It’s okay to use Tv and movies for inspiration, but BE CAREFUL.
Again with the blizzard analogy.
If I’m writing “Tundra Man” it probably won’t help to watch “The Office.”
We can play devil’s advocate all day with excuses in our minds why watching the office will get me writing and my nap afterwards is also going to be extremely stimulating.
But it would be more to the point if I found documentaries on blizzards to get good imagery in my mind of what a blizzard really looks like and the temperatures and the height of the snow. How quickly frostbite sets in, etc.
If you enjoy 6 Tips to Help You Write When You Do Not Feel Like Writing, Storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
I’ll be the first to admit that I am the worst at getting rid of distractions.
I’m a total hypocrite, I shouldn’t even list it as advice, but it is true for just about everyone, myself included.
I have a habit of wanting to do a million things all at once at every second of every moment.
“I can multitask!” I tell myself. (and by multitasking, what I really mean is watch my TV show and only end up writing three sentences during a 3 hour Netflix binge)
When I’m being good I find a quiet secluded place and let the words fly. If I’m being naughty I have music going and the TV is on and 3 hours later I have a paragraph. Boo.
Getting rid of distractions can include:
– Turn off notifications
– Turn off phone
– Silent mode
– Airplane mode
– Leaving the house or room
– Going to the car
– Going to a coffee shop with headphones
– Classical music
– Musical beats
– No words music
– No TV
– No friends around
– No family around
– No pets
– No comfy chair
– No food
– No alcohol
– Locked doors
– No games
– No distractions
Some distractions are common to everyone.
Some are more specific to you.
We do our best and give ourselves a fighting chance if we figure out what’s distracting us and cut it out.
When I used to write for clients this was almost a must. I would shut out the world by having music with no words on. A lot of times it was classical but I don’t feel the genre matters as much as it allows you to think clearly and formulate your own words instead of the lyrics.
Just do it
At the end of the day, the unfortunate news is:
What do you do when you don’t feel like writing?
Do it anyway.
Any great author or freelance writer will tell you this.
Use the tips above to help create the ideal environment for writing to happen but without us stretching our will power muscle, it just ain’t gonna happen.
Willpower is like a muscle. The more we humans force ourselves to do things we don’t want to do at first the easier it’ll be the next time.
Here’s some ways to help will power grow:
– Create a daily exercise routine
Getting the blood flowing helps us think more quickly and clearly to write.
– Create a writing habit
If you get up and write every day for 30 days. On day 31 you’ll feel weird if you don’t write.
– Eat something that’s fun for your brain
Go for protein, fiber, and phytonutrients over sugar.
– Water
Our brain needs a lot of water to function. Give it a glass or bottle before you ask it to spill out coherent thoughts.
– Don’t bite off more than you can swallow
Create writing goals that are realistic. Start small and work to where you want to be daily.
I used to cringe at writing a sentence and then a paragraph. This seems silly now.
Write everyday, flex that will power muscle and soon writing a 60,000 word book won’t seem too daunting. It will just take some time.
If you enjoy 6 Tips to Help You Write When You Do Not Feel Like Writing, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you enjoy 6 Tips to Help You Write When You Do Not Feel Like Writing, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
We hope you enjoyed: 6 Tips to Help You Write When You Do Not Feel Like Writing!
If you enjoy 160+ Power Words to Use With Any Style of Writing & Writing Prompts, Storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
Stephen King is known for his horror writing, but if you’ve seen anything of his quotes or read his thoughts on writing.
You’ll see right away that he is blunt, straight to the point, and not afraid to say what he’s thinking.
That’s a big part of what makes his writing tips enjoyable and refreshing. He’s not political and he’s been in the business long enough to know that you just can’t please everyone.
So don’t worry about pleasing everyone.
No matter what you write, if you write, someone or some group will find you and try to discourage you.
For instance, full disclosure:
Just recently a member of a group on Facebook found our site and trolled How to do the write thing.
Something we said in one of our villains posts offended he or she who shall not be named and they went and reported it to the entire Facebook group.
The entire group nasty things about us and some of them commented on our site yelling at us and telling us how horrible we were.
To be honest at first I was worried and shocked, but I got some great advice from a blogger that I found while Googleing looking for advice.
They reminded me that even if you try your hardest to be kind, polite, and helpful no matter what, if you put yourself out there someone will find you and try to discourage you or take you down.
The best way to deal with it is to expect it and react with positive thoughts.
So that’s what we did. We didn’t retaliate. We moved forward. We changed the post so that it wasn’t perceived as offensive and we enjoyed the extra traffic we got from the Facebook group 🙂
That’s another lesson to be expounded upon later: “bad publicity isn’t always bad marketing”
So the first lesson is:
1. Don’t be afraid to put yourself and your writing out on the line
Some people will love it and some people will hate it. This is to be expected.
We don’t have to explain ourselves to every person that finds our writing and opinions offensive.
Personally I think we should do our best to be kind, polite, and live at peace with one another.
But if you don’t want to offend anyone or have anyone mad at you the only solution is to live in a cave and do nothing. Hah! Even then someone might find you and be offended that you’ve decided to live as a hermit.
Disclaimer: This doesn’t mean we’re saying writers should run their mouths and be purposefully offensive.
We’re just saying you need to go ahead and write and don’t sweat the small stuff 😉
“If you disapprove, I can only shrug my shoulders. It’s what I have.” – Stephen King
Stephen himself used to be ashamed because he would receive hate mail and was accused of very nasty things.
But at a point he learned that no matter what if you write, and write well, someone will find a reason to not like you.
“If you write (or paint or dance or sculpt or sing, I suppose), someone will try to make you feel lousy about it, that’s all,” – S.K.
If you enjoy 10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King, storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you didn’t know it yet your first draft of any story is trash.
It has to go through the editing process many times to become something that people will want to read and enjoy reading.
Authors have been using editors for a long time now. Don’t make the mistake of being the first writer in centuries that thinks they don’t need an editor.
And furthermore don’t expect that every story you write will be worth a reader spending their time on.
We should write in this way.
Does your story interest you? Would you buy it? Do you like it? Would you like to see it in a movie or TV show?
Most of us are biased. We love our stories like they were children, but if you don’t even like your own story you’ve got a real problem.
Why would I expect someone to read what even I don’t like?
But don’t let this fact get you down.
That’s not the point.
“Optimism is a perfectly legitimate response to failure.”
We should prepare ourselves for the hard long journey of writing.
We should react to it with optimism.
We should know the bumps along the way and be prepared to accept them and move forward.
So many writers have heard more rejection at first than acceptance and it is the ones that kept moving forward despite failure that succeeded.
Of course there are outliers, but this is not to be expected.
3. Expect to be rejected
Expect some failure, but just keep working and moving forward.
Speaking of failure. My first job writing was for $20 an hour. And I was excited.
