can see where this is going and they will be fine.”

That happens often in T.V. Series and that’s is partly why they die after season 2.

When you start to see a repeating pattern of how things will resolve and everything will be fine you start to lose interest because there is no curiosity there. There’s no mystery anymore.

It’s easy to lose interest when there is no mystery left anymore.

In order to create tension we have to keep our readers guessing.

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# 3 Create Tension: By making your readers feel something.

We as consumers of stories LOVE stories that make us feel something and feel what the character is feeling or feel so much for the character that we want the worst or the best for that character.

If we can get our readers feeling emotions for our characters we will create tension for those characters when we put them in a bad situation or a sad situation.

In order to make our readers feel for our characters, we have to help our readers resonate with them.

One sure-fire way to make our readers feel for our characters is to make them as real and human and vulnerable as possible without going overboard.

If they are too vulnerable they can appear pathetic and whiny = BAD

If they are too perfect they can appear to be too far beyond us for us to feel for them = BAD

For our readers to resonate with our characters they have to be a little good and a little bad. Very much like regular humans. There are good people out there, but all of us have faults even though we are trying our best.

Find ways to make your characters more human and when you go to create tension, your readers will find themselves being surprisingly emotionally involved.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

# 4 Create Tension: By using time.

Time-sensitive events are one of the easiest and best ways to create tension.

Nothing creates tension more than a ticking time bomb, literally.

Your time bomb doesn’t have to be a literal bomb but it could be anything, it just has to be time-sensitive.

In 24 hours the bomb blows up.

In 12 hours we kill your family member.

You have 7 hours to get the money or else.

If you don’t get me my money by tomorrow I’m gonna show up at your daughter’s daycare.

The storm hits tomorrow.

The store closes at 5.

The bank will foreclose your house at the end of the week.

If you don’t get them to agree by Friday don’t bother coming into work on Monday.

Make the stakes high and add a timer to it = Tension.

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

I hope this helps! Now get out there and write something amazing!

Other posts you might just wanna gobble up: 

6 Easy Practical Steps to Becoming a Better Writer in 30 Days or Less

Why Start a Blog?

11 Easy Simple Steps to Start a Blog in 2019 (And Be Primed to Monetize With Owning Your Own Site)

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5 Barbaric Settings for World Building. writing prompts. writing tips. writing inspiration.

5 Barbaric Settings for World Building 1. Indoctrination One of the most manipulative strategies in politics is the indoctrination of Read more

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Fictional Characters: 28+ Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters 

Fictional Characters: Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters
Fictional Characters: Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters

Fictional Characters: Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters

We made this list of character habits so that writers could use them to get creative inspiration for writing more dynamic characters.

Everyone has bad habits.

Some are more obvious than others.

Some characters are super-secret about their bad habits, while other fictional characters are oblivious that they have a bad habit.

And some are obnoxious about their bad habits.

This will be a list of bad habits for you to use for your fictional characters.

Use one or two or many, but remember, the more believable the better with little character traits such as bad habits.

Bad Habits for Your Fictional Characters:

Fictional Characters: Bad Habits to Introduce to Your Fictional Characters


Worry can kill. It can also ruin relationships and ruin a good date. 


Doubting someone your character cares about can soil the relationship. A character could push others away with their doubt.


A character could be so jaded by the world that they chronically never trust anyone.

Easily angered.

You know the type. Ticking time bomb. Walking on eggshells being around them.

Picking nose.

Ew Gross.

Picking at face.

Distracting when you’re trying to talking to someone that is constantly touching their face.

Talks too much.

Ever get stuck talking to someone that never takes a breath?

Bad Listener.

Relationships can end or begin based on a character with good or bad listening skills.

Talks too little.

Ever been trying to get to know someone and all they have to say is, “yah” “nah.”


Enough said.


This could be a habit they know they want to quit but have a hard time.

Chewing Tobacco.

