Do you enjoy writing bad habits for fictional characters? Use Bad habits to make your characters seem more human.
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What does it take to write disgusting fictional characters? How do we make our reader believe they are disgusting? How do we make them see it?
Use this quick list to get more ideas to write disgusting fictional characters.
10 Distungstingly Gross Bad Habits for Writing Prompts:
# 1 Burping loudly anywhere
# 2 Hawking and spitting
# 3 Scratching private body parts in public
# 4 Not cleaning after shaving
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If you enjoy Disgustingly Gross Bad Habits and writing fiction, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
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# 5 Leaving chew tobacco spit bottles laying around
# 6 Squeezing acne in public
# 7 Sneezing without covering one’s mouth
# 8 Using an uncleaned cell phone
# 9 Eating food that has fallen on the floor
# 10 Not cleaning the keyboard
Writing Prompts | 10 Distungstingly Gross Bad Habits for Fictional Characters
Write some of your fictional characters with these bad habits in order to make them appear to be a bit gross.
Why you would want to be thinking about bad habits for your fictional characters that you are writing?
Bad habits help your audience resonate with your characters.
They make our characters more believable and more human.
Adding a few bad habits to our characters will make them more enjoyable to our readers. After all, no human is perfect and that should include not all but most of our fictional characters.
How do these bad habits affect your character’s life?
Do they lose a girlfriend or boyfriend?
Do they lose a job?
Do they get sick?
Do they get a disease?
Do they get a chronic illness? Fungus or infection?
Do they smell bad most of the time?
Are they lonely and don’t know why?
Does nobody want to come over to their place?
Hope this helps!
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If you enjoy Disgustingly Gross Bad Habits and writing fiction, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
Writing Prompts | 10 Distungstingly Gross Bad Habits for Fictional Characters
Writing Prompts | 10 Distungstingly Gross Bad Habits for Fictional Characters
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Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
If you enjoy Disgustingly Gross Bad Habits and writing fiction, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.