1 Sure-Fire Way to Stand Out as a Copywriter
If you’re reading this, you are either a copywriter, Freelance Writer, or you’re curious about starting a career as a copywriter.
For whatever reason you are here, you are here to find out how to best stand out from other copywriters in a busy marketing space.
And I’m going to tell you.
Tonight my family did a yearly traditional thing.
We went to a baseball field in town and watched the town fireworks for the Fourth of July.
A lot of families did. We weren’t the only ones.
You must know. This is my wife’s family and we’ve been married about five years.
Five years may sound like a long time but I still learn new stuff about them all the time.
For instance, they come from Amish heritage. For those of you who don’t know Amish, they have large families and mostly stay in the same communities for generations.
Almost every family reunion I meet more and more of my wife’s cousins. There has to be like 300 of them.
All that to say, there are many occasions where I’m learning new things about them and meeting new people.
Anyways we go to this baseball field in town with lawn chairs to sit and watch the town fireworks.
When we get there, there aren’t a lot of other people yet, but everyone is sitting OUTSIDE the baseball field.
Naturally I assume WE will also sit outside the fenced off area of the baseball field.
But all three families get out of their cars and walk up along the fence and take their camping chairs right up into the center of the field and plop down with all their blankets, snacks, chairs, and everything.
Now me being the introvert that I am, I start to feel a weeeee bit self conscious.
I barely gather the strength to look behind me to see all the people potentially staring, thinking bad thoughts about us because we had the audacity to sit IN THE MIDDLE of the field that everyone else was politely sitting outside of.
I turned to my wife and whispered, “Hey, are we allowed to be in here. Why are we the ONLY ONES in here?”
She laughed, “Jeremy, it’s fine. We’ve been doing this for years. Sometimes others come in too. I don’t know why they don’t come in. They could if they wanted to.”
“They could if they wanted to.”
I wanted to repeat what she said there because it doesn’t apply to just watching fireworks on the Fourth of July in an Amish decent town in the Midwest. It also applies to standing out as a copywriter.
You see, 99% of people that try to write copy aren’t going to do well and the reason is simple.
They aren’t going to stand out.
The sad thing is, they could if they wanted to and it’s very simple to do so.
Well if it’s so simple then how Jeremy?
Be yourself. (So cliché.)
Tis true. It is quite cliché, but nonetheless EXTREMELY TRUE. (That’s probably why it’s a cliché. Clichés are usually true, which is why they get repeated so much and thus become cliché.)
But don’t be so quick to throw out the baby cliché with the copy bathwater.
Let’s think about it.
- 99% of copywriters are going to tell potential clients that they have amazing reviews.
- They are going to tell them that they have a money-back guarantee.
- They are going to tell them that they only have “until midnight tonight!” to sign up to work with them to create scarcity.
These are tactics that work, but EVERY copywriter knows this.
You will probably say these things too and stats show that you should, but if everyone is saying all the right things with the right tactics then what makes your offer any better? What makes YOU stand out?
It’s like the foundation of sales and copywriting. It’s like the chicken and rice in chicken and rice.
It’s what you add to the simple chicken and rice dish that makes it stand out, that makes it unique and different.
You could have chicken and rice with “Old Bay” seasoning, or you could have it with salsa, or you could have it with BBQ sauce.
There are actually a lot of ways to do it, but each way taste different therefore you want to try it different ways.
The only thing you have is your unique style and voice, and I don’t mean the one you’re going to use on their copy. I mean the one you’re going to let them see in your copy.
What do you mean my copy, Jeremy?
Where do you find clients? Upwork? Your own website? Do you have an email list? Do you blog? Do you use social media? Do you leave guest posts on other people’s blogs?
No matter where you are going to find clients you need to find a way to let them get to know you a little bit and make your writing that they find entertaining in ways that only you can.
They need to be able to see you as an individual, not just another writer offering them a money-back guarantee.
You may think this is difficult, but it is actually the easiest thing if you just know what you’re doing.
I do it in my posts all the time.
Let me throw some ideas at you that you can add to your copy today that’ll instantly make you stand out from the herd.
Copywriting ideas to make you stand out:
– Include a personal life story (like the one I told you.)
What happens to you on a daily basis is personal and you have the right to tell no one about it. But if you decide to share a story it’ll be much easier for a potential client to remember you compared to other copywriting prospects that don’t share anything personal.
– Don’t forget that there is a human emotional element.
Don’t forget that when you’re looking for prospective “clients” that “client” is such an impersonal way to say “another human that owns a business and wants help.”
To stand out use this to your advantage to get more jobs with people and use this to help your clients get more sales and customers as well.
Use your client’s personality, stories, and branding to give their copy a personality that will stand out better then their competition.
To make yourself and your clients stand out from the rest of the marketing crowd inject personality into your own copywriting and into the projects you do for your clients.
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
After checking out Bluehost, see how we made a profit FAST with our blog and how you can too: Our #1 Easy way that we made a profit with our blog on year 1, not year 5.
Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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One Sure-Fire Way to Stand Out as a Copywriter
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
After checking out Bluehost, see how we made a profit FAST with our blog and how you can too: Our #1 Easy way that we made a profit with our blog on year 1, not year 5.
Need a Cheaper Plan? Try DreamHost.
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
One Sure-Fire Way to Stand Out as a Copywriter
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After checking out Bluehost, see how we made a profit FAST with our blog and how you can too: Our #1 Easy way that we made a profit with our blog on year 1, not year 5.
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One Sure-Fire Way to Stand Out as a Copywriter
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