Don’t pick up the wrong bottle in their house!


Nobody wants to be around an angry drunk.

Drug addiction.

Ever have your character steal for drug money?

Pain Killer Addiction.

Easy to get into. Even easier for a character to hide for a long time. No smell and everyone has prescriptions right?

Always late.

Your character could lose their job.

Nail Biting.

Does your character disgust their love interest because their fingers are always in their mouths?

Always on their phone.

Who isn’t always on their phone these days, but when your character is staring at their screen while having coffee with a friend bleeding their heart out, that friend might look for friendship elsewhere…

Talking with a mouth full.

Your character might not get asked to eat out much…I wonder why?

Gets lost in social media.

Who doesn’t? But maybe your character missed an important event because they were scrolling social media.

Video game addiction.

Ever miss Christmas because you had to get that game achievement? Family members do not like that sort of behavior.

Not sleeping enough.

We’re not talking insomnia here. A character could have an accident at work just from a willful lack of sleep.

Poor Posture.

Does your character look like a hunchback?

Not dealing with stress well.

Does your character bottle everything up and worry about it alone?

Eating addiction.

Does your character’s weight affect their life and relationships negatively?

Doesn’t brush teeth.

Doesn’t shower.

No care for hair.

Does your character lack hygiene? What type of social problems do they encounter on a daily basis?


Has your character lied one time too many and burned too many bridges with their lies?


Who did they steal from? Are they a casual shoplifter, a bank robber, or did they bite off too much and steal from the mob?


Did they cheat on a test, a lover, or a spouse? Did they get caught? What are the consequences? Does their lover know?


Does this character shoot themselves in the foot with their mouth?

Junk Food

Cavities anyone?

Loud Mouth

Has their talk too big and not be able to back it up attitude got them into a little bit of trouble?

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I hope this helps! And we will probably add more later!

Now get out there and write something!

What bad habits will your next fictional character pick up?

Do they have one or two already?

Will they acquire one while your readers read about them?

Other Posts You Might Just Love:

6 Easy Practical Steps to Becoming a Better Writer in 30 Days or Less

Why Start a Blog?

11 Easy Simple Steps to Start a Blog in 2019 (And Be Primed to Monetize With Owning Your Own Site)

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Writing Characters: How to Write Unique Character Reactions Your Readers Will Care About

Writing Characters: How to Write Character Reactions Your Readers Will Care About
Writing Characters: How to Write Character Reactions Your Readers Will Care About

Writing Characters: How to Write Character Reactions Your Readers Will Care About

As readers, we don’t think about character reactions much, we just enjoy them, but as writers, one of the most important parts of writing characters and any scene is how our characters are reacting to people and events around them at any given moment.

We need to understand how to write characters when they are at home watching T.V. doing nothing and when they are escaping a brutal shoot out with explosions.

When writing characters, writing their reactions is extremely important.

How they react to one another, how they react to events, how they react to dialogue; how they react to what you put them through is the most interesting part of your character’s true self.

The way your protagonist reacts to others will decide whether or not your readers like your protagonist, much in the same way that we decide if we like people in real life based on how they react to certain situations we engage them in.

All that to say, as writers it is extremely important that we understand that how our characters react is extremely important and we need to be able to write their reactions well to carry our readers along with the story without hitting any bumps in the road.

A sure-fire way to become a better writer is to start a blog of your own in a niche you are passionate about: All You Need to Know To Start a Blog Here!

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Writing Characters: Your Characters Need to React to Events that Happen and React Appropriately.

When it comes to writing characters we need to understand our characters well personally and how they would react to what happens in a scene and react well.

Imagine sitting down with your protagonist to have coffee or a meal. Can you imagine how they would act in such a scenario?

Can you ask them questions in your mind and see how they would react and answer?

Can you interview your characters in your mind to find out how they would react to the events you want to put them through?

And what does it mean for them to react well?

It means that character needs to react the way only that character would and not the way a different character would.

