How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind.

How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind
How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind

How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind

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All villains start in the same place. They start off living in our heads. And that’s their only beginning until they start to make it on the page with our writing.

If we don’t take the time to sit down and actually write about them and play with their thoughts abilities and lives, they will never become anything more than just a passing thought in our heads.

So how do we get our villains from our heads into our readers’ imaginations?

We start by getting to know them and the only way we’ll truly get to know them it’s by spending some quality time with our villains.

How to write from your villain’s Mind:

# 1 How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind: Write short stories about your villains

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Take time to sit down and write about your villains. You might be surprised at what they do in front of you. 

Sometimes they are smarter than you knew and sometimes they have extra vulnerabilities you didn’t anticipate.

Write about them in different scenarios other than just your main idea and see if you can see more about them.

Putting them in other stories may show you how flexible they are or how not flexible they are.

Depending on your original ideas of your villains they may end up creating the same mischevious accts no matter what scenario they are in.

# 2 How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind: Imagine what your villain does as a hobby

Does your villain watch Netflix?

Do they play videogames?

Do they cook?

Do they love their job?

Do they have a normal skill like woodworking?

Do they play tennis or soccer?

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# 3 How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind: What do they have in their closet

How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind.

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Have you ever tried to know someone by seeing what is in their drawers or closet?

A closet can have items from there past that may be key to understand who they are, like old trophies or photos.

# 4 How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind: What do they love to eat?

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Health food junkie?


# 5 How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind: Do they have any illnesses?

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Diet issues?

Chronic issues?

Do they need prescriptions?

Do they need special equipment? 

# 6 How to Write From Your Villain’s Mind: What is your villain’s level of education?

Are they a super genius?

Are they a savant?

Did they graduate high school?


Does their education hold them back or push them forward above and beyond their superiors?

Try to get into your villain’s head by spending time with them in various life scenarios. How would they act and what would they say?

I hope this helps! Get out there and write something!

Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

Other Posts you might just enjoy relentlessly:

10 Tips How to Write Villains that Play Mind Games with Their Victims

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Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.

Try Grammarly, The Free tool that should be in every writer’s toolbelt.

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