5 Powerful Words that Express Unhappiness + Writing Prompts
1. Sorrow
Sorrow upon sorrow and all was lost. But was it? Was it really all a loss? Was there nothing gained? No silver lining to the last few hours of time?
2. Gloom
“He was so pessimistic. All I ever heard come out of his mouth was gloom and doom. I don’t think anyone could have cheered him up.”
3. Melancholy
“If I had to describe her personality I’d say eighty percent dramatic and twenty percent melancholy.”
“Sounds like you. I think you’re just describing yourself.”
4. Regret
“I don’t have but one single regret.”
“What’s that?”
“I should’ve ordered strawberry instead of vanilla.”
“That’s your only regret in life?”
“My life is pretty good.”
5. Woe
“Woe to everyone who does not obey these commands of mine. They will be like people that built their house upon the sand and when the rain came, the house collapsed because it had no foundation.”
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5 Powerful Words that Express Unhappiness + Writing Prompts
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5 Powerful Words that Express Unhappiness + Writing Prompts
Be a smart writer and take advantage of every word.
Write powerful words when appropriate to trigger an emotional response from your reader.
You can write powerful words instead of dull words to incite a desirous psychological reaction in your reader while you have their attention.
Write power words to give your reader specific feelings about characters and events.
Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.
Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.
Use power words to take your reader’s attention.
Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.
Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.
Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.
Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.
Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.
Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.
When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.
In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.
In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.
Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Unhappiness + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
If you enjoy 5 Powerful Words that Express Unhappiness + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
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Those rose are beautiful, and their thorns are sharp.
3. Stunning
“Stunning doesn’t even begin to describe this car!”
4. Lovely
“Lovely lovely lovely. Lovely little doves. Down into the pot and then into my tum!”
5. Striking
The diamond he bought her was indeed striking, but it still didn’t change her mind.
She said no.
His mistake was that he thought she cared about money as much as he did. He had made this mistake before, but not with someone as striking as the diamond he bought her. Other women he had chased paled in comparison to her.
If you enjoy 5 Attractive Powerful Words + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
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5 Attractive Powerful Words + Writing Prompts
Write power words to help your reader feel a certain way towards characters or situations.
Use the powerful word in a natural way that comes across organic and smoothly. Do not force it. Just let it flow.
Power words are good for pivotal dialogue moments. They are good to consider for fiction as well as non-fiction.
Use power words to take your reader’s attention.
Draw their eyes and attention to where you want it the most.
Wake the reader up from zoning out while they are reading your piece.
Use power words strategically to get them from idea to idea.
Use simple power words that are easy to understand but that pack a punch compared to other boring words.
Write powerful words to keep your sentences interesting to your reader.
Don’t lose them by not drawing their attention back from losing focus.
When doing freelance writing projects use power words to write better-converting headlines and subject lines.
In blogging use power words in the titles and subheadings.
In emails use them in headlines and subject lines.
Don’t overdo it. Don’t try to force many into any one sentence unless it calls for it.
Hopefully, this fast short post helps you think through some of your own writing and where you can incorporate simple power words in a meaningful, natural, and effective way.
If you enjoy 5 Attractive Powerful Words + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
If you enjoy 5 Attractive Powerful Words + Writing Prompts, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
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Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
Writer’s block; a little over 20,000 people are curious enough to look to google just about every month to find out what writer’s block is and how to avoid it.
Hopefully you find this helpful.
What is writer’s block?
The dictionary definition is “…the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing.”
But it seems like writer’s block is more than just this. Writers can experience the inability to write through several things.
We may fear rejection of our writing. We may get bored with the story we’ve been pursuing. We may feel anxiety over what readers will say about our work.
Any of these emotions can lead to “block” in our ability to write.
What causes writer’s block?
Writer’s block could have many underlying causes.
Sometimes it can be a matter of the author’s specific work and the dynamics about where to take the story or how to create the next part.
It can be directly attributed to specific circumstances in the author’s life:
Career problems
Relationship problems
Family trauma
How to get rid of writer’s block:
If writer’s block is bothering you try some of these things:
Take a walk
Get a drink of water
Take out the trash
How to get over writer’s block:
If that didn’t help you get rid of writer’s block try some of these to get over writer’s block:
Write about something else for a bit
Ask a friend to help you think through an idea
Lift weights
How to overcome writer’s block:
If the above did nothing for you, here are a few more attempts to help you out:
Give up on finding the perfect words
Visualize what you’re trying to write
Tell a friend about what you’re trying to write
Cut out all distractions
What helps with writer’s block?
Something that you’ll notice in more than one getting help with writer’s block tip is to do some type of exercise:
Take a walk
Lift weights
Why is this? How does exercise correlate with helping us write in anyway?