I thought that was a lot to be paid for a writer and I thought this was a great opportunity!
I was fired after 3 hours.
It was a deep blow.
And to be completely honest with you, it was extremely discouraging.
The employer was at least very nice and cordial about it, but it was rejection and failure.
But I didn’t want to give up.
I continued moving forward and after A LOT of trial and error I made it to getting paid $150+ an hour before I took a break from freelance writing. To give some perspective it was over the course of 2-3 years that I worked my way up through the freelance market.
I don’t say that fact to brag, but I want people to have and see first hand that perseverance is important.
They say that most people’s “lucky break” happens after years of hard work and perseverance. Doesn’t sound so lucky anymore.
For sure, it’s hard and rejection hurts. (Whoever says it doesn’t is lying. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but rejection will never hurt me.” – lie.)
But don’t quit.
Stephen wrote “Carrie” in a trailer, very poor, and it was rejected many times, but he persevered.
And you can too.
Next we are actually going to disagree with Stephen.
If you enjoy 10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King, storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Disclaimer: (this is just MY opinion. You are welcome to have a different one :))
Personally, watching TV has fed my creativity, not hurt it. And watching movies has given me the ability to see how I want things to play out in my stories and writing.
It’s easier for me to imagine my character jump, flip, dance, and swing a sword. Or shoot a bolt of lightning out of her hand having seen it with me own two eyes on TV and in movies.
I don’t know why but that’s just my experience that watching stories gives me ideas, it doesn’t hurt them.
But here is a critical piece of advice.
Watch critically, not passively.
When I’m watching I’m not JUST enjoying. I’m thinking about
– Actions
– Acting
– Dialogue
– The plot
– Subplots
– Story
– Character arcs
– Character development
– Things they chose that I like
– Stuff they did I didn’t like
I’m learning and putting into practice while I watch.
For example, we just got done watching Colony on Netflix (recommend if you like dystopian sci-fi. 2.5 on family friendliness as there is definitely skip worthy scenes)
If you do plan on watching it, spoiler alert:
In Colony, one of the main characters Will Bowman is a good man who chooses to make compromising choices to save his family.
His character is however dependable and positive even though his life is chaos 24/7.
Instead of whiny or wallowing because of his problems he looks for and acts on a solution.
They maintain his faithful demeanor through all of season 1 and 2, but season 3 they did something that made me cringe.
They turned him into an emo version of himself where he was angry and wore black all the time.
I couldn’t stand it. I understood that he was grieving, so I waited to see how they would use it, but it was SO out of character for him. At some points he recovered a little but in the end he kept making choices that I felt were choices his character might not make but changing producers might…
This happens from time to time with TV and movies. They change producers or directors in the middle of a story and things go coocoo. But that’s beside the main lesson here. (Subpoint: be careful with your character arcs and don’t hand the story over to someone random in the 3rd season 🙂 )
So when we watch we as writers can see in stories what we like and what we don’t like.
We can watch and read with a critical eye and mind looking to see the way we want to do it and finding best practices.
This helps us create our own voice and style that readers will know they will get if they read our stories.
Stephen says TV is “poisonous to creativity”. I haven’t found that to be true for me but the opposite.
But he does say, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot,”
I agree with the sentiment. We MUST read a lot and write a lot to be writers.
There is no way around that in my mind at this point.
But I don’t think we have to “toss the TV out with the bathwater” if you know what I mean.
5. Expect the process to be rough
“there’s plenty of opportunity for self-doubt.”
Writing is not just tough because other people won’t always like what you write.
Sometimes we are our own worst critics and self doubt and self doubt can persuade us to go no further or that the story we have isn’t good enough.
But that’s not really up for us to decide.
All we can really do is put in the work and put it out there and see what follows.
It’s a risk for sure, but the question is “is it worth the risk to you?” Only you can answer that question for yourself.
If you enjoy 10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King, storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
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10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King
6. Writing can be very lonely
Stephen gives us a powerful image by saying that writing fiction is like crossing an ocean in a bathtub.
You’re not moving very quickly. The space is tight and you are very much ALONE in a sea of black depth.
Sounds frightening, and at times it is.
No one wants to be that alone for that long.
But if we are going to give our writing a chance to live and do something we have to be the ones to tell the story, or it might never be told.
7. Enjoy your process
Every writer has a space and a process.
If you don’t that’s okay, it just means you haven’t found it yet.
And sometimes we have to move and change our process and that’s okay too.
We move around a lot, but right now my process is to go out on our back screened-in porch and write outside. When I first wake up I have my morning routine I enjoy and reading is a part of it. Next, I head outside.
I love nature and the natural noises that come with it (birds, squirrels, breeze, leaves, etc). It’s a very peaceful environment for me with little to no distraction. I am really able to zone in and focus. When I look up the outdoor smells, the greenery, and the trees all give me a sense of happiness. (Sounds like a tree hugger)
I have a specific chair I sit in and depending on the day I either write on my phone or laptop. These days I’m enjoying my phone more.
It could be very different for you and that’s fine. You might hate nature. You might love writing in your closet or car.
I actually heard a story of a lady recently who was having trouble finding a place to write with no distractions.
With a family and tight quarters, this place did not exist in her home.
She started going out to her car and writing. It took her some time, but she ended up being able to finally finish her entire novel in her car!
So you may think you have nowhere to write but if you get creative you’ll find somewhere.
Enjoy finding what you like to be your space and process.
Maybe you like to write with pen and paper.
Maybe you like to write in your closet.
Maybe you want to write on your roof.
Whatever it is, find a space/ process of your own and use that to make a happy habit you enjoy.
If you enjoy 10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King, storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
“Stories are found things, like fossils in the ground … Stories are relics, part of an undiscovered pre-existing world.”
We have to unearthed our characters and our stories.
They have to be dug up from our own minds.
They have to be revealed from the world around us.
Stories are about the journey and they lurk around every corner waiting to be discovered. I’m not talking about some mystic thing here. I’m being literal.
If you watch the news or go to school or go to work, stories are happening all around you. You only have to be willing to see them, find them, and write them.
Fiction is so fun at times because we can take details from real life and throw them into a story for our reader to enjoy.
Sometimes the hardest part is doing the long tedious work of discovering our story along the way.
We have an idea and we love it but we don’t know how it ends yet and we don’t have all the middle pieces to get to the end. The only way to get there is to think fng start to write and see where it goes.
Another hard thing can be that we know we’ve discovered a really great story but sitting down and trying to communicate it to someone else through words feels like it just doesn’t do it justice.
These are all hurdles and hard work if one is to be a writer.
“The most important things are the hardest things to say,”
“They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings.”
Sometimes it is hard to put into words the drama that is playing in our minds, but that is to be expected and worked through. There is no way around it.
9. Don’t over-describe
“Description begins in the writer’s imagination, but should finish in the reader’s,” – S.K.
We really have to think more simply about description and telling a story.
