Writing Prompts | 5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
1. Mumu
Mumus look like soft brown-haired monkeys. They have ram-like horns.
Mumus live in communities in rocky desert lands. They use their horns to establish dominance in the community.
The Alpha Mumu is called the Mumbar and all the female Mumus firstborn comes from the mumbar.
This makes all the firstborn mumus of the strongest genes.
Mumus are known for being brave beyond reason and would never back down from a fight. They defend their community with gusto.
Mumus’ horns and fur are very valuable. Hunters will come to make money by getting them but if they are not careful they will be beaten to death by the Mumus defending their families.
They are proud creatures and not to be taken lightly.
2. Parsell
Parsells are small creatures. One could fit in the palm of your hand.
They look like tiny dragons with green leaves all over their bodies. Their tiny wings are made of feathers that look just like leaves.
Parsells hide anywhere in leafy green forests. Hundreds of them could be in the trees above you and you’d have no clue.
When they sense danger is near they cover themselves and stay motionless until the danger has passed.
Parsells are beautiful and mostly harmless. They can bite, but it might tickle more than hurt. They eat the nuts and berries off of trees and other shrubbery found in mythical forests. To be able to see a flock of them fly out of a tree and whirl away is a fantastic sight.
3. The Fall Drake
The fall drake hibernates all year till right before fall. He flies all over casting a shadow that brings beautiful fall leaves to every leaf that touches his shadow.
He is white and his wings are covered in fall colored leaves.
The fall drake loves water and can often be seen swimming through lakes.
4. Wondbig
A wondbig looks like a rabbit with wings for ears. They are beautiful and come in all different kinds of bright colors.
Their body fur is mostly light gray and white, but the brilliance of their color comes out in their wings.
If you catch a herd of them flying by you won’t regret it.
Their furs and wings are very valuable.
5. Snills
Snills are very tiny snakes with flowers for heads. Snills are gorgeous and often hide in flower beds.
They eat bugs and drink the rain.
They are extremely hard to find as they look almost exactly like a flower should except their body is reptilian.
They are extremely fast. Catching them takes great skill.
If you can catch a dozen you can buy your love one hundred dozen roses as the snill is much more brilliant in color and worth far more in gold.
5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
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5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
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Writing Prompts | 5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
We hope you enjoyed these fantastic mythical creatures that you’ve never heard of.
Use these mythical creatures you’ve never heard of to make more of your own. Or use them in new stories that have yet to be written.
Write stories about them flying in your fictional desert, mountain, forest, or sea.
Use their secret attributes to bring about curiosity as the character finds out more and more about them.
The more you reveal these creatures in the fictional world the more life and fantasy your reader will feel.
In your story don’t over-explain your creature. Just make it mystical.
Write scenes that show off their brilliance and wonder in the fantasy world.
It doesn’t have to be rational for our world, but it does have to fit into the fictional world system you create.
Hopefully, you can use these mythical creature descriptions to create and describe creatures of your own.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
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5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
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Writing Prompts | 5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
If you enjoy 5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead 🙂
Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.
5 Fantastic Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
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