The reason this type of advice actually does help is because it gets blood flowing through your brain, which helps us think more clearly and in fact faster.
So what really helps with writer’s block in going and getting your heart rate up in any way possible. Even some caffeine could help, but we recommend something natural like exercise.
Get that heart rate up and give your brain some more blood flow to help you think clearer.
Is writer’s block normal?
Why do you think it’s looked up 20,000 times a month?
Yes, writer’s block is absolutely normal. And the good news is we can get over writer’s block and it is temporary.
Doing any number of these tips, in no particular order, can and will most likely help you get rid of writer’s block.
The real thing you need is the desire to actually do something to try to get over writer’s block and not assume it will just go away.
The only tip I’ve read that may be a more passive approach is to take a nap. This has some merit, but I’ve found exercise and reading to be more effective help to quickly get rid of writer’s block.
Getting over writer’s block quickly is important for most writer’s. If it’s a hobby that’s one thing, but many writers that face this problem meet with it on a daily or weekly basis.
Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
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Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
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Now back to the show: Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
Who coined the term writer’s block?
The term was coined in 1947 by Dr Edmund Bergler, a famous Austrian psychiatrist living in New York City. Source.
Final thoughts:
Writer’s block is a real thing, it’s completely normal, and we should not have to fear it.
What do you do when you have writer’s block?
In my opinion, these are the things that have the most benefit to get rid of writer’s block:
Read about the subject you are trying to write.
Reading is, in my opinion, the most powerful and quickest way to get over writer’s block. Don’t just read anything though. Read something that is related to what you want to write.
If you are writing an essay on Antarctica, read about antarctica.
If you are writing about a medieval time period story. Read more medieval time period related stories and history.
If you are writing a research project on bats, you guessed it! Read about bats!
Exercise really does clear the mind so well. Even just taking a brisk walk in the middle of a tough write can completely reset the brain. Flush it with nutrients and get you going again in twenty minutes or less.
These are the two ideas that help me on a daily basis. I feel they are the most powerful of all the overcoming writer’s block advice.
For you, you might find that watching a TV show, taking a shower, or going out and shopping might be the most helpful things for you to get rid of writer’s block.
Whatever it is, make sure that you do try something, and don’t give up. If you find something that works well for you, use that thing until it doesn’t work anymore and then try something else. Just don’t give up. What you have to write, someone else may be waiting to read.
Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
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Now back to the show: Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
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Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
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Writer’s Block: Everything You Want to Know About Writer’s Block
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“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.”
Louis L’Amour
Stop thinking and plotting. Just start writing.
“We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.”
Kurt Vonnegut
Take a risk. Write the story.
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”
Stephen King
Say no more.
“There is something delicious about writing the first words of a story. You never quite know where they’ll take you.”
Beatrix Potter
We don’t always have to know where the journal will end. We just have to know where will start it.
And not forget to actually start it.
5 Motivational Quotes to Inspire Writing
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Make sure each word takes them to the next and the next after that.
Use writing quotes to inspire your writing.
Be persistent and finish the project.
Search for nuggets of wisdom to apply to your writing ideas and habits.
Don’t be afraid to be a little different and think outside the box.
When you get an idea go ahead and write it down somewhere. It might just stay an idea forever or one day it may become a book and then a play and a movie or a toy. You just never know.
If you don’t write it down it’ll never even be an idea.
Hopefully, these writing quotes will help inspire you towards your next great writing prompt or ideas.
We hope you are enjoying our series on writing quotes that inspire. Look around for more quotes that’ll help you move forward with your writing prompts!
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Violent religions come and go with time, but some stick around for centuries.
Some religions are not entirely violent but have certain sects that branch off that are extreme and violent.
Make sure that if you create a violent sect or religion that there be an underlying cause for the violence that “justifies” violence in the eyes of its believers.
To keep it realistic and interesting make sure that it is a cause some are willing to die and kill for.
And at the end of the story make sure your reader knows it’s just fiction.
2. Overbearing governments
Overbearing governments are nothing new or shocking.
They do make a world that is interesting to read about. Follow the struggles of a few in detail and the many in general.
3. Rebellions
Overbearing governments naturally breed constant rebellions and uprisings.
Use these rebellions to make your government sweat or to make your main characters a part of the rebellion.
Or make your main characters a part of the government that is being fought against.
5 Oppressive Settings for World Building
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Imagine book-burning, giant piles of smoking books after a night of crowds and mass fires.
Imagine people hiding books in their houses.
They hide them in their walls, in their floors, in their bookshelves, in their food storage.
