How to Write a Sinister Antagonist
One of the great things about writing a protagonist that your readers can root for is writing an equally sinister antagonist.
The hero and the villain play off each other.
You can’t have one without the other and your reader has no one to root for if there is no one to fear and root against.
Thus we must create villains that really make the stakes high.
Write your sinister antagonist as more clever and more dangerous than your protagonist and then you will have a good concoction for an epic battle of good and evil.
Then let’s talk about making our antagonist sinister so that we make the plot more interesting.
Make the antagonist sinister by allowing them to reach their goals
What does the villain want?
Give it to them or make them start out with it.
In ready player one, the main antagonist has an entire company working towards his goal to control the Oasis and thus the world whereas our hero is just one boy.
What are your villain’s morals?
The more your villain lacks morals the more sinister they appear.
Portray this over time and even confuse and make your reader question their intent a couple of times before revealing that they ultimately care for no one but themselves.
As they get closer and closer to their real goal make them act out more and more to show their true brutal sinister rationale.
How does your antagonist feel about their own morality
I think this can go either way. Some villains know they are in the wrong and relish in it.
This makes for a truly sinister villain because at some point you realize there is no hope in reasoning with such an individual.
But on the other hand some authors like to have a misguided character that truly believes they are the hero and are doing what’s best for everyone. (Thanos VS Dr. Robotic)
How to Write a Sinister Antagonist
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How to Write a Sinister Antagonist
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What will be your villain’s past?
I disagree with the notion that all villains are nurtured into villainy. Some are born out inclined to act more selfish than others.
So it could go either way for your antagonist’s back story.
Did something happen to them to make them think the way they do or were they just more selfish and turn away from the world at an early age?
When did they start to decide to do evil and enjoy it?
The more they enjoy the harm of others the more sinister and unreasonable they appear.
Make the hero lose hope
Nothing makes a villain appear more sinister when they have seemingly won the hero had given up or lost hope.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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