It’s important to focus on getting what we see in our heads into their heads using just words on a page.
We don’t have to overthink it more than this. When we decide to over-describe we can often lose our reader to boredom.
“In many cases when a reader puts a story aside because it ‘got boring,’ the boredom arose because the writer grew enchanted with his powers of description and lost sight of his priority, which is to keep the ball rolling,” – S. K.
If you enjoy 10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King, storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
“One of the really bad things you can do to your writing is to dress up the vocabulary, looking for long words because you’re maybe a little bit ashamed of your short ones,” – S. K.
It’s easy to make the mistake to think that the reader is bored of simple words. This is a BIG mistake
Writer’s get bored with limited vocabulary, not readers.
Now there are definitely readers that want bigger vocabulary and harder reading and if you want to serve that audience, that’s fine but for at least 90% of regular consuming readers the rule is write somewhere close to a 9th grade reading level.
The key is to know your audience. To whom are you writing?
– Children
– Teens
– Adults
– Academics
– Writer’s
– Etc
If we are writing to the masses and just trying to tell a good story, use simple words to give great imagery.
If you enjoy 10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King, storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you enjoy 10 Writing Lessons From Stephen King, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
If you are still “on the fence” about starting your own blog to make extra money you should read this first: Why Even Start a Blog?
If you’re interested in the fast track on how to start a blog see the FAST TRACK below:
If you still want more help on starting your own blog skip the fast track for now and come back to it when you are ready 🙂
FAST TRACK on how to start a blog:
First, if you are going to start a blog that you can make money with, you will want a host site and you will want to own your domain name.
I use and recommend Bluehost. They are inexpensive and EXTREMELY beginner blogger friendly. You may want to pay more later on depending on your blog needs, but for starting a blog Bluehost is a great and inexpensive choice to start a blog. (I currently use them for blog hosting. I may create a pros and cons list for Bluehost blog hosting later on. Stay tuned 🙂 )
Bluehost has an easy one-click install of WordPress. WordPress is used by over ⅓ of all sites on the internet. It is well established and thus easier to figure out than other sites.
Bluehost makes it incredibly easy to start a blog and get your blog running.
If you picked Bluehost all you have to do is one-click to install WordPress. Then you choose a WordPress theme and you’re well on your way to learning how to blog!
If you are learning how to start a blog for fun or ESPECIALLY if you are considering making some passive money on the side while blogging you are going to need the right tools in your blogging toolbox. I recommend Bluehost to host your site. I personally use it and Bluehost is still one of the top web hosting companies and you can start your own blog with them for as low as $3.95 a month (It’s normally $7.99 a month, but they have a promotion to get you that rate for up to 3 years hosting with them)!
You can choose a different site to host your blog but they offer your domain free if you purchase a 12 month or longer hosting plan (this will save you at least $15 on your initial purchase). I recommend doing the 36-month hosting plan through Bluehost (because that’s the best deal and that’s what I did, and I’m very pleased with it) even if you’re not planning on monetizing your blog because if you really love blogging you never know when you might decide to monetize and at that moment you’ll be happy you decided to host and have your own domain.
Having your own site that looks more professional to affiliate programs and readers. You will be able to have a better following and at any moment you will be able to decide to monetize through ads and affiliate marketing.
Some of my blogging mentors had their blogs going for years before they decided to monetize. You just never know, so you might as well start off on the right foot.
Bluehost is affordable and you can save yourself a lot of money by signing up for at least 12 months. Plus, if you want an even better deal, your best value would be purchasing a 36-month plan (that’s what I did, I like the best deal.) With the 36 month plan, your monthly rate is WAY lower over the long run. So you have options. Do what’s best for you and your specific situation
For me personally, I started with Bluehost (36-month plan) and WordPress right from the start because I enjoy work from home and being my own boss. Online jobs are growing and this is one way to pay yourself and work when you want. You’ll be glad you did. I’m glad I did.
1-Click WordPress Install (this saves a lot of complication)
24/7 Support
Get 36 months at $3.95 a month instead of $7.99 (That’s a saving of at least $145!)
Plus* Intro offer and 30-day money-back guarantee (FYI, the 30-day guarantee does not include the domain name, so if you request a refund they will charge a fee. It wasn’t a problem for me, but I just wanted you to know and be aware)
End of FAST TRACK on how to start a blog.
Now, on to the meat and potatoes.
This is an extensive guide on starting a blog, so please enjoy 🙂
How to Start a Blog in 11 Easy Steps
Choose your Host Site
Choose your platform The Fun Part 1: Choose your Domain Name
The Fun Part 2: Choose What You Know Well and Find Interesting to Write About
Choose your Platform
Next, You’ll Want to Design Your Blog
Create Necessary Pages (Contact, Home, About Us)
Create a Publishing Routine
Make Sure to Create Great Photos That Feel Professional
Devise a Strategy that Will Make your Content POP!
Learn to Promote your Content Through as Many Channels as Possible (Without Being SPAMMY!)
Learning How to Become a Blogger Takes Work (Don’t Be Fooled. This is NOT a “get rich quick” scheme)
BONUS: Plugins We’re enjoying
How to Start a Blog–
1. Choose your blog host
As you know We recommend using Bluehost. I’m going to show you real quick the process and how simple it is to get your blog started on Bluehost so you have something to look at and have an idea. If you want, you can jump over to their site right now through this link: “Bluehost Link” (Where you will see the low hosting cost of $3.95 a month and a free domain name for your 1st year) and as we go step by step you can take action on your brand new blog as we go through the guide.
They have a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can always start today. Try it out for a month to see if it’s a good fit for you and if not, get your money back, no risk to you. (fyi they don’t refund the free $15 domain name as you now own it for the year.)
There are other host sites to choose from but we recommend this one for starting out as a blogger.
After you click the green get started button you choose a plan that works for you:
Most beginners would be fine starting with the basic plan and we recommend the 36-months as it’s the best deal.
Next you’ll pick a domain name:
We go into more detail below about choosing a name.
Then you’ll put in your information:
Next is the payment info:
Pick the package that’s right for you. We went with the 36-month because it’s the best deal and that’s what we recommend for you. Again don’t forget about the 30-day money back guarantee so that you can get started with no risk.
We wouldn’t say that you need to get sitelock and codeguard until later, but domain privacy protection we recommend getting.
Then create your new password and login:
Remember: once you’ve paid you still have 30 days to try things out with no risk to see if this is a good fit for you 🙂
Name your website. This is different than choosing a domain. Your domain might be But your site name might then be Eat More Cake. You also will choose your tagline. For your tagline, it’s good to come up with a tiny simple sentence that makes your site’s purpose clear.
Name: Eat More Cake
Tagline: Learn How to Bake the Best Cakes in the World.
Something like that.
