6 Tips to Help You Write When You Do Not Feel Like Writing
Lots of people want to get paid to write.
And I don’t blame them because for those of us that do enjoy the written word it can be an enjoyable career most days.
But sometimes you have those days (let’s be honest: weeks) where you just don’t feel like it.
You find yourself making excuses.
I’ll take a shower first then I’ll write.
I’ll eat something then I’m good to go.
Grocery store. When I come back it is straight to typing.
What’s on the news?
Do the dishes need done?
I haven’t checked my coin collection in awhile.
Looks like I need to scoop the dog poop in the yard!
At some point we are looking for any excuse to just not WRITE.
Which is weird.
We love researching and writing. We love the English language and it’s dynamic ability to communicate an idea a million different ways.
But in those certain seasons we’ll do just about anything to avoid it.
So how does one “just do it” when they don’t feel like it?
(These ideas are not to be done in any specific order as much as try one and see if it helped. If not, try the next 🙂 )
Reading is one of the best ways to get yourself writing. (I mostly do this every time I try to write)
This is important though: you really should try to read about what you want to write about.
The reading should really be specific in this circumstance.
At the moment I’m not trying to read for fun. The idea is to read to write.
If I’m trying to write about a character surviving a blizzard alone, Harry Potter probably isn’t the best choice.
Could I come across something that inspires some dialogue or action? Absolutely.
But I would be much more Keen to try to read about real life stories of people surviving blizzards.
It’s okay to use Tv and movies for inspiration, but BE CAREFUL.
Again with the blizzard analogy.
If I’m writing “Tundra Man” it probably won’t help to watch “The Office.”
We can play devil’s advocate all day with excuses in our minds why watching the office will get me writing and my nap afterwards is also going to be extremely stimulating.
But it would be more to the point if I found documentaries on blizzards to get good imagery in my mind of what a blizzard really looks like and the temperatures and the height of the snow. How quickly frostbite sets in, etc.
Turn Off Distractions
Speaking of distractions:
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6 Tips to Help You Write When You Do Not Feel Like Writing
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Now back to the content:
I’ll be the first to admit that I am the worst at getting rid of distractions.
I’m a total hypocrite, I shouldn’t even list it as advice, but it is true for just about everyone, myself included.
I have a habit of wanting to do a million things all at once at every second of every moment.
“I can multitask!” I tell myself. (and by multitasking, what I really mean is watch my TV show and only end up writing three sentences during a 3 hour Netflix binge)
When I’m being good I find a quiet secluded place and let the words fly. If I’m being naughty I have music going and the TV is on and 3 hours later I have a paragraph. Boo.
Getting rid of distractions can include:
– Turn off notifications
– Turn off phone
– Silent mode
– Airplane mode
– Leaving the house or room
– Going to the car
– Going to a coffee shop with headphones
– Classical music
– Musical beats
– No words music
– No TV
– No friends around
– No family around
– No pets
– No comfy chair
– No food
– No alcohol
– Locked doors
– No games
– No distractions
Some distractions are common to everyone.
Some are more specific to you.
We do our best and give ourselves a fighting chance if we figure out what’s distracting us and cut it out.
Let the words flow
One of the WORST writing habits to make is to wait for the “perfect sentence” to pop into our minds.
There is no such thing as the perfect sentence in my opinion.
Some ideas work better than others but the only way we get there is by writing down whatever comes to our minds first and rereading it to edit later.
Just get your ideas down on the page first. Don’t worry if it sounds terrible at first. You are going to edit it later. It’s no big dealio.
Take this one with a bit of caution.
For me, only music that has no words is helpful.
When I used to write for clients this was almost a must. I would shut out the world by having music with no words on. A lot of times it was classical but I don’t feel the genre matters as much as it allows you to think clearly and formulate your own words instead of the lyrics.
Just do it
At the end of the day, the unfortunate news is:
What do you do when you don’t feel like writing?
Do it anyway.
Any great author or freelance writer will tell you this.
Use the tips above to help create the ideal environment for writing to happen but without us stretching our will power muscle, it just ain’t gonna happen.
Willpower is like a muscle. The more we humans force ourselves to do things we don’t want to do at first the easier it’ll be the next time.
Here’s some ways to help will power grow:
– Create a daily exercise routine
Getting the blood flowing helps us think more quickly and clearly to write.
– Create a writing habit
If you get up and write every day for 30 days. On day 31 you’ll feel weird if you don’t write.
– Eat something that’s fun for your brain
Go for protein, fiber, and phytonutrients over sugar.
– Water
Our brain needs a lot of water to function. Give it a glass or bottle before you ask it to spill out coherent thoughts.
– Don’t bite off more than you can swallow
Create writing goals that are realistic. Start small and work to where you want to be daily.
I used to cringe at writing a sentence and then a paragraph. This seems silly now.
Write everyday, flex that will power muscle and soon writing a 60,000 word book won’t seem too daunting. It will just take some time.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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6 Tips to Help You Write When You Do Not Feel Like Writing
Interested in starting a blog of your own? Check out Bluehost.
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6 Tips to Help You Write When You Do Not Feel Like Writing
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