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Writing Prompts | 5 Heroic Character Types for Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts | 5 Heroic Character Types for Writing Prompts
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Writing Prompts | 5 Heroic Character Types for Writing Prompts
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Writing Prompts | 5 Heroic Character Types for Writing Prompts

The Medieval Knight

Riding horses, swords, and bows, heavy chain mail armor are some of the things that come to mind when thinking of knights and medieval heroes.

Many heroes have been knights and there is plenty of reading you can do to come up with ideas on how to write them and what to have them do.

Mythical Heroes

Think Hercules and Achilles. These ancient stories depict heroes of unnatural strength fighting off ancient creatures of horror.

If your hero is mythical she may have a mother or father that is an ancient Greek god or Roman god.

Maybe they will be helping armies crush other armies or maybe they will be earning their right to live among the gods.

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Old Warriors

These would be warriors wearing animal skins, leather, and pelts. 

They carry axes and drink mead.

They might sail a Viking ship or herd sheep.

But the most dangerous place to be is within throwing ax range.

The Super

Today these types of heroes are much more common and run rampant in our movies, T.V. shows, and books. 

Supers gain their powers through accidents involving things like gamma radiation.

Romance heroes

Heroes of romance usually don’t have unnatural strength or powers, but they have big hearts.

There usually love involved and they would fight the world to save their lover.

Let their love for another make them not afraid to die and able to run across the entire world and back.

Study fictional heroes that have already been written and learn how to create one that hasn’t been made yet.

When making heroes of our own we can use types like these or try to make our own.

Use love, loss, and betrayal to motive heroes to do amazing and interesting feats.

Every hero has a journey, you get to decide where it starts and where it goes.

Hopefully, you can use these hero types and ones like them to make dynamic hero characters of your own.

Hope this helps!

Happy writing!

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Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

If you enjoy 5 Heroic Character Types, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (

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5 Heroic Character Types for Writing Prompts

Writing Prompts | 5 Heroic Character Types for Writing Prompts
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Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

If you enjoy 5 Heroic Character Types, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (

Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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