For example of what this might look like you can see our Name and Tagline at the top of this page right now 🙂 ^^^
Tell Bluehost more about the goals of your website so that they can help you:
Be honest about whether you are knowledgeable about creating sites so they can give you tips and help along the way.
Pick a theme:
More details on picking a theme below, but don’t be afraid to try many since you can change them fairly easily before making your website go live.
It is recommended by some bloggers that you buy a theme as they are more secure than free ones, but that is up to you.
After you choose a theme you can install WordPress easily with one click:
I love how easy it is to use WordPress with Bluehost.
Now you can click over to start building.
Now you are able to sign in to your Bluehost account and you can click the log in to WordPress blue button to really get started.
This will lead you to the back end of your site where you have access to your WordPress tools and plugins. At the bottom of this post we recommend some plugins for you to try out.
This is what you can expect and how easy it is to own your own domain and WordPress site through BlueHost.
Next we will go more in depth about starting a blog.
2. Choose your domain name for your blog 🙂
For me, as a creative, this part is more fun than step one (choosing a host site for your blog).
It’s true. I’m a creative type. That means any time I get to brainstorm, innovate, or create I get pretty excited. I am only organized by necessity. (Being creative and messy is MUCH more fun )
Not everyone gets excited when learning “how to blog” or “how to start a blog” or “how to make money blogging” so I guess I’m sort of nerdy in that way 8) (and if you’re reading this maybe you are too 😉 )
When thinking about a domain name for your blog, try to think of something catchy, but not too long.
Think of something that is a play on words like “do the Write thing” instead of “do the right thing,” because at Do the Write Thing we write about writing and we want to help you do the right thing while you write!
We like writing and writing about writing so it’s fun all around!
Some “punny” play on word ideas to help your brain juices get pumping on how to start your blog and coming up with a creative domain name idea for your blog:
Love everything Llama? No ProbLlama
Like baking? You Bake me crazy!
Inspirational? Have Beleaf in yourself
Vegetarians? Give Peas a chance
Selling lights? You Light up my life
Still like baking? All you Knead is love
Can’t get enough dessert? Get stuck on a dark Dessert highway. Or Welcome to my Dessert Island!
Do you love Coffee a Latte?
Writing about tea? Watch out for the Tea-rex!
Writing about everything Irish? Irish I had an idea for you…
To choose a good domain name for your startup blog you’ll want to have a good idea of what type of content you want to create. Name and niche pretty much go hand in hand.
When thinking about creating content for your blog it is not all writing. In today’s internet culture it can be videos, pictures, how-to guides, etc. Pretty much any topic you can think of you can turn into a blog.
Do try to specialize in something.
You don’t want to be so broad that you write about anything and everything. You won’t be able to hold anyone’s attention that way.
You also don’t want to be SO specialized that you run out of topic material.
My suggestion is to do some quick research.
Look up topics you enjoy and are interested in blogging about for yourself. What are you passionate about that others may also be passionate about? Don’t just go for topics you think will make a lot of page views or money.
You might be one of the few that is passionate about pink poodles, but there are lots of dog lovers and if you think it might keep your interest you can start a blog for dog lovers and help dog lovers with there dog-loving needs with your blog.
It’s important to have some interest in what you are blogging about.
Readers will be able to tell if you like or know anything about what you’re blogging about and worst of all, you’ll be able to tell.You’ll start writing, making videos, and pictures, and you’ll find that you’re bored and you can’t wait till it’s over. This won’t last long before you give up and stop blogging altogether.
This brings us to the next step. These two steps go hand in hand. Pick your domain name, pick your blog subject.
3.Choose What You Know Well and Find Interesting to Blog About
So again do some research about blog ideas you have. And remember a blog doesn’t have to be all writing. Many blogs are mostly pictures and videos. Some websites are just about products and that can work too.
When you think of something you like, for example, skydiving. You can look up blogs about skydiving and start to see how you can create content about the topic you’re interested in creating a blog around.
I recommend reading many things about your blog topic that you’re thinking about starting a blog about. Books, blogs, articles, videos, you name it. Educate yourself on the subject and become an expert. Figure out how to become a blogger expert on your topic. NEVER copy paste someone elses work. It’ll be easy at first, but it will hurt you down the road. Become your own expert on something for your blog and future readers. Then you can write from what you know and it’s yours and you can own your blog.
The best place to get ideas is from real life whether it’s your personal experience or whether you interview someone that went through the experience you want to be a blogger about.
This will help you develop unique and dynamic content that your readers will eat up as your blog grows!
Once you have a pretty good idea of your topic, the research you’ve done will help you come up with something unique and creative the domain name of your blog.
(Don’t be afraid to choose the wrong name.) You, your blog, and your content will grow and change over time.
There are many successful blogs that start out in one topic but migrate to another with time.
If your topic is broad enough but specialized enough you will have sub-topics that easily make sense in your blogging niche.
The worst thing you can do to yourself is be paralyzed by indecision.
Pick a topic, pick a name, and get started on your blog!
The more time you wait, the more you could have been growing your blog but didn’t. (Full disclosure: I wish we would’ve started earlier, but you don’t know what you don’t know and hindsight is 20/20)
If you’re really worried about it just make it your own name and then you can make it about whatever you want whenever you want. www.[ insert your name here ].com
4. Choose a platform for your blog
I recommend WordPress for this.
With this Bluehost link, it’s literally as easy as a click and you’ve got WordPress at no extra charge.
Another reason I like WordPress is that the majority of the internet is using WordPress. This means that WordPress plugins are up to date and mostly hassle-free for bloggers.
WordPress has been around for a while so they have developed their platform and worked through many bugs and issues.
Since a lot of sites use WordPress there are an equal amount of engineers creating WordPress friendly themes and plugins that make your life as a blogger much easier.
Also, there is a ton of helpful information just a google search away. There is a massive amount of youtube videos and content written to help WordPress users get things done on their blogs.
If you happen to run into a problem or can’t figure something out, you can literally do this: Google search: “How do I (problem) WordPress” and I’ll wager that you will get a large number of free resources and answers to guide you to your WordPress solution for your new blog.
Other platforms are not bad and have their upsides, but in my opinion, there are less free good resources to help you get done what you want and run as smoothly as what you might find on WordPress.
For me, it is a matter of convenience.
I like the resources I have found for WordPress on my blog. They have been nice, up to date, work seamlessly, and are reliable.
Other platforms and resources for them might not be as convenient or caught up with the curve as they just don’t own enough of the space yet.
With other platforms, you may have a little more freedom to customize and create a look outside of the box if you think that might be more your thing and if you want to spend more time figuring it out. If you like the idea of website development then you might like that.
Bluehost will let you use other platforms for your blog, so don’t worry about that.
(If you just want to start a blog quickly and want the fast track, Bluehost one-click WordPress option is quite easy)
5. Design Your Blog
In my opinion, this part was not my favorite TBH.
