Tips How to Write Villains You Love to Hate
Not all stories need a BIG BAD Villain. Some Antagonists can be non-human or a time ticking time bomb, but if you are creating a villain for your story then you are going to choose between a few different arc types.
Your villain can be the type that believes with all their heart that what they are doing is for the “greater good.”
They could also be the type of villain that is a “victim” of their own circumstances. They may have had a tragic upbringing that made them feel as though their evil choices are completely justified or they are acts of revenge or acting out in reaction to their terrible situation.
Another alternative would be making a villain that people love to hate, the PURE EVIL Villain.
How to Write Villains You Love to Hate:
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# 1 Tips How to Write Villains You Love to Hate: The pure evil villain has terrible motives.
The villain that people love to hate is pure evil and their motives are strictly to do harm to others for mostly selfish motives.
Readers can’t stand a villain that wants evil to happen on the grounds of selfish personal greed.
Write them as a villain that has selfish motives and is willing to do anything to get what they want and that they don’t care about anyone but themselves. They don’t even care about those that are “close” to them or people that truly care about them.
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# 2 Tips How to Write Villains You Love to Hate: The pure evil villain is willing to crush anyone to get what they want.

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If you want readers to hate your villain, create a character or multiple characters that your reader loves.
Have your villain carry out unfair acts against the characters that your readers love.
This will cause your readers to hate your villain and want your villain to receive justice.
Write your villain in such a way that it is clear to your reader that your villain will take advantage of the weak and the poor.
That they will create victims and step on victims without much care in the world.
The more you make them not care about people your reader cares about the more they will find themselves hating your villain.
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# 3 Tips How to Write Villains You Love to Hate: Make your villain deplorable.
Make the acts of the villain heinous.
Write their acts so awful that as your reader finds out their jaw literally drops.
These acts should turn your readers’ stomachs.
They should be so bad that the reader almost thinks it’s unbelievable until they are given proof in the book.
There doesn’t have to be a ton of detail. Your reader can fill in the blanks. You can make your reader hate the villain without gory details.
They should be thinking thoughts along the lines of, “How could anyone do something so horrible to an innocent person?”
This is how you make villains readers love to hate.
I hope this helps you create the type of villain you want to. Now get out there and write something!
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