How to Write the Ultimate Climax of Your Story
How to write the ultimate climactic moment of your story
As storytellers, we know that every great story has a great climax.
Stories have many problems that help keep our readers interested throughout our story, but there is a moment that our readers are being lead to and if that moment, that one big moment is a big let down then that is what they will remember and think about and talk about as they walk away from your story.
So how do we capture this moment for them?
How do we make sure that this moment captures their attention and meets their expectations?
Let’s think about some ideas that will help make the climactic moment of your story all it can be for your readers.
It is the tipping point of our stories so let’s try to make it everything it can be.
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# 1 How to Write the Ultimate Climax of Your Story: Keep asking “What else could go wrong?”
A major climax doesn’t have to be just one big bad thing.
It could be a series of really bad things that happen all at once or one after the other after the other.
Either of these ways can be great for a story climax, so it’s really up to you as the creator to decide what is best for your story.
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# 2 How to Write the Ultimate Climax of Your Story: What is the worst thing that could happen to your character? BETRAYAL
One of the easiest and most terrible things you can bring into your main character’s story is an act of excruciating and unforeseen betrayal.
This could be from a friend, spouse, or even a beloved family member.
Betrayal is always crushing and is a great way to make your readers feel terrible for your protagonists.
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# 3 How to Write the Ultimate Climax of Your Story: What’s the worst thing the villain could do to your main character?
Pick a loved one from your protagonist life and have the villain capture them or kill them.
Even have the villain torture them while the protagonist has to watch and this will bring your readers into your character’s life.
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# 4 How to Write the Ultimate Climax of Your Story: What’s the worst thing the villain could do to your main character’s companions?

False relationship?
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# 5 How to Write the Ultimate Climax of Your Story: Use lies your character believes.
A great way to have your character end up in a really bad problem is by having them believe lies.
These can be lies they tell themselves.
These can be lies they believe from others.
Have your character believe these lies and live by them for enough time that when they find out that they are lies that it is utterly devastating to them.
The deeper the lies go, the better.
The more consequences that come about because they believed the lies the better.
Make sure that the lies affect a long term part of their life.
Play off of the character’s emotions by allowing other characters to know the truth while your main character does not.
And make sure the lies and the consequences are believable.
Hope this helps! Now get out there and write something!
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Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
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