When you’re learning how to start a blog, you don’t think about how much designing and development you have to figure out if you want your site to look and feel professional.
Thankfully, there are a good amount of themes to choose from but even with themes, there is a fair amount to figure out on your own.
I’m a writer, not a designer, but through the process of starting a blog myself and designing it myself, I learned valuable WordPress skills and I’m happy that I did it.
If you don’t have time to design your own blog I recommend hiring a WordPress developer.
There are a good amount of freelancing sites now that have many freelancers to choose from and the sites usually make it fairly easy for clients to find freelancers and protect them during the payment process.
If you want to find a good freelancer to help create your WordPress blog look at these important things:
Look at their reviews. If they have a bunch of glowing reviews they probably will do good on your project as well.
Look at how much they charged other clients and how consistently they charged the price they are asking for. You can learn a lot by going through their reviews and save yourself time in the interview process.
If they know what they are doing and talking about they probably will have clients lining up to work with them so they might be less likely to worry about impressing you in the interview process. Freelancers interview every day. More than likely they are looking to shorten the interview time. It’s time and work they don’t get paid for. Look for the freelancer that isn’t that interested in “wowing” you upfront, but still has amazing reviews and commands a decent price.
Cheap work is easy to find and you might waste money by going cheap. You might be able to find a lower-priced freelancer with amazing reviews, but more than likely if it seems to good to be true, don’t waste your time. Go for the freelancer that is interested in giving you a great product, not the one that’s looking to “wow” you in the interview. Some high-quality freelancers won’t even go into a free interview and won’t offer any free samples. These freelancers most likely have a very good experience and profitable ideas for your business.
Look for samples on their site.
Look to see if they have established their own sites.
Look to see how many hours they’ve worked and what each job outcome looks like.
Try to stick within your budget and get someone that looks excellent. Don’t try to get the lowest price possible because you’ll likely lose their interest and they won’t enjoy working with you or look to help you out again.
If you are going to start your blog and DIY, one of the main things to decide and easier things to do is to choose a theme.
Even though themes are easily loaded and switched around the theme you choose is very important for your new blog and gives your readers a “feel” for your site’s personality.
The cool thing about WordPress is that there are A LOT of free themes to choose from and you may find a free one that you love.
Security Tip- (When you choose a theme look to make it secure by hiding it from the public which theme it is.)
Not to worry though. If you can’t find one you love, you may want to purchase a theme as they come with other benefits, but they are very affordable.
I recommend writing a blog post and loading the post and then going through different themes to see in real life which theme feels the best to you.
It was easy for me to load one and see right away whether I liked it or not.
This is also a good time to look up 10 or more blogs you like so you can start to see what your options are, what you like, and what maybe you don’t like. I know this process was very helpful for me when choosing a theme.
By looking at other blogs I realized I didn’t like crazy colors, that I liked something more simple. I was looking for a simple plain background.
It would have been hard for me to picture what I liked if I hadn’t gone through other inspiring blogs to see my options.
6. Create The Necessary Pages For Your New Blog (Contact, Home, About Us, Disclaimers, Privacy Policy)
As you are learning how to blog you will see that a post is your traditional blog post, similar to this one.
But your pages are more like foundational pieces of your blog site, examples: About Page, Contact Page, Home Page.
These will be tough to figure out, but going through the necessary process and checking them off one by one right away will help you choose your design and theme for your new blog business.
If you are looking just for an outlet to write and you have no interest in promoting your content right away then the more fun and creative process is to procrastinate these pages. If you want to make money asap with your blog these will be blog posts to tackle sooner rather than later.
I emphasize, if you want to promote and monetize your blog and create side income or full-time income for yourself, you will have to make these pages.
In today’s savvy internet culture, readers and browsers look for these pages. (Affiliate programs do too.)
After reading some good tips on your posts the reader is going to get curious, “who is this person writing these things for me.” As emotional and social beings we long to connect with each other. A great way for you to connect with your readers and for them to connect with you is to make a great and personal “About Us” page.
You want to stand out from your blogging competitors, so you’re going to want to make it welcoming, inviting, personal, fun, and somewhat vulnerable.
Naturally, you’ll tend to steer away from being vulnerable with your audience on your blog, but in doing so you’ll be like everyone else and they won’t connect with you as well.
In building a brand, one key trait is to be unique. And only you can be you 🙂
At the same time you don’t have to share EVERYTHING on your blog with the world right away. Just share things that you’re comfortable sharing. Share struggles and fears, but share also how you overcame them.
You never know when one of your visitors is struggling with something similar to you and how reading your story can help encourage them and pull them out of the fog.
Every part of your site can be made to feel more inviting, professional, and warm. Especially your Home page.
Think of your website like a house with many rooms. Your home page is the part of the house that has the most doors and the most possibilities for the visitor to look around.
Another way to view the home page is like a place to reset. They might get lost down some corridors and hallways into your blog area. By being able to click the home button at the top they know they can start over and find whatever they are looking for next.
You might be thinking you want to venture off the beaten path and make these pages different or not at all. I wouldn’t recommend this. With these pages, visitors have been “trained” to expect this sort of layout and you will make your site less user-friendly by not following the traditional layout.
You don’t want to copy anyone’s about us page, but you definitely want to make your own if you intend to share, promote, or monetize your content with your blog business.
Creating the traditional layout pages can be tedious at times, but in the long run, you’ll be glad you did. And your blog will be glad too.
Blog Tip- Make your blog unique, but keep your traditional pages inside the user-friendly box.
7. Create a Publishing Routine that Helps You Promote Your Blog Content
You don’t have to write at the same time every single day. You don’t have to publish at the same time every month, but developing a habit has been proven time and time again to be reliably helpful as you successfully learn how to start a blogging business.
You will have to figure out what works best for your specific schedule and what is a good undistracted time for you to create.
Here are some helpful habits for the creative blogging process:
Don’t wait for inspiration
Write down your blog ideas when they come to you, not later
Make time to create
Keep a blog idea journal
When you start a blog post make a quick outline or you’ll forget your main points
Figure out what tools work best for you for blogging consistently
Work on your main blog points and the words will follow
Don’t wait for inspiration to come out of nowhere.
You have to learn to just sit down and create content for your blog. If you wait for inspiration you will never actually create anything for your blog.
You may feel inspired from time to time or maybe even a lot at the beginning of your blogger journey, but as time wanes, you might find it more and more difficult to just create.
It’s best to just force yourself to create and do research to figure out what you don’t know and manufacture inspiration of your own.
Write your ideas down the moment they come to you. Don’t wait until later.
Inspirational thinkers including music artist have developed their own routine for recording their creative ideas, whether they are out with friends, at work, driving, or awoken from a dream.
For me, I have a notepad on my phone that I use a lot, and I also like to use google docs.
Especially for blogging. I’ll be in the middle of creating a blog post and I realize a title for another blog post I’d like to make and at that moment I take 15 seconds. I open a brand new google doc, type the title, and close the google doc. (It takes seconds, and they are valuable.)