For Example: Two girls are sitting on a train. Let’s call them Girl A and Girl B They just met. They are not more than acquaintances if not complete strangers.

A staff member from the train steps up to Girl A and says “mam, I’m so sorry we just received word that your parents have died in a horrible car accident.”

Girl A shrugs her shoulders and says “Ok.”

But Girl B the stranger, balls and screams and cries inconsolably for the duration of the ride.

You can see this would be a weird reaction.

We would expect Girl A to react the way Girl B did as it was Girl A’s parents that died a horrible death and Girl B doesn’t even know Girl A or her parents. Girl B might even try to kindly console Girl A, but we wouldn’t expect her to ball and scream about the scenario, but we might expect Girl A to do so, and if she doesn’t we will immediately question her in our minds.

This example shows that when we are writing characters we do have to think about how our character will react and how it must make sense and if it doesn’t that will make our readers curious. 

This type of reactive thinking can be played out in several ways.

We either make the character react the way the audience expects them to and it helps the reader solidify how the character reacts and thinks and who they are as a person.

We can also use a character’s reaction to make the reader question why they reacted that way if the character reacts in a way that doesn’t fit.

Both are great tools to help your readers enjoy the story and carry the story along while revealing a character’s true nature.

Writing Characters: Your characters need to react to each other.

Writing Characters: How to Write Character Reactions Your Readers Will Care About

Normal people react to what others are doing all day long.

We say how are you doing to the grocery clerk.

We move over on the subway to let people through the doors.

We hold open doors at stores for others walking in behind us.

If someone curses at us in traffic, we react to it. We all react differently depending on who we are and what we believe.

In the same way, when writing characters your characters need to react to each other and they need to react appropriately.

Friends are sad for each other when something bad happens to one.

Enemies might not react or they might even be seen enjoying some bitter happening to the protagonist and the protagonist may even react to the enemy’s reaction.

It is very important that your important characters react to each other and react to the events happening in the plot depending on who they are around when the event happens.

If it happens when they are together the reader will see them react together.

If it happens separately we get to see who tells who what, how much and why. All things that are important to the plot and character relationship building and development.

Some characters might react one way around their friends, but completely different in public around strangers.

While you are writing characters the better you can write this in and make it unique to each important character you have the better your reader will be able to understand who each character is as an individual.

A sure-fire way to become a better writer is to start a blog of your own in a niche you are passionate about: All You Need to Know To Start a Blog Here!

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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Writing Characters: How Our Character Reacts Says Much About What They Believe.

When a person reacts to an event or another person it can say many things about what they believe.

When a person gets stuck behind a slow car on the road, if they get mad and scream and curse, they might be the type of person that believes that they own the road and that no one should get in their way and that the slow car is actually hurting or abusing them in some way unbeknownst to them.

If on the other hand the character ignores it and keeps smiling and whistling while driving, they may be more of an optimist that believes that they have to find the silver lining in everything.

We must do this as writers writing characters well. We must find events and dialogue to show what our characters believe about themselves and the world around them.

As we are writing characters the more our readers are able to see more deeply who our characters are they will grow to love and hate them and when they feel so deeply about our characters that’s when they are really hooked and curious as to what will happen to these characters that they’ve come to know so deeply and so well. 

People, in general, are more interested in people they feel deeply about, even if they loathe them. The type of person we don’t think much about is the character we feel indifferent towards. We aren’t very curious about what happens to them.

Use this truth to your advantage and reveal to your audience who your characters are in a deep way through writing characters’ reactions.

What events have you put your characters through and how have you had them react?

Do you know who your character is and how they would react to any given situation, or do you create your character’s personality on the fly as you go?

I hope this helps! Now Get Out There and Write Something!

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A sure-fire way to become a better writer is to start a blog of your own in a niche you are passionate about: All You Need to Know To Start a Blog Here!

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

Try it for free now.

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