5 Frightening Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
What do we do with mythical creatures?
Do we make mythical creatures more magical and whimsical? Or do we prefer frightening mythical creatures?
We’d say any type of mythical creature you decide to bring to life through your story is worth writing and worth hearing about.
With that in mind, how do we make our mythical creatures more frightening?
Our mythical creatures become scarier the more they surprise your reader and shock your reader with the danger that lurks behind their every move, every slither, every hiss, and every twitch.
See if this list of frightening mythical creatures isn’t frightening enough for you.
#1. Leedas
These ancient creatures are specters. They look like ordinary women in the dark, but the sunlight shows their true hideous form.
Their eye sockets are empty and they have a long snake-like tongue that they use to drain the blood from their victims.
They lure unsuspecting men, women, and children into dark corners of the streets and drink them.
A nasty side effect of being bitten by one of these creatures is they leave their prey mute.
“Speak no evil.”
#2. Veins
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Veins are creatures that only live in remote jungles no one dares to go. They feed off of any living thing that walks over them.
They look like roots that shoot out of the ground and grab you and drag you underground to die and be absorbed, bones and all.
They hide underground, attaching themselves to the roots of trees as veinlings. They use the nutrients of trees to sustain themselves for centuries as they wait for flesh to awaken them.
When they feel the vibrations in the earth above them of someone or something walking nearby they are activated and looking to grab whatever is moving.
They don’t have eyes. They only feel the vibration of the ground so if you see them reaching for you throw something to hit the ground away from you and hope that you can run fast enough that they won’t reach you.
#3. Scapees

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Scapees are three-headed vipers that live near waterfalls in the jungle.
Each head has its own chemicals for a toxin so acidic that when all 3 toxins combine it will melt your flesh, muscle, and bones in seconds. All three heads must strike in order to get the toxins to combine and work properly.
If you’re lucky it’ll only cause one of your limbs to fall off, but your best chance is to cut off any of its heads rendering it ineffective.
They are too fast to run from and they are so aggressive that they target their victims and never stop striking until the prey is a puddle of melted tissue.
#4. Chimers
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Creatures that are similar to chimeras they live in small tribal communities. They are exclusive to their own kind.
Chimers are part human part animal. They do not look alike. Some have animal arms or legs, but human heads and chests. Some look mostly like humans but are hiding a tail, some only have one arm that is animal and the rest is human or one leg that is human but the rest of their body is completely animal.
Imagine a cow with one human leg or a human with an alligator tail.
The amount they are one or the other doesn’t matter to them as long as they are part human and part animal they are welcomed into a tribe as sacred.
Chimers are extremely private. If you ever see one you better hope it didn’t see you. As a tribe, they will hunt you to the ends of the earth until you are dead by any means necessary.
The mostly human ones can hide in plain sight until they poison you or stab you through the heart.
These creatures are extremely deadly and want the world to never see them or know about them by whatever means necessary.
When you hear of someone being killed by a remote tribe, they could have happened upon chimers by mistake thinking it was a human tribe.
Explorers be warned.
#5. Chuchus
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Chuchus are often mistaken for fairies, but they are not.
They are small humanoids and they have wings, but when they get close enough to you, you’ll wish they hadn’t.
They are much more insect looking then fairies. They have scorpion-like heads and a scorpion-like stinger hiding in their back.
If you thought scorpions were bad, imagine flying scorpions with devious minds.
Chuchus are torturers. They may not kill you outright, but their sting is the most excruciating sting on earth. There only purpose is to fly around and find other creatures to sting. Human or animal it doesn’t matter to them.
The sting is so painful, victims have been known to pass out, vomit, or even go into cardiac arrest from even the slightest scratch from its stinger.
And one sting leaves you throbbing pain for a week. If stung by one you might wish you were dead instead by the middle of the week. If you see one, do your best to kill it or run, but whatever you do don’t get stung and don’t get stung by more than one.
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Frightening mythical creatures lurk around every corner. They remain elusive in dark caves and dark street corners waiting for their next meal.
Use these frightening mythical creatures you’ve never heard of to make more of your own. Or use them in new stories that have yet to be written.
Write stories about them lurking in your fictional desert, mountain, forest, or sea.
Use their secret attributes to bring about frightening suspense and thrill as the character finds out a little too late the danger they are in.
The more you able to build up the moment the more the reader will feel the punch when you finally reveal the creature.
In your story don’t introduce the creature right away.
Write scenes where we hear about or see the remains of victims without knowing anything at all about what or who did it.
The rational world will go to animals they know about to try to explain what happened, but they’ll soon find out it is much worse.
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If you enjoy 5 Frightening Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of and writing in general, you might love owning a domain of your own where you can write about it? Ever want to own your own domain name (Yourname.com)?
Hopefully, you enjoyed 5 Frightening Mythical Creatures and can use these frightening mythical creatures descriptions to create and describe frightening mythical creatures of your own.
Hope this helps!
Happy writing!
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5 Frightening Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of

5 Frightening Mythical Creatures, You’ve Never Heard of
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