I don’t want to take away from what I am writing, especially if I’m “in the zone,” but I also have been creating long enough to know that if I don’t write it down right now, later on tonight, I’ll get this feeling that I had an idea BUT I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT IT WAS! GASP!
It is honestly one of my LEAST favorite feelings in all the whole entirety of the universe…I’m being slightly dramatic, but for real…I hate it.
So now, instead of thinking to myself “oh that’s a good blog idea. I’ll write it down later or tonight before bed,” NOPE! Gotta find something to write it on now.
And if worse comes to worst you can always write it on your arm or a napkin and stuff it in your pocket for later.
If the internet crashes I’ll lose all my ideas, but for now, at least they are stored somewhere.
Make time to create.
Just like inspiration won’t come knocking on your bedroom every day, “Hey! It’s time to create this amazing idea I have for you!” having time to create won’t be some magical luxury that makes itself available to you out of nowhere.
When you are starting a blog, you need to make time for you to create blog content.
There are many thoughts on what time of the day is best for your creative mind to flow right and make things happen.
For me though, I write at all times of the day. I write after I do my wake up routine. I write midday. I write in the evening. It’s 8:37 pm right now and I’m writing. For me it really just depends on the day and when I can make time.
For me creative success is as simple as this simple little question:
I tried all the other tricks; write a certain number of words a day, write a certain amount of time a day, write at a certain time every day. It just wasn’t working for me.
After years of trying different techniques I learned or read about on blogs and elsewhere, I just started to tell myself, I just have to write, I just have to write.
And what I found was that just by starting to write I would usually get into a rhythm and end up writing a good amount if I sat down just to write. I didn’t have any word constraints or time restraints.
I could quit if I wanted or write if I wanted, but I didn’t have any prisoner- like goals to accomplish “or else.”
I found this to be very freeing for me and it made the process of writing less work and more fun.
Some days it is still hard to start, but once I do it is quite enjoyable most days.
You must figure out what works best for you so that you will create at least a bit every day if you can.
Keep a blogging journal.
I think some people will really like this.
Keep a journal of your thoughts and great ideas, that way you always have something to look to for inspiration.
I have tried the regular journaling practice and it hasn’t helped me personally, but I have experienced fun moments of reading old journals and being shocked that I thought something or did something and went “oh wow, I don’t remember that!” Or “wow, I’m glad I wrote that down, that’s very cool.”
So, I would especially think for some people that a journal would be a very good idea and would be very helpful if you become a blogger.
When you start a blog post make a quick outline or you’ll forget your main points.
This step is HUGE for me in my blogger routine.
The day I started to make this is a habit in my blogger life is the day I shouted for joy. OK so I probably didn’t literally shout for joy, but I cannot tell you how helpful it has been creating an outline of my main points first thing.
For me, this is no longer some BIG TEDIOUS brainstorming session.
No, this part usually takes me a few seconds and if I really can’t think of good ideas I’ll do a quick 5 minute google search. I may edit or change parts of the list as I go along with the post, but that’s about it. I try to keep things in my blogger process simple and effective.
As you grow your blog you’ll develop your routine and best habit practices and you’ll enjoy them too, hopefully.
With my outline of the main points I want to hit the blog almost writes itself.
You’d be surprised how often your writing and you draw a blank. My outline is what I look to any time I run out of words to write. I scroll up or click over to my outline or inspiration and look to see where I’ve been and where I’m headed.
This helps me stay on track and cuts down my blogger work from home time down dramatically.
Also, when you first think of the blog post you want to write all these great ideas fly through your head of what it should be made of. I’ll bet you that when you come back to write about it, you completely forget what those great ideas were.
With an outline, you can step away from your post and pick up easily where you left off just by looking at what you have written and your list of what you want to write.
I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve been distracted from this exact post or had to walk away or put it down or go to sleep while I’ve been writing it, but every time I come back I just go to my outline and see what I’ve done and I know where I want to go and I feel good about it.
Outlines could just be the main ideas or some content too. It really depends on what is most helpful for you.
You don’t want to make a habit of walking away from your piece in the middle of a thought. You want to do your best to find a good place to stop that will be easy to pick up from later. Finish your thought or your main idea and then get up.
Life is too complicated so it’s best to plan for interruptions because they will happen more often than you think!
Therefore, make an outline and you’ll be so glad you did!
Figure out what tools work best for you.
As you start your blog, you will find that not every tool offered to you is necessary, you will love some, and you will ponder others.
For instance, for me, some of my greatest tools outside of Bluehost, are Google Docs, outlines, and Grammarly.
The moment I found google docs changed my freelance writer life. That has carried on to all my writing projects, including my blogger projects.
And as I expressed above, I am so fortunate to have developed a habit of outlining.
For some people, long brainstorming sessions are big for them and they develop these big ideas brainstorm bubbles on whiteboards. I never needed that nor did I enjoy it. For me, it was a waste of time. It doesn’t help my brain simplify the tasks I need to do to get the blog done.
Your tools are going to be best used to partner with your working style to get the blog done in a fun but effective manner. So find blog tools that help you get the job done faster and better.
Another tool that I enjoy having around is Grammarly.
It took me a long time to give in to the Grammarly crowd, I thought, “eh, I’m a good writer. I don’t need it. It’s just another thing to bother me.” But to the contrary, I love having it. Best part! It’s completely free! They have a paid version too that can give you extra insight into your writing and how it can be better.
I would recommend Grammarly to anyone who writes and bloggers. It’s a no brainer. I would especially recommend their paid version for bloggers and writers where English isn’t your first language. Even if English isn’t your first language, the paid version of Grammarly will help you with English in a way that spell check can’t.
Grammarly checks not just spelling, but the use of commas, periods, punctuation, and word choices that makes it more professional and readable in English, and English doesn’t have to be your first language for you to make a living as a blogger or writer in English. Between Google, Grammarly, and freelancers you can get it done and get paid for what you do!
For images and editing we use unsplash, pixabay, mailchimp, and canva.
Work on your main blog points and the words will follow.
Creating main points at the beginning of creating new content is a must for me personally.
I have main ideas or have found them and then when I get down to it the words flow from the main idea of each point. If I don’t write them down I easily forget them as I go from the beginning to the end of the creation of the blog post.
I highly recommend finding your main points first and writing them down or having them somewhere so you have something to look back to when you lose your place and then you don’t have to struggle with trying to remember each point you wanted to discuss.
In conclusion, you have to figure out what blogger tools are best for your specific writing goals and needs.
Figure out what works best for you and repeat it on a daily to weekly basis.
8. Make Sure to Create Great Photos That Feel Professional on Your Startup Blog
Images are important to your image, tone, and feel of your blog.
Blogs without images just don’t perform as well.
It is sad but true.