What does the government do to those rebels that they find with the banned books?
5. Banning religions
Banning religions and certain sects of religions is nothing new either.
What do they do to those they find practicing this religion? What measures does the government take to find them?
Are your main characters part of the religion or part of the government that bans it?
Who are the “good” people and the “bad” people?
What is right and what is wrong in this world?
Write oppressive settings in your fictional story to keep your reader intrigued and on the edge of their seat while they read into your story. Writing story settings that are in turmoil is a good way to keep your reader interested in what will happen next.
Focus on the natural things that could happen in a world like this so that the consequences are believable to your reader.
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We hope you enjoyed: 5 Oppressive Settings for World Building!
One of the most manipulative strategies in politics is the indoctrination of the youth to serve the side that is trying to create laws and systems around teaching the youth what they want them to know and not allowing them to learn what they don’t want them to know.
2. Banning education
Another form of a power move or shift is to attempt to purposefully not educate certain people groups so that they cannot rise up from where they are in the settings economy.
Uneducation is just as detrimental to a person’s well-being as indoctrination.
3. Hired Mercenaries
Hired mercenaries carry out whatever they are paid for.
They are paid to do horrific acts that their employer may never even have the gall to do themselves.
They don’t want to get their hands dirty, but they surely will hire someone that is willing.
On the other hand, people with affluence, money, and power might decide they want to take more power by hiring a team of mercenaries to take what isn’t theirs for them.
5 Barbaric Settings for World Building
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It can also be a sad part of a corrupt unchecked prison system.
Are your main characters in prison?
Are they a part of the corrupt prison system?
Do they stand idly by and do nothing? Or do they shake things up by getting in the way?
5. Why are there so many widows?
Create a world where widows are the main characters. Follow their struggles of how they became widows and the struggles they go through to find love again or struggle to take care of themselves and those they love.
Do they have children?
Do they live under constant threat? Is the threat the same that killed their spouse?
Write barbaric settings in your fictional story to keep your reader intrigued and wondering, “what will happen next?” Writing story settings that are barbaric will be interesting for your reader and help keep their attention to see how it turns out for the poor characters involved.
Keep in mind the realistic consequences that could arise from the setting.
Follow the natural flow of possible events to add character and depth. The details are what makes it new and fresh for the reader and yourself as you write.
If you enjoy 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
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If you enjoy 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building, storytelling, and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
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We hope you enjoyed: 5 Barbaric Settings for World Building!
Define Self-Esteem for Writing Characters: 10 Ideas
What is self-esteem?
Self-esteem is confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect.
Some thoughts on self-esteem
Define Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is defined as finding worth in yourself. One may say that this worth is not acquired by any means other than choice.
A character chooses to esteem themselves highly or lowly.
Low self-esteem is the opposite of high self-esteem.
Where is the line between self-esteem and arrogance?
Self-esteem is generally viewed as a positive character trait. It is usually socially associated with satisfaction, success, good relationships, and other positive outcomes that sometimes seem out of reach for those that don’t have self-esteem.
Having low self-esteem can often lead to bad outcomes for a character such as:
Bad relationships
Suicidal thoughts
What are synonyms for self-esteem?
Faith in oneself
What are some antonyms for self-esteem?
lack of self-confidence
The topic of self-esteem has become a very controversial subject and many “self-help books” have been written on the topic.
But how can we as writers find a good way to write about our character’s self-esteem?
Well in many ways, the way that society talks about self-esteem is the same way in which we would give our character high self-esteem or low self-esteem.
First decide where you want your character to stand.
Do you want your character to have high self-esteem or low self esteem?
I want my character to have high self-esteem.
Then you will want to have these kinds of interactions between your character and your reader.
Make your character confident.
Confidence doesn’t have to come across as arrogant or haughty. Confidence in its best from isn’t an inner view of “I’m better than everyone else.” Confidence is not being overly self-conscious.
It is not worrying much about if people think badly of you and reacting to how people perceive your character even when it is unjustified.
Let’s give an example:
Susan is a regular kid at high school. She’s not a sports star. She’s not the class clown or class president. She goes to school. She works hard, and she has a couple of friends that she enjoys spending time with at school and everything is pretty normal for her.
Johnny, who is in Susan’s Algebra class, has a crush on Susan and decides to tell her one day. He manages the courage and taps her on the shoulder after class and tells her he’d like to talk to her about something in the hall.
They go out into the hall and Johnny blushing a little tells her that he likes her and wonders if she’d like to go out sometime.
