What should I write about…
It’s an age-old question for all creatives that love and want to write.
Sometimes we are inspired by our lives and the lives of those around us and sometimes we just aren’t.
Nothing that interesting is going on and we really desire to write something but just don’t know where to start.
So here are some quick thoughts to help inspire any writer.

Do you like to write fiction or non-fiction?
Personally, I love writing fiction with a bit of non-fiction spattered in there.
For instance, if I am writing about a dermatologist diagnosing a patient with skin cancer I want to know all about the true to life skin cancer melanoma and I want to be able to write factual things about what it would be like to be diagnosed with it and what the real to life treatment procedure would be.
If I am writing about medieval times I feel I have more fancy and license to make stuff up as I go but to include fun facts like the spears the Romans used to capture enemy shields. They have a type of hook on the end so the soldiers could pierce the shield and hook it and rip it off their enemies and strike them down.
I also enjoy creating completely fictional worlds in which I make up all the rules, the weapons, the magic and I have total control over the universe, the history of the universe, and anything that may come up or come along.
That is my favorite and most enjoyable way to write because the possibilities are endless and creativity can flow without too much research or inspiration.
Do you want to write non-fiction?
If you have an idea and you love researching and the idea of interviewing people than you will most certainly love to write non-fiction.
If we are writing non-fiction, we can write a biography, we can write down a historical event, we can research our favorite science project and write down the science of it.
Personally, if I choose to go the route of non-fiction I think the most interesting topics are true stories about people.
The people could be alive or dead, but there are many fascinating stories about peoples’ lives and experiences they went through that no one really knows about.
I think it would be very enjoyable and interesting to interview 20 people with a fair amount of life experience and get a few of their most fascinating experiences in life written down and then write a book about all of their experiences.
Or another idea would be to take their real-life experiences and create one to three characters that live through them all in one lifetime combining them in a way that entertaining to write and read about.
Writing prompts
Writing prompts are a great way to start writing short stories that can later turn into full-fledged novels.
You can google or go to Pinterest and find a plethora of assorted writing prompts and choose one or more and just start writing based on that writing prompt and just see where it leads you.
Another great way to use writing prompts, I highly recommend keeping a writing journal.
In your writing journal anytime a writing prompt pops into your head you can quickly write it down and come back to it later.
So the next time you are wondering “What should I write about?” you can grab your handy writer’s notebook and have an entire large list of ideas ready at your fingertips.
I hope these tips help prompt great writing for you!
Now get out there and write something!
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