Blogs with images, especially, unique, fun lively ones tend to give a more professional feel and tone to your blogger community.
We use Unsplash, Mailchimp, and Canva to get great looking customized photos and texts FO FREE.
Yes, the image above is cheesy. But it proves a point. It only takes a few moments to make an image like this and load it up to your blog.
And it is worth it in the long wrong to start having images for your viewers and for Google to find.
This means you don’t have to spend hours on photoshop or hundreds of dollars on stock images or developers.
While you are blogging, especially using WordPress. You will start to get a feel if you want to start offering your freelance services as a developer, more specifically a WordPress developer.
If you do decide to do this, I would definitely recommend using Adobe Photoshop and other Adobe Tools to offer amazing services to clients! My sister has her own photography business and she uses Photoshop non-stop on her projects and couldn’t do her side hustle without it.
While you’re starting out and learning how to become a blogger you might not need to spend money on professional tools to make great, unique amazing looking photos that give your blog the feel and tone you want it to have.
If you decide to, that’s completely up to you, and I’ve laid out various options here, but most of all just make sure you put it crisp looking videos and photos where you can, but don’t overdo it and make sure that it makes sense for your startup blog niche.
9. Devise a Strategy that Will Make your Blog Content POP!
The idea of “ blog content strategy” can mean a bazillion things. Some of them more technical than others. But as you start your blog and grow it your content strategy will grow and change with time as well.
In this strategy, we will focus on these things briefly: (this is in no way exhaustive)
Some technical stuff
Make your content readable
Make your content POP!
Understand your audience
Feed your audience
Some technical stuff
This would be like planning and organizing. Some people love organizing. Not me. I love “being” organized, but I do not enjoy the process. For me it is a necessary discipline that I have learned with practice and time.
I use my phone, notes, google docs, email, and my wife to help me stay organized
You need to figure out what organization tips and tricks will work best for you to keep you going and on task with your content strategy for your blog.
I don’t have a set schedule. My schedule is actually very fluid and for the most part I work to keep it that way. Then I can say yes or no to things freely.
That’s not for everyone. Some people LOVE their schedule and how dare you live without one haha, but if you need a schedule I recommend a tool like Trello or other free scheduling tools.
Trello is nice and neat and it’s set up to be an easier, smarter interactive to do list with alerts and calendars to help you stay on schedule and not forget things. Trello really helps with a team. You can throw up a to do and the teammates that are in the need to know will know instantly. No need to schedule a meeting. And if you need to schedule a meeting with certain teammates and not others you can do that too. Imagine Trello as a virtual office that runs on smart sticky notes and chats.
Figure out what technical tools you need in order to make your blogger life continue to spin as you journey deeper in how to become a blogger.
Make your content readable
As you develop your blogger skills you will want to develop a skill that should be second nature to you as you create and write content.
I CANNOT overstate how under-stressed this point is. Make your content readable.
This means your content needs to be written at a low reading level. Be aware of your audience of course, but for the most part writing at an eighth-grade reading level is high enough and will be more accepted by your blog traffic than if you wrote to them at a college level or higher.
As a blogger write shorter paragraphs. Sometimes just write just one sentence, this will help your audience read through all of your material. Most web visitors naturally skip big BLOCKS of text and skip to the more scan-able texts.
Write simple and make it easier for your audience to digest your content. Use the Flesch Readability calculator and try to maintain a score above 70. Keep it fairly easy at least for all your readers.
Make your content POP!
As a blogger, how does one make content POP?
We already went over images and how important they are to you as a blogger and how they make content have a completely new feel and how easy they can be to create.
But now I’m talking about your text.
It is actually REALLY EASY and in time with practice, you can become very good at it.
You might not even think about it but I’m doing it rightnow.
That’s right just bold, italicize, color, highlight, capitalize, or underline your text in the right places, at the right moment and this will help your content POP for readers to digest your blog content more easily!
Don’t overdo it and learn how to do it masterfully and it will be a very useful skill as you start your blog.
Understand your audience
Take your time. Do your homework. Get something like Google Analytics and get to know your audience.
Listen to your readers’ comments not just on your site, but on other sites where you can find them as well.
Find them on chats, forums, comments on products, find them wherever you can and pay attention to them, their words, and how they talk about what they like and what they don’t like.
When your audience responds to what you do, take note and respond in kind on your blog.
Feed your blogging audience
When you find out what your audience likes, doesn’t like and what they want, give it to them!
Find out what your audience is asking and answer those questions in a blog post.
Find out what their worries and doubts are and try to find solutions for them that you can offer on your blog.
Try to help your audience.
Find out what they want to know as well as be savvy enough to understand what they need to know and give it to them
10. Learn to Promote Your Blog Content Through as Many Channels as Possible (Without Being SPAMMY!)
This one is a toughy.
You want to promote your blog content as much as you can, but you DEFINITELY want to be cautious about being too Spammy! Yikes! (No one likes spam, except Spammers.)
In other words, don’t be that guy or gal!
You know what they are like. They pop into your forum out of nowhere. They don’t add any value to the convo. They just post a link to WHO KNOWS WHAT?! and then disappear like a fart in the wind (they literally make a fart noise as they vanish into a cloud of green dust laughing maniacally.)
But in all seriousness, as you learn the best practices of blogging you will quickly realize that a successful blogger is one that spends A LOT of time promoting their own blog and finding ways to have others promote it as well.
But don’t worry!
You don’t have to be spammy to do this well!
You actually get to be helpful and build meaningful blogger relationships.
That’s the best way to do it anyways.
Find ways to join conversations all over the internet.
Don’t post your own stuff right away unless it makes sense. Take time to answer questions, pose meaningful questions, and add value to the conversation.
As you leave a good impression on others, when the right time comes you’ll be able to recommend one of your posts that is helpful to the group and generate some traffic for yourself as a blogger.
In today’s social media world you will find lots of opportunities to use Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Quora, and other platforms to generate some more traffic for your blogger time.
With social media, your best tactic is original and unique looking content.
Try creating photos with text that are eye-catching.
Try to make your photos professional looking. Remember that you are competing with the millions, no, billions of other eye candy photos that pop up every millisecond on social media.
Get creative, find groups and pages on social media that are interactive and where you can cut through the white noise to 1,000 to 10,000 active users all at one time.
Be careful not to give into the temptation to use spam tactics. Google is smart and they will blacklist you. Even if you get your link posted on 1000 pages in one day, your ranking will go down so fast and your affiliate programs won’t appreciate it (and may drop you) and if you want to be a respected blogger you will only be shooting yourself in the blogger foot. Don’t shoot yourself in your blogger foot.
As you are learn how to start a blog, just make sure you avoid being spammy and make sure to spend time promoting yourself as a well-respected blogger by being helpful and adding value wherever you bring your presence.
11. Learning How to Start a Blog Takes Work (Don’t Be Fooled. This is NOT a “get rich quick” scheme)
Let me repeat: learning how to start your own blog will take a good amount of work on your part.