Susan is not really sure what to say. She doesn’t like Johnny and doesn’t want to go out with him, but she definitely doesn’t want to hurt his feelings so she tries her best to let him down easy, but she’s never been in this situation before. “Johnny, I think it would be best if we just kept being friends. I don’t think I like you like that. I mean I don’t know you all that well, but if something changes I’ll let you know. I’m really sorry.” Susan is not sure what to do next. “I guess I’ll see ya tomorrow.” She smiles politely and walks away.
Johnny is so red and mortified. He starts to tear up but tries his best to hold it back and walks quickly to the bathroom to try to hide while he’s emotional.
He is so embarrassed and so hurt. He thinks about his conversation and how Susan rejected him and he gets more hurt and more angry with each lingering thought. He imagines Susan off with her friends laughing about him and making fun of him. He decides to take revenge on Susan over the next few days. He goes to his friends and spreads a bunch of rumors about Susan that aren’t true but soon start to spread around the school like wild-fire.
Susan on the other hand doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it so she doesn’t even mention it to her friends. She thought about it and thought that might embarrass Johnny if anyone knew about their conversation. In fact, she thinks they had it in private and it should stay that way so it doesn’t get any worse for him.
So from this short example, which character shows self-esteem and which character shows traits of low self-esteem.
Define Self-Esteem for Writing Characters: 10 Ideas
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Let’s talk about the traits that show self-esteem.
Susan clearly shows more self-esteem in this scenario.
She’s not worried about what others think.
She’s very concerned about Johnny’s feelings.
She’s not overly concerned about making fun of him to make herself look better.
She’s more concerned with taking care of him and his reputation than getting a few cheap laughs from her friends at his expense.
Johnny on the other hand shows many traits of low self-esteem.
He’s feels mortified at the thought of being rejected
This means he doesn’t esteem himself highly; he esteems the thought of getting what he wants out of the relationship more than himself or Susan.
He obsesses over the imagined idea that Susan is out joking about him to her friends even when this is not the truth.
He shows signs of worrying too much over what others might say about him even though he has no idea if it’s true.
He’s more consumed with the thought of what others are thinking and saying about him than the actual truth of what is happening which is that nobody was talking about him at all.
He thinks that by spreading rumors about her this will take her down and bring him up.
A character with low-self esteem shows their low regard for themselves when they try to hurt others emotionally and physically to make themselves feel better.
By being able to tell a reader what a character does as a reaction to other characters’ actions, and dialogue is an amazing way to show your reader if your character has high self-esteem or low self-esteem.
The best way to define your character’s self-esteem isn’t to flat out tell them but to instead show what a character would do in a situation and tell your reader just that.
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Arrogance is a good thing to think about when defining self-esteem for characters, because you want to be able to show your reader your character the way you perceive them, but how much is too much when it comes to self-esteem?
A thought on arrogance:
One character is very good at art. Many people love their art and tell them how much they love it. The character themselves never talks about their own art much. If someone asks about it they will, but for the most part they just love making art and keep doing it and doing it extremely well.
Another character is the all star high school quarterback. This character eats, sleep, and breathes football, and they are amazing. They already have scouters watching them during their sophomore year at high school. This character can’t wait to tell someone about how amazing they are. They long for the next moment they can get someone to watch the recording of themselves throwing footballs through a tire from 60 yards away. Impressive stuff, but this character is so interested in their own achievements that they never ask other characters how they are doing. Or what they are good at. Or anything about them. This character doesn’t have any interest in anyone else, just their own life and accomplishments.
That’s some examples of the difference between self-confident and arrogant. One character is very good and knows it but is still interested in other people’s achievements and not boasting about their own all the time. While the arrogant character loves to talk about themselves and no one else. They actually get bored when others start to talk.
Self-esteem can grow or fade with a character’s journey.
Interesting character arcs for your characters can mean that they change over time and with circumstances.
Things that can change a character’s esteem:
Emotional traumatic events
Loss of friends
Loss of loved ones
Being hurt by others
Being bullied
Bad events in a character’s life do not define them but in psychology we can see a connection between traumatic events in a person’s life and the struggle of losing self-esteem because of their experiences.
You could do the same with your characters.
For instance, in the example above Susan could be crushed by the horrible rumors that Johnny spread and she could struggle with her self-esteem like she never has before.
Or an equally interesting arc could be that it doesn’t phase her because she truly does find self worth in things other than what people say or think about her.
Both storylines are interesting; it just depends on what type of arc you want your character to have.
You could have your character start out with low self-esteem and come to a healthier place based on time and experiences.
You could also have a character start off well and go through struggles and in the middle have low self esteem and in the end conquer their inner battles and end on a high note.
If you wanted to write a tragedy then the character would ultimately end with low self-esteem.
I hope this helps!