But don’t despair!
That work will be worth it. Even if you fail dramatically, which I have read about others doing. You will have learned something new about yourself. Or you will have gained some new skills for the work from home, freelance market place.
Possible skills you can immediately put to use and earn money as a freelancer from starting your own blog:
WordPress Development (If you used WordPress)
VA (Virtual Assistant for clients building their own sites)
And this is not an exhaustive list.
Taking the time to start a blog could benefit your future in ways that you can’t see yet.
Black Studio TinyMCE Widget Crazy long weird name; GREAT plugin. I have yet to take total advantage of it, but it is amazing. One of the features we love about it right now is the ability to create “Paragraph” content in my header, footer, and sidebar. Game changer!
Hummingbird speed up your site, helps you with caching and performance optimization. If your users are going to have a good time while they are with you, things need to run fast.
Cookie Notice is a really easy way to let your visitor know that your site uses cookies. Which is something that almost every site should do if they use cookies.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Revenge + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
5 Powerful Words that Express Revenge + Writing Prompts
Did you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Revenge + Writing Prompts? Consider sharing this social-friendly image.
5 Powerful Words that Express Revenge + Writing Prompts
Be a smart writer and take advantage of every word.
Write powerful words when appropriate to trigger an emotional response from your reader.
You can write powerful words instead of dull words to incite a desirous psychological reaction in your reader while you have their attention.
Write power words to give your reader specific feelings about characters and events.
Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.
Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.
Use power words to take your reader’s attention.
Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.
Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.
Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.
Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.
Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.
Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.
When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.
In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.
In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.
Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Revenge + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Revenge + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Panic + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
5 Powerful Words that Express Panic + Writing Prompts
Did you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Panic+ Writing Prompts? Consider sharing this social-friendly image.
5 Powerful Words that Express Panic + Writing Prompts
Be a smart writer and take advantage of every word.
Write powerful words when appropriate to trigger an emotional response from your reader.
You can write powerful words instead of dull words to incite a desirous psychological reaction in your reader while you have their attention.
Write power words to give your reader specific feelings about characters and events.
Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.
Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.
Use power words to take your reader’s attention.
Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.
Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.
Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.
Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.
Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.
Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.
When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.
In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.
In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.
Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Panic + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Panic + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Danger + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
5 Powerful Words that Express Danger + Writing Prompts
Did you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Danger + Writing Prompts? Consider sharing this social-friendly image.
5 Powerful Words that Express Danger + Writing Prompts
Be a smart writer and take advantage of every word.
Write powerful words when appropriate to trigger an emotional response from your reader.
You can write powerful words instead of dull words to incite a desirous psychological reaction in your reader while you have their attention.
Write power words to give your reader specific feelings about characters and events.
Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.
Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.
Use power words to take your reader’s attention.
Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.
Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.
Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.
Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.
Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.
Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.
When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.
In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.
In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.
Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Danger + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Danger + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Show Tragedy + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
5 Powerful Words that Show Tragedy + Writing Prompts
Enjoying 5 Powerful Words that Show Tragedy + Writing Prompts? Consider sharing this social friendly image!
5 Powerful Words that Show Tragedy + Writing Prompts
Power words can be used to help readers feel the situation we are painting with words.
They can be used to help readers take action about what they read.
We want to entice our readers to read more. Use power words at pivotal moments to do just that and more.
We don’t have to use a massive amount of power words to get our point across and drive home the idea.
We just have to use the right words at the right moments that seal the deal and really make the occasion.
Be a smart writer and take advantage of every word.
Write powerful words when appropriate to trigger an emotional response from your reader.
You can write powerful words instead of dull words to incite a desirous psychological reaction in your reader while you have their attention.
Write power words to give your reader specific feelings about characters and events.
Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.
Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.
Use power words to take your reader’s attention.
Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.
Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.
Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.
Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.
Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.
Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.
When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.
In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.
In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.
Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Show Tragedy + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Show Tragedy + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
The largest disaster mankind was ever to experience globally was about to occur, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
2. Ruin
“What have you done?!”
“I done what needed to be done. There’s nothing to do for it now.”
“We’ll be left in utter ruin! You left us in ruin!”
3. Downfall
From that day forward his downfall was slow and steady. A course of actions unbeknownst to anyone had been triggered, and there was nothing he could do.
He tried many things to remedy his slowly fading situation, but all was lost.
4. End
“Your reign has come to a swift end, prince. In fact, one could say it never started!”
“You won’t get away with this.”
5. Catastrophe
“It’s a catastrophe out there. I can’t do anything to stop the shoppers! They are on a shopping rampage!”
“Did you tell them that the buy one get one free promotion was canceled?”
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Show Doom + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Enjoying 5 Powerful Words that Show Doom + Writing Prompts? Consider sharing this social friendly image!
5 Powerful Words that Show Doom + Writing Prompts
Power words can be used to help readers feel the situation we are painting with words.
They can be used to help readers take action about what they read.
We want to entice our readers to read more. Use power words at pivotal moments to do just that and more.
We don’t have to use a massive amount of power words to get our point across and drive home the idea.
We just have to use the right words at the right moments that seal the deal and really make the occasion.
Be a smart writer and take advantage of every word.
Write powerful words when appropriate to trigger an emotional response from your reader.
You can write powerful words instead of dull words to incite a desirous psychological reaction in your reader while you have their attention.
Write power words to give your reader specific feelings about characters and events.
Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.
Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.
Use power words to take your reader’s attention.
Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.
Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.
Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.
Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.
Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.
Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.
When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.
In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.
In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.
Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Show Doom + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Show Doom + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
5 Powerful Words that Express Fear + Writing Prompts
1. Terror
Terror was around every corner of the dark woods. The only way out was through.
2. Fright
“Oh my goodness! What are you doing here?”
“Nothing, I just came down to get food.”
“You gave me such a fright.”
3. Horror
The only horror he could think of was what would ensue if he failed.
4. Trepidation
“Your trepidation is amusing and well-paced. You do have much to fear here!”
5. Dread
Just one look at the creature would fill anyone with dread. Anyone who saw it died within minutes, except for her. Somehow she survived, and they were still trying to figure out how.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Fear + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
5 Powerful Words that Express Fear + Writing Prompts
Did you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Fear + Writing Prompts? Consider sharing this social-friendly image.
5 Powerful Words that Express Fear + Writing Prompts
Be a smart writer and take advantage of every word.
Write powerful words when appropriate to trigger an emotional response from your reader.
You can write powerful words instead of dull words to incite a desirous psychological reaction in your reader while you have their attention.
Write power words to give your reader specific feelings about characters and events.
Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.
Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.
Use power words to take your reader’s attention.
Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.
Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.
Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.
Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.
Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.
Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.
When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.
In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.
In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.
Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Fear + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Fear + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a FREE account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.
5 Oppressive Settings for World Building 1. Violent Religions Violent religions come and go with time, but some stick around Read more
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