Happy writing!
Define Self-Esteem for Writing Characters: 10 Ideas
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Define Self-Esteem for Writing Characters: 10 Ideas
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How to write a story that gains followers, not just readers.
Did Rowling know when she was penning Potter’s adventures and challenges that she would be winning followers not just readers?
Did C.S. Lewis write so that the masses would post his quotes all over social media?
Did Tolkien follow the story of a furry footed fantasy character so that movies would be made about them?
No one can say for sure what they thought as they wrote their tales and adventures other than them, but my opinion would be no, they didn’t write for these reasons.
But we should be reading and plotting our stories with this in mind.
So why does a writer write?
And how does a writer write in such a way that it builds a following?
How does a writer write a story knowing it will gather followers?
That’s an easy answer.
When you read it you’ll think it’s too simple and you might not take it to heart, but the truth is sometimes the simplest answer can be the most rewarding.
The simplest answer is to write a story to serve someone.
Make them a promise.
How do evil villains gain so many followers in their evil schemes?
They make big promises and keep promising to deliver.
If they start to deliver on those promises and more than, they gain more support and followers.
If they don’t keep their promises eventually they lose support and suffer mutiny.
Most of the time the followers follow along for wealth and power.
But unlike evil villains what can we humble writers offer our followers?
Well that’s a simple answer too.
We offer them a good time.
We offer them entertainment.
As creative writers we are in the entertainment business and we give them great stories.
So how do we write a story that gains followers instead of readers?
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We can’t promise them anything other than an entertaining story, but we can write a story to serve them.
When we start chapter one, we must deliver something to the reader right away or we lose them.
If this one thing isn’t given to them quickly they might put down the book and never pick it up again. In this case, they definitely won’t be telling their friends to read it.
We must make them this promise.
We must introduce characters, give them a problem, and silently promise them an answer to that problem.
If we do not make them a promise of a problem needing to be resolved and we do not deliver on that promise then they will quickly lose interest in the story we are trying to tell.
Storytellers have been using this writing trick for centuries and will continue for a long time.
If you implement it correctly you will see more readers loving your stories and following you as a writer.
Give them someone to follow.
This comes down to character development.
All great writers are extremely good at a couple of key writing tricks.
One of the profound tricks of the trade is knowing how to create a character that people will want to know more about and root for.
If you have an amazing story to tell but your character is mediocre then your reader will have a hard time caring about the story.
We have to give them both a great promise and deliver on it and give them a character they care about and root for.
Rowling, Tolkien, and Lewis all did this with characters the world fell in love with in interestingly similar ways.
They started with characters that are young and seemingly innocent.
With Harry his problems started as a baby to no fault of his own.
Lewis also chose to follow children experiencing problems in a magical realm called Narnia.
Tolkien chose hobbits, which if we are completely honest, resemble children in many ways in the stories.
So when you pick your character to follow it doesn’t have to be children, per se, even though there is a seeming advantage to it. Find ways to make your character someone that people love rooting for.
Give them a character worth following and deliver on your promise to give them a problem and resolution to that problem and you will have gained a follower, not just a reader.
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If you enjoy Hostile Settings for Your Fictional World, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
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Put your characters into hostile situations to create tension and interest for your story.
If nothing ever goes wrong for them, they don’t have very interesting lives.
Follow the natural consequences of the setting to make problems for your characters to overcome
The more organic it is, the more depth the fictional story will carry with it in a natural way.
We hope you are enjoying our series on bad settings that make interesting stories. Look around for more settings that could spark your next best seller!
If you enjoy Hostile Settings for Your Fictional World, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
If you enjoy Hostile Settings for Your Fictional World, Storytelling and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Bluehost hosts your blog so that you can own your domain and make money blogging. Check them out only if you’re interested in making money blogging; otherwise, go for a free blog instead
We are currently working on a bad habits series for fictional characters. I hope this helps!
Use bad habits as a writing tool for fictional characters. Write bad habits into their character traits and they will be more familiar to your reader. Use this bad habit list to help as writing prompts for your fictional characters in your stories.
Bad habits in fitness can lead to certain consequences.
Will they get injured because of their bad choices?
Will they want to start exercising?
Will they be handicapped?
Will a bully make fun of them for their lack of athleticism?
Write some of your fictional characters with these bad habits in order to make them appear to be bad with certain physical habits.
Why you would want to be thinking about bad habits for your fictional characters that you are writing?
Bad habits help your audience resonate with your characters.
They make our characters more believable and more human.
Adding a few bad habits to our characters including bad physical habits will make them more enjoyable to our readers. After all, no human is perfect and that should include not all but most